September 20-26, 2023

SarahMaxx Posts: 1,941 Member
LW: 129.4
TW: 128.8

Whew! Holding my own. Not a lot happening since I posted yesterday. Still dealing with the plumbing issue. Parts are in for the car, but it's a complex fix so we don't have a finish date. Hubby has moved his trip to see cousins in upstate PA to October. I heard from my second mall walking buddy today. I have mixed feelings because I suspect she has not addressed her mental health issue. But I may schedule something to see how it goes. I replied that I'm not free today or tomorrow, but perhaps we can meet for a walk once the rain from the tropical storm passes through here. We expect a few wet days between Friday and mid-week next week.

Last night I went to see a friend that I used to see regularly but have not seen in a few months because of her work schedule and her training for a half-marathon. It was nice to see her and also meet a couple of her friends that I didn't know. One is her running coach, one is a fellow runner. They are interesting women. Wish I had returned to running after my injury in my early 30s. Instead, I became the overweight work-a-holic who finally found a bodybugg and you guys. :) And by that time, my knees and hips were saying, "just walk."

Sheesh, I know you have a birthday coming up soon, and we'll be the same age again! (As Lois would say, "Bwah-ha-ha!"). Wish I had been born in a month with nicer weather. My sister shares Kelly's birthday in October and when she was able, she and her husband would plan a nice trip to see the fall foliage as a combined birthday gift to each other. His birthday was yesterday.

Today, I'm dealing with paperwork related to medical insurance. All of my rates are going up in 2023. Honestly, medical costs are going to kill us someday. Kelly, Canadians are lucky. Our system sucks. I'm also planning to get a good outdoor walk in while we have sunshine.

Before I go, here's my 7-day averages for the past week:

Steps = 10,228
Kcals burned = 1,690
Stairs = N/A (my fitbit counts the hills on my hilly outside route as stairs, so it's an inflated number. The good thing is that the hills are steep enough to do that! :smile:

Looking forward to hearing from everyone later today or tomorrow.


  • Lastchancelj
    Lastchancelj Posts: 1,312 Member
    edited September 2023
    LW 218.8
    TW 219.4

    Dag nab it. I was super hungry this week. I didn't have enough veggies on hand to handle my hunger and resorted to baby bell cheese and almonds (I think as many as four cheese with five almonds each time and extra I'm sure). I would crunch an almond as someone got me frustrated. Anyhow, that's all on me.

    Sarah - glad the parts are at least ordered and it is moving forward. I hate health insurance. our company presented our new plan and kept saying how "rich" the plan is. Buahaha. Yeah, if we just look at our premiums - yes they went down slightly for the families, but an increase in deductible, more in total out of pocket and then a co-pay after reaching max out of pocket and losing the cool activity portion with gift I'm in the hold. So let's pray we don't have to meet the deductible...its a high deductible with HSA so we basically pay cash rates until the deductible is met.... Ah well... it is life.

    We now have a target launch date for my sales team...and i discovered that I can't access a portion of the program without vpn connection, and of course I'm not set up with that little tidbit since I gave up my local desktop in the office. So waiting on IT to get me set up and connected.

    I have not been out walking after work as I had been planning. I truly must get focused. I've become Sarah in that I'm tied to my desk past my true working hours and then just exhausted mentally which affects my physical drive. excuse I know, but I could not get my butt up yesterday.

    So my cousin and her grandson are participating in singing the national anthem this Sunday at the Nationals game. Be sure to watch them!! Here’s a snip of their rehearsal. Woot woot. They are both in the back row.
  • GaGasheesh
    GaGasheesh Posts: 1,107 Member
    LW: 132.8
    TW: 133

    Argh. Yesterday I weighed 132.6, but we went out to golf 18 holes (it's beautiful here) and then to see the movie "A Haunting in Venice", which was just okay. But, I ate a lot of popcorn. :/

    Congrats on your reduction Sarah! You're doing so great. . and I admire your patience and kindness in dealing with your class attendees. I'm sure it's a reminder to take care as we age. Your steps are really amazing . . you don't need to run when you're walking that much.

    I can't believe the hassle with your car getting fixed. That's been kind of an ordeal. We got our notice about renewing Medicare and supplemental today. . I'm sure ours will be going up also. I hope life settles down with no more big expenses for you! Our roof was a big one . . no more please!

    Yes, speaking of age, I do have a birthday next week. Hubby is taking me up to the Park City area, we're staying a few nights at "The Homestead" which has a golf course, spa, nice restaurant. There are a number of beautiful golf courses in the area, and we're playing on day 1, day 2 is spa treatments, day 3 is golf at another nearby course. On my birthday, we're going into Park City for dinner. It will be nice to be up in the mountains as the colors are starting to pop. Last year my family came into town and we did my favorite hike near our cabin, and soon after we closed on the sale of it. :'( So, I'll be glad to be playing in the mountains again. I still plan to do that same hike again before winter comes. I don't need to have a cabin to do it, right?

    Lois, I can tell you're getting really excited about your upcoming trip, and I'm getting excited for you. It's such a fun place. I'm sure you'll have a great time.

    Well, I have family zoom coming up soon, so I'll check back.

  • SarahMaxx
    SarahMaxx Posts: 1,941 Member
    Lois, I so feel you with the "staying at the desk" thing. For me it was always deciding between staying late or not staying but then having my brain sifting through all the things I didn't get done. Neither seemed like a good option. And a half pound can just be water. So just stay the course.

    Sheesh, the birthday plans sound wonderful. We have no color yet, so I envy that. And I do love mountains, too, although our mountains are just hills compared to yours! I grew up in the foothills of the Smokey Mountains and have great memories of fall rides on Sunday afternoon to pick up some apples and see the foliage. And we've had some delightful weather too, but it's coming to an end tomorrow night. So I hope to get two more hilly route walks in. They're the reason my weight is not creeping up.

    And I decided to make a lunch date with my most recent walking buddy (not Toni, my original walking friend). That's set for next Wednesday. I'll see how it goes.

    Lois, thanks for sharing that link. I'll be sure to watch that Nationals game on Sunday, even though I know right now that the Braves are going to kick our behinds. They are the team most likely to make it to the World Series this year to represent the National League. Everyone here is wondering how we'll choose a team if the Baltimore Orioles make it to represent the American League. Do we pull for our league or our neighbors? Neighbors, I think, because the Braves won last year and the Orioles have done what the Nationals did in 2019, i.e., come from behind to be a surprise force.

    Things were a little easier in class today. That older woman's caretaker stayed in the room. In fact, she exercised with us although that's really not allowed since she didn't sign up and we have a waiting list, plus she didn't attend the first instruction class. But I think because this is a special case we will probably see if we can just sign her up, provided that's something she would like to do.

    And yes, I'm sure we're all getting news of price increases in our health care coverage (and everything else). I think I am going to check around for better prices for my supplemental policy. But then, less costs often means fewer services or more hassles, so I'm torn.

    Kelly, hope everyone is doing okay at your house. I know fall must be an especially hectic time for you with two young athletes. When are you guys going to settlement on the cabin?

  • GaGasheesh
    GaGasheesh Posts: 1,107 Member
    edited September 2023
    Lois, I don't know why your post wasn't there when I posted mine. How great that your cousin and grandson are participating in singing at the baseball game! I hope the launch with your team goes smoothly . . I know that's been very stressful and you'll be glad when it's done.

    Sarah, glad you're meeting up with your walking buddy again soon. I know how important that is to you. And, the caretaker doing the class with that older woman is better than having to do the class AND be the caretaker, so I'd say let her do it if it's allowed.

    I'm getting nervous about how many workouts I'm missing with my trainer . . she had to cancel yesterday due to a child home sick from school. I had to cancel Monday because an old friend is in town from Kansas and I'm meeting up with her Monday, then also cancelled Thurs due to our golf trip. Then, I also realized I have a treadmill stress test scheduled for the next Monday (doctor wants to check my heart) so I have to cancel that trainer day too! I guess I'm on my own for weight training. :/

    Hubby and I decided to go to the closing baseball game here on Sunday afternoon. I'll be pulling for the Nats also. I can't believe how fast summer went by.

    Kelly, check in when you can. Hope all is well with you and your family.

    Have a great weekend everyone.

  • SarahMaxx
    SarahMaxx Posts: 1,941 Member
    Lois, the game for today was cancelled due to the rain from Tropical Storm Ophelia. There's supposed to be a doubleheader tomorrow, but I think that's dependent on the how fast this storm moves out of here. If held, I wonder if your cousins will be singing prior to the first or the second game? I'll still be watching even though the Braves won Thursday and Friday, as expected.

    The plumbing drama continues. We received a new faucet today, but since my current one is no longer in stock, it's different and not one I'd choose on my own. Hubby got angry with me for not being happy with it after all the effort he put in to get a free new one. I think most of that reaction is due to the pain he's in and the fact that this new bout of neck pain started when he was trying to put in that new stopper thing for me. I'm confused because the tubing no longer seems to leak. Seems like the only leak is from the trap being loose. But when I tried to question that he got upset and told me he's finished with the faucet and that I have to make the decisions about my vanity going forward and that I also have to call and deal with the plumber myself. This is a good example of how pain wears a person down and turns a nice man into a cranky, hard-to-deal-with kind of fellow. :s So just send me some good thoughts.

    Sheesh, how nice that you're going to be able to see an old friend. I miss a lot of the people we've known who moved out of the area due to jobs or retirement. We called one of those yesterday to just catch up in more personal way than texts or PM's. To me, hearing a voice is so much better than just reading their words, although I'm grateful that we do now have so many ways to communicate. And I'm sure it's frustrating to have to miss so many trainings. I also get nervous when something comes up and I can't walk or I have to miss my class. But I sometimes find that taking a break and then getting back to it seems to give my metabolism a little boost. Same thing with food. I'll have a day when I'm just hungry all day and figure my weight will spike up. And it might for a day or two, but then it seems to actually go down a bit.

    Well, time for me to try to get a few things done and get my head off that faucet argument and on to something more positive and productive.
  • GaGasheesh
    GaGasheesh Posts: 1,107 Member
    Oh boy, Sarah. Sorry about a cranky hubby. You’re not alone with that. My hubby has pain and I know it affects his moods. Unfortunately, it seems like I’m cranky more than he is, 😂 It’s just life with another person around all the time. I hope your faucet issue is behind you soon, as well as the Ophelia.

    We met my longtime friend and her hubby for brunch today. It was so good to see her. We realized we’ve been friends for about 55 years! We used to hang out so much, the three of us with my friend who died from breast cancer. I hated it when she moved away because it felt like a double loss, but she wanted to be closer to her son and grandkids. He’s a doctor and has 3 boys. Her daughter never married and has no children. So, she did what made her happy, so I’m happy for her. We vowed to keep in touch better.

    I probably won’t log in on Wednesday due to
    our little trip, so I’ll check in later this week. I’m sure my weight will be up. We’re having dinner at “The Riverhorse on Main” in Park City for my birthday. Very good food, and I plan to enjoy myself :D

  • Lastchancelj
    Lastchancelj Posts: 1,312 Member
    Sarah - so sorry for cranky hubby - hubby and I also get that way when we are in pain and frustrated. Hugs. And my cousin did post them singing on the field. I wonder if that is all that happened for the game that day.

    Sheesh- just in case you haven't left yet and check in HAPPY EARLY BIRTHDAY!!!! I hope it is an amazing day and trip.

    Good news - I've been walking!!! Having to wake up at 545 am every morning to make the Disney dining reservations for our trip - it's too hard to go back to sleep and feel decent so I've been staying up and walking before my shower once the reservations were complete. This morning, I actually had more time and got in my full two miles!! Not expecting any reduction tomorrow morning - I'll report whatever it is.
  • SarahMaxx
    SarahMaxx Posts: 1,941 Member
    Yeah, Lois. Two miles is great. Not so long ago, I know you couldn't envision this. When are leaving for Disney? I know you're getting super excited about that well-deserved break and some family fun.

    And Happy Birthday, Sheesh. I hope you're getting some beautiful early fall weather. <3

    Today is the day I meet my second walking buddy for lunch. I'm a little apprehensive. Will check back and let you guys know how it goes.

    The plumbing issue is now behind us. Hubby calmed down and said he would deal with the plumber after all. I decided that although I don't like the new faucet sent to us from the manufacturer as well as
    I liked the old one, it made sense to make the change since it will be easier to keep the drain clean without using chemicals. Also, since they no longer make the piping like the old one had, if anything else goes wrong, we'd have to change anyway.

    And finally, thanks for letting me know that others deal with the pain/crankiness issue. At least I can blow off steam here and know that you understand.