Weight No More Team Chat - NOVEMBER 2023



  • BodyTalking
    BodyTalking Posts: 2,001 Member
    edited November 2023
    My actual goals I've achieved/missed so far this week:

    🟥🟧🟨🟩🟦🟪🟫 (Mon-Sun)
    🥴🥴🥴⚪⚪⚪⚪ Exercises
    🩷🧡💛💚⚪⚪⚪ Walk/Cardio
    🩷🧡💛💚⚪⚪⚪ Eat healthily
  • izzified
    izzified Posts: 30 Member
    Weigh in
    PW: 337 lbs
    CW: 335.8 lbs
  • daria0919
    daria0919 Posts: 781 Member
    Also, I used to do this with every weigh-in, but since I've got a very full plate tomorrow, I'll do an update now...

    As of this past Sunday, I am an NASM Certified Personal Trainer!
    Let's just say that my Personal Training Certification was taken as less of an accomplishment and more of an attack.

    Congratulations @minstrelofsarcasm on obtaining your Personal Training Certification!!
    👏🏻 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,216 Member
    There is another new member coming your way for December. Please welcome @Lisa_Marie64 !
  • sydditt
    sydditt Posts: 601 Member
    @minstrelofsarcasm Congrats!!! That’s a lot of hard work! Will you be working out of a local gym or doing it freelance?

    @BodyTalking Thank you for the great explanation. I’m going to see if I can come up with my version. I love seeing the colors on all of the pages.

    @melaniedscott I have a friend that does a wall sit while she brushes her teeth. 😜

    @daria0919 Did you make it to the gym tonight?

    I had another heinous day and rushed home in horrible traffic so I could do a 3 min change and get to weightlifting class with my daughter. I realized on my way home that I hadn’t eaten since breakfast and pounded Greek yogurt, chia seeds, and cooked chicken breast at the stop lights.

    Non-Scale Victory - I realized yesterday that my dress pants felt looser. Up to this point I’ve lost all the weight (15 pounds total) in my face and boobs with zero change to my waist and hip measurements. It had been 3 weeks since I’d measured, and I’ve been lazier with the food and had only lost 2 lbs in the last 3 weeks. Well….I may have only lost 2 lbs in 3 weeks, but I lost 1.5” around the waist and an inch on my hips! 😁
  • sydditt
    sydditt Posts: 601 Member
    edited December 2023

    🟥🟧🟨🟩🟦🟪⬛️ (Mon-Sun)
    ❤️🧡💛💚⚪️⚪️⚪️ (Protein/Fiber)
    ❤️🧡💛💚⚪️⚪️⚪️ (Planned Exercise)
    ☹️🧡☹️☹️⚪️⚪️⚪️ (Steps 5k+)
  • daria0919
    daria0919 Posts: 781 Member
    sydditt wrote: »
    @melaniedscott I have a friend that does a wall sit while she brushes her teeth. 😜
    What a great idea! I’m gonna try it while brushing my teeth tonight!
    @daria0919 Did you make it to the gym tonight?
    Yes! Met hubby there. I did 3 miles on the treadmill - was very happy we went.
    I had another heinous day and rushed home in horrible traffic so I could do a 3 min change and get to weightlifting class with my daughter. I realized on my way home that I hadn’t eaten since breakfast and pounded Greek yogurt, chia seeds, and cooked chicken breast at the stop lights.

    Non-Scale Victory - I realized yesterday that my dress pants felt looser. Up to this point I’ve lost all the weight (15 pounds total) in my face and boobs with zero change to my waist and hip measurements. It had been 3 weeks since I’d measured, and I’ve been lazier with the food and had only lost 2 lbs in the last 3 weeks. Well….I may have only lost 2 lbs in 3 weeks, but I lost 1.5” around the waist and an inch on my hips! 😁
    Congrats on the NSV @sydditt! I’ve heard over and over that women lose weight I their face and boobs before their waist. Awesome that you’ve lost 1.5 inches in the waist and hips!

  • melaniedscott
    melaniedscott Posts: 1,354 Member
    Also, I used to do this with every weigh-in, but since I've got a very full plate tomorrow, I'll do an update now...

    As of this past Sunday, I am an NASM Certified Personal Trainer!

    FOOD -

    I have been snacking a lot the last couple months, without really checking myself or questioning why I was turning to food as a coping mechanism again. And while a lot of the foods I've been munching on haven't been unhealthy, I have been consuming larger portions than normal.


    On the other hand, I've been great about getting my activity in. I typically do lower body exercises on Mondays and Thursdays, upper body on Tuesdays and Saturdays, and cardio on Wednesdays and Fridays. Sometimes it shifts, sometimes an extra rest day is thrown in, but moving around has never really been an issue for me. I frequently joke that working out before getting to the office makes me more palatable around my coworkers, and it's honestly pretty close to the truth. Rarely have I ever left the gym in a worse mood than when I arrived, even if I started my day thinking that a workout would be the end of me.

    I've also been attending spin class again, as one of my two cardio days. It's the same company, but a different location, with different instructors, so there's far less drama but a familiar format. The class has never been "easy", but I feel confident on a bike, and there are definitely points in every class where I feel like I am showing off. After over 1100 classes, I might as well push myself a little bit.

    MINDSET - okay, mostly just venting

    The holiday season is stressful, always has been for me. Everyone in my family claims to be on a "diet" but then finds every excuse to snack or have dessert or stop for a treat, all while being upset with me when I suggest anything that isn't in their definition of healthy. It's the time of year where I get to explain that carbs aren't evil, low-fat food is typically loaded with extra sugar and salt, diet soda isn't necessarily better for you, just because something contains fruit doesn't mean it's healthy... all the hits.

    It's an added bonus that my sister is using an off-brand version of Ozempic and thinks that losing a few pounds makes her a health expert, all while my mom is telling people that her new skinny arms are a product of healthy choices rather than liposuction. Let's just say that my Personal Training Certification was taken as less of an accomplishment and more of an attack.

    Wow. That sounds so much like the family I walked away from, it hurts. I am so glad you have space from them the rest of the time. Big congrats on the certification!🥳🍾🎉 Family should celebrate your success, not feel threatened by it. Take care of yourself the next several weeks!
  • BodyTalking
    BodyTalking Posts: 2,001 Member

    Here's another way you can track your daily achievements. You can either print it out and tick the boxes or colour them in, or keep a digital image and edit each day. I'll also post a blank one so you can add your own goals.


  • BodyTalking
    BodyTalking Posts: 2,001 Member

    These are the things I use at home when I'm properly exercising. Autumn didn't see much use of these but maybe Winter will 😊

    Also, here's a link to my collection of videos for exercising
  • minstrelofsarcasm
    minstrelofsarcasm Posts: 2,329 Member
    sydditt wrote: »
    @minstrelofsarcasm Congrats!!! That’s a lot of hard work! Will you be working out of a local gym or doing it freelance?


    Non-Scale Victory - I realized yesterday that my dress pants felt looser. Up to this point I’ve lost all the weight (15 pounds total) in my face and boobs with zero change to my waist and hip measurements. It had been 3 weeks since I’d measured, and I’ve been lazier with the food and had only lost 2 lbs in the last 3 weeks. Well….I may have only lost 2 lbs in 3 weeks, but I lost 1.5” around the waist and an inch on my hips! 😁

    @sydditt -

    First, congrats on the NSV! Actually feeling the changes makes such a difference when it comes to motivation, doesn't it? So happy for you!

    As for what I'll be doing with the certification, I'm not sure yet. I'm not quitting my day job, but I definitely have the bandwidth to teach a couple group fitness classes or design a weekly workout program independently if I choose to. Originally, my plan was to become a coach at my local F45, but I am keeping my options open until my life calms down a bit after the holidays. Life decisions are not a December thing.
  • minstrelofsarcasm
    minstrelofsarcasm Posts: 2,329 Member
    sydditt wrote: »
    What are you favorite workouts, and do you all have indoor equipment to workout on? I’m struggling with the short days!

    I completely forgot to respond to this.

    I've been a bit all over the place when it comes to working out. I started in boutique fitness studios: CycleBar, OrangeTheory, F45, SPENGA... I still go from time to time, but now I'm mostly in a standard gym and split my time 60/40 between resistance and cardio training of my own design. I've also got a personal trainer who helps me push myself.

    During the onset of the pandemic, I acquired a bunch of indoor equipment so I could get a workout in from home. I have a couple yoga mats, a foam roller, a set of dumbbells, two (three?) sets of resistance bands, and a kettlebell. There's a LOT that you can do with the basics.
  • daria0919
    daria0919 Posts: 781 Member
    edited December 2023
    @minstrelofsarcasm and @melaniedscott please change my weigh in day to Saturday. I had been doing Sunday. My logical math brain keeps feeling confused with a Sunday weigh in day 😂😆 as far as how our ‘weeks’ for losing weight go.
  • sydditt
    sydditt Posts: 601 Member
    Weigh-in day: Friday
    PW 187.4
    Nov 3: 185.4
    Nov 10: 183.3
    Nov 17: 184.1
    Nov 24: 184.7
    Dec 1: 182.0

    GW (Nov): 180
    Plan: Strength training, daily walk, Protein 100g+, Fiber 25g+
    Age: 48
  • minstrelofsarcasm
    minstrelofsarcasm Posts: 2,329 Member
    daria0919 wrote: »
    please change my weigh in day to Saturday. I had been doing Sunday. [/b]

    @daria0919 - You got it! You may weigh in on this coming Saturday if you'd like - it will replace the update you provided this past Sunday - otherwise your first official weigh-in for December is December 9th.

  • daria0919
    daria0919 Posts: 781 Member
    daria0919 wrote: »
    please change my weigh in day to Saturday. I had been doing Sunday. [/b]

    @daria0919 - You got it! You may weigh in on this coming Saturday if you'd like - it will replace the update you provided this past Sunday - otherwise your first official weigh-in for December is December 9th.
    @minstrelofsarcasm let’s use my Sunday weight. I’ll do my next weigh in Saturday December 9th. Thanks!
  • ljdanny
    ljdanny Posts: 2,082 Member
    Cw 187.8
  • ljdanny
    ljdanny Posts: 2,082 Member
    I don't think I did my weight check in this week. It has been very busy at work and home. I have my work Christmas party tonight. Its bowling, I'm not sure if I will be able to bowl. I am in so much from my back down through my left leg. I am getting a shot in my back on Thursday. Hoping it helps but not hopeful. I would love to start walking again.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,216 Member
    You have a new member on the way for December - welcome @sideone !
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,216 Member
    The December team chat is open! Let's start the last round of (re)introductions for 2023, set some goals for finishing off the year, and getting some realistic commitments settled:

    Finish weigh-ins and exercise stats here through the end of Saturday, and head to the new month for new stuff :smiley:
This discussion has been closed.