September 6-12, 2021

SarahMaxx Posts: 1,941 Member
LW: 130.2
TW: 129.0

Gosh it feels strange to type out a date that does not include August. I love fall and welcome cooler weather, but I'm already dreading the shorter amounts of daylight.

I managed to survive the dinner with friends for hubby's birthday and the cookout on Labor Day without gaining, but now I still have two dinners out with friends on the calendar that I have to navigate. My getting below 130 seemed to be triggered by that awful tongue and throat issue that made eating so painful, and I am really surprised that I have not just bounced right back to 132 or so now that that's better. Well, better except I still have a fissure down the center of my tongue. At least it does not hurt.

One of the things I will have to watch is the effect of allergy meds as we hit fall. I don't have the sneezing and stuffy nose that most folks get, but I have to deal with itching. As with so many things I complain about, my docs just don't understand the cause and just advise me to treat the symptoms. Today, it's my belly that itches! But I can deal with the body itching if, please God, that awful facial edema stays away.

My plan to be a little more relaxed with steps, seems to be working okay. I do try to be active at least 45 minutes to an hour every day, and tomorrow my class begins again, so I'll be doing the light weights, balance, stretching, etc. Here's my 7 day averages for last week:

Steps = 9,708
Stairs = 15 floors
Kcals burned = 1,748

I find it interesting that my burn is a little higher than it used to be even though my steps are fewer.

Lois, remind of when you're heading to Disney World. Having a little time with just hubby before the kids arrive sounds like a good plan. I'm sure you'll both enjoy that time.

Sheesh, hope your cookout went well and that the new roof is all complete. As I said, we're due a new one, too, and with the storms increasing everywhere, everyone needs a good roof. Regarding insurance, there was an article in the Washington Post today about the steep increases in the cost of both home and car insurance. Apparently that is happening everywhere (and will continue) because of more claims and increasing costs for repairing both cars and houses. I think the whole country is having to share the effects of having so many homes and cars damaged by fire and flood and wind, and of course, if a fender bender costs $6K to fix . . .

Oh, well. Off to be productive. Looking forward to hearing from everyone. :)


  • wiredkell
    wiredkell Posts: 677 Member
    Sorry, I posted my update in last week's post.

    I love Fall too Sarah. Minus the allergies. I do get more sneezy but I'll take it as I love the cooler temps, the breeze and the nice colors. There's just something about Fall that brings me peace.
  • Lastchancelj
    Lastchancelj Posts: 1,312 Member

    UGH..I'm not surprised tho. We had a lot of carb heavy pasta and sandwiches. That really wreaked havoc with my tummy. But the trip was fantastic and I would do it all over again. Saturday dinner was celebrating their 17th anniversary. Sunday's promotion was held on the beach. We had four cabanas and lots of family and friends. We got to sit back and relax most of the day. It was wonderful. I took a gazillion pics on my camera - and lots of the grandkids playing in the waves. It was worth it. We left to come home later on Monday and had a pretty easy drive. Normal slow down spots, but generally flowing. I was thoroughly exhausted on Tuesday and so happy I took the day off. I had zero energy. We didn't sleep great while we were gone so both of us slept in and relaxed. Hubby worked that night and I returned on Wednesday.

    Kelly - your cabin looks wonderful. What a wonderful birthday present. How far of a drive is it from your home now? Reminds me of the cabin my Ma lived in when I would visit her in New Hampshire for the summers. Beautiful and I'm sure you'll be creating many happy family memories there. Enjoy them - they grow too fast and move away far too quickly.

    Sarah - great reduction! And you're like me where we clean everything in the house - even tho they will only be in a certain area. Ya just never know and in the end, I feel better. It's been a long time since we've had anyone other than the kids over for dinner etc. I don't even know if I know how to entertain

    Sheesh - hoping you had a grand time with the family (I believe you were getting together with some of them over the weekend).

    Busy week here - still working on the new software launch for the next month - so I'll be popping in/out as I am able to check back in.
  • GaGasheesh
    GaGasheesh Posts: 1,107 Member
    LW: 133.0
    TW: 133.2

    Sorry to be a day late for weigh-in yet again. Maybe look for me on Wed OR Thurs, lol.

    Kelly, OMG, such a darling place! I know you're going to love it, and make so many memories with kids, kid's friends, family, and your friends. Congratulations to you and Shawn.

    Sarah, the sofa feeling too firm is a common complaint with new sofas. It should soften up with time and usage, but some fillers don't soften as fast. Maybe talk to the people you bought it from to see what type of filler that sofa has, and then check around for an upholsterer who uses a softer one. (Foam?) What were your old sofa cushions filled with? If you liked it, you could just get the same so the new one feels more like what you're used to. And congrats on your reduction :)

    Lois, I'm happy to hear you had a good holiday weekend. The beach day especially sounds wonderful.

    We had a really fun Labor Day. We grilled outside, but had to eat inside because of drizzling on and off rain. But, like you said Sarah, the temps are down, so I'll take it. The next day, I was so worn out. I guess I'm getting too old to entertain very often. Hubby left this morning for his fishing in Alaska trip with friends. I had my trainer this morning, walked, did some housework, chatted on the phone for an hour with my Oregon daughter, and am totally enjoying the quiet now, lol!

  • GaGasheesh
    GaGasheesh Posts: 1,107 Member
    P.S. The roof is done, thank goodness. It looks great, my headache is gone, and I feel better about winter coming with a new roof. The fall weather here is perfect today, and the colors are coming on in the nearby mountains. Do I dare go for a hike alone? (I love to hike alone, but I'd better call a friend or hubby will scold me ;)
  • SarahMaxx
    SarahMaxx Posts: 1,941 Member
    Hi, all. Just taking a moment here to kvetch. Turns out that our car has been at the body shop for two full weeks and nothing has been done because--and get this--Geico has not approved the estimate. I swear that hubby told me that they had, but he doesn't remember it! (I know I told you gals that same day.) Anyway, when he called to check on the car today, they said Geico did not approve the estimate and that the next step is for them to negotiate. But they said they had not contacted Geico to do that yet!

    I'm glad I was at class when this phone call occurred because I know hubby when he's angry--he gets loud and emphatic. He told them this long of a delay is unacceptable and to get off their behinds. So the person he talked to told hubby that he'd call the Geico adjuster immediately and call him back. Which he did, but just to say that he got the adjuster's voicemail. That was around 9:30 this morning. Hubby called back around 4 p.m., and the fellow at the body shop said that he still had not heard back from the adjuster. This is very different from our experiences with the body shop and with Geico in the past. But what can we do but wait?

    And mentioning my class, I only had to lead on a couple of exercises, but another trainer and I watched the new people and helped them learn the routine. I spent so much time helping folks that I didn't get a good workout in myself. :/ We have one couple who are really bad! The wife especially seems unable to look at what the leader is demonstrating and do something pretty similar to that! And they both seem to be in very poor physical condition. The husband said his doctor told him to take the class. But the husband is also very nice and at the end of class he told me how much he appreciated my showing them how to do things correctly.

    So, I got a little exercise helping hubby plant chrysanthemums down the driveway and mulching them, but I really need to do some faster paced walking tonight, too. I am so afraid the scale will start inching back up. It took that terrible tongue thing to finally break the low 130's and I know it would be easy to bounce back to where I was before that.

    Hope all is well with everyone. Sheesh, when is your hubby due back with all that fresh salmon? :smile: Kelly, congratulations again on the cabin purchase, and Lois, I hope the software launch has not been too stressful.