Staying Thin and Working at A Desk

Hey Guys! Is there anyone out there (I'm sure there is) that has a pretty stand still office desk job? What do you do at work to help yourself stay fit instead of getting soft from sitting all day? This is my first job where I'm not up and moving around? I'm so worried I'm going to gain a lot of weight with this job!


  • FrankiesSaysRelax
    FrankiesSaysRelax Posts: 403 Member
    Log everything I eat, lift weights, try to be active on my lunch break (go for a walk). The most important thing for me is food. I bring 4-5 things to eat and schedule them throughout the day so I'm not stopping at the vending machines or starving when I get home
  • Shelby1582
    Shelby1582 Posts: 191 Member
    My job is sitting at a desk for 8 or 9 hours so I can relate. I try to get up at least every one or two hours but my office is small so I can't really go walk around inside. I'm in Texas so if I was to walk outside I would be drenched in sweat in 10 minutes. I eat a big breakfast in the morning and bring healthy snacks and lunches. I hate working at a desk but as soon as I get home I workout or go for a run. As long as I'm consistent with that I've been doing great.
  • redstuff
    redstuff Posts: 44 Member
    I got my desk configured so that I can stand up. I'm not sure that it burns that many more calories for me to stand up vs. sitting. However, I can stretch my hamstrings & quads while I'm working.