November 8-14, 2023

SarahMaxx Posts: 1,941 Member
LW: 128.4
TW: 128.4

Well I managed to hold steady even though my 7-day average steps (11,809) were much lower than last week, and so was my average kcals burned (1,784). I can't really blame the weather because we had warmer temps than initially forecast and I was able to walk outside on several days. Hubby even went with me to walk on Sunday afternoon. It was a beautiful day and we went to a different park than we usually frequent. It's a 1,300 acre park that has more than 20 miles of hard surface trails. We took a trial that goes around the edge of the lake, and although many trees had lost their leaves, there was a still a little color and it was just peaceful and relaxing. I love that fall smell in the air!

As far as intake, I did not do so well with limiting sugar. That darned Halloween candy kept calling my name. I need to pack it up and put it away. Thankfully our baker friend did not pop by with homemade cookies, cupcakes, etc.

It has been a fairly busy week with some financial paperwork that also required some running around, classes, volunteer work, and vet and other appointments. Regarding vet appointments, I have a much lighter pocketbook now because of them! Vet visits and pet medications run much more than those for humans.

I also made reservations for a trip later in the month to see the Christmas displays at Longwood Gardens in Kennett Square, PA, and I got tickets for early December to a Titanic exhibit at the National Harbor. In some ways, it's nice to do things online, but sometimes, I like to deal with a place directly, so I was surprised when I called a Hilton hotel in PA and was told that they cannot make reservations any longer. So I had to call the reservations line and talk with a young woman who spoke limited English and could not answer questions that were not in her script. I had the same problem with the company that has my prescription coverage. Get this. They called me regarding preauthorization to refill a script, told me it was authorized, and then transferred me to a customer service rep who was to give me some additional information. That person also seemed to be reading from a script and immediately asked me for my account number. I said that I didn't have the number available because they had called me and I answered the phone on a different floor in my home than where my prescription card was located. (You'd assume that if they called me, they had my account info on the screen in front of them.) Long story short, I ended up getting nowhere and finally just thanked the young man and went on my merry way. When I picked up the medication it became obvious that the additional information should have been that this allergy med is a tier 5 drug in my plan and that even though I recently met my deductible, the cost was going to be significant. :s

So on we go my friends. I'm sure that I'm not alone in finding out that even though things are automated, it does not mean that they are going to be easy or quick!

And I just looked at the time. We have to take the car that was in the accident back to the body shop in a few minutes. The day we picked it up, they said it would have been ready the day before but they could not get the horn fixed and had to take it to a Lexus dealer for that. So imagine hubby's surprise yesterday when he tapped the horn to alert a driver who was sitting at a green light and no sound came out! Trust me when I say that in this area, one cannot safely drive without a horn. So back we go. (And no, I have not prayed for patience lately, but I sure am getting a lot of chances to practice it!)


  • GaGasheesh
    GaGasheesh Posts: 1,107 Member
    LW: 133.4
    TW: 133.2

    Bouncing around. . . sorry to post late in the day. It's been so crazy busy with me. We went down to daughter's to sit with the 2 year old so mommy and daddy could get away for a little "baby moon" before the busy holidays and new baby come. It was very fun, but so exhausting. We've had end of year stuff going on . . Medicare Insurance meeting, a property sale in a town 2 hours north of us that's been held in my hubby's father's trust. It's a waaaaayy too long story, but his cousins are involved with it and it's always been a huge nightmare, and the sale is proving no different. We're leaving Friday for Oregon for 4 days also. Anyway, I only had time to report my weight here tonight, and I'll be back tomorrow to catch up on reading your posts.

  • Lastchancelj
    Lastchancelj Posts: 1,312 Member
    LW 217.7
    TW 219.6

    We had the picnic on Saturday and just general not eating well. Made one of the recipes from the program site. Eating it, not tasty at all... that's been the biggest challenge. Nothing is tasty. At least with Lance's stuff there was some tastier stuff. I dunno. Disney is in 2 weeks. I'll see what I want to do when I get back. Also not being super strict because of the tummy upset I had on Sat night and Sunday from eating non-program foods and I do want to enjoy whatever it is we decide to snack on at Disney and not be in terrible discomfort. So, until Dec. 1...I'm not going to focus on the numbers. Also, with Disney being in the 2 week window, I am getting in my 2 mile walks. and I'm getting too bored with the routine, and it's also getting very dark early (we don't time change). I really miss my trails. So I'm out the door at 5pm and back before 6 and it's dark. I changed it up and head to our park nearby and walk two circuits before coming back into our neighborhood to walk my 1 mile loop. I need to start wearing my compression socks. My left leg is still quite swollen and I need to be used to it for Disney. Hoping the weather is cool enough there to wear them with my yoga pants or jeans.

    Sarah - great job maintaining!!!! You're doing awesome. Keep it up. Sorry to hear you have to take the car back in, maybe get him a bike horn to use in the interim (I joke).

    Sheesh - glad to hear your daughter is still keeping that little one in the oven. Moms to be now adays - baby moon? I've only just heard of this. Why didn't I think of this 35 years ago??? I Love it!! Enjoy your family time.

    Well, my bff in California, remember the one I couldn't get up to see his dad when we were there for my son in law's promotion? Well, his dad passed away last Friday. I never did make it back out to see him. I did facetime him once, but I wish I could have gotten one more hug. So now we're waiting for the services. I will move heaven and earth to be there. The only time I can't go is while we are Disney, however, my friend did tell me they are targeting the first/second week of December. I may be in Cali longer than just the Disney days. That also means we may be taking both of our cars so hubby and the kids can come back to school/work. I can stay at my daughters and work. He's meeting with the mortuary today, so I should have dates tomorrow. I've got some game plans depending on the timing. Hug those elderly folks as often as you can (and we the younger ones as one never knows). His dad was almost 91, but still appeared to be hanging in. They thought they had some time for him to come home.

  • SarahMaxx
    SarahMaxx Posts: 1,941 Member
    Woke up to a cold, rainy day. We went to get the car from the shop (again) after hubby got out of PT this morning, but before he could get home, that warning message came up again. Took it back to the shop and they determined that it's a faulty headlight and they have to contact GEICO about replacing it. (Headlights used to be inexpensive, but now they're quite the opposite!) So we wait. After all this, I am certainly getting more anxious about how much car insurance will cost us next year and if GEICO will even renew. I THINK they will because we've been with them more than 30 years and until recently had few claims and no really big ones, but I guess I'll have to wait and see. Car, HVAC, plumbing, what other expenses can I add? Oh, yes--$700 in vet bills this month! And Christmas expenses coming! But I know. It's just money and aggravation, and so I'm doing my best to stay grateful.

    Lois, walking 2 miles is really making progress! Does the activity help with the swelling or make it a little worse? And regarding food, I can't remember what program you're on now, but I hope when you get back from Disney you'll be able to find something that includes food you enjoy.

    Sheesh, I hope you had a good flight to Oregon today. I know you're excited about seeing your daughter's home now that the work is complete, and of course time with the grands . . . :smile:

    We decided to take the chance that not as many people would be venturing out today in this miserable weather and went to the CVS in Target for our Covid boosters and flu shots. We both got RSV a few weeks ago. I figured Friday would be a good day since I have a few days before I teach class again to get over any soreness or other side effects. Glad that's done. I learned this morning that yet another person I know has come down with Covid. So it is out there. :s

    Well, just dropped in to check for new posts before I try to accomplish a few more things on my to-do list. Enjoy the weekend everyone.