What calories are you trying to stay within.

I have been on it for 2.5 weeks. I had good results the first week, but reverted to bad eating habits the 2nd week. I'm trying to do 1300 to 1400 calories.


  • mrrick51
    mrrick51 Posts: 18 Member
    edited November 2023
    I started with about 400, staying close to that regularely. My dietition suggested that my metabolism had slowed to accomadate the lower caloric intake and thought based on my desired weight I should be aiming for 1800 a day with more balanced catgories, 35% carb, 35% protein and the rest fat calories. While that seems to be working for me to help increase my metabolism, it may or may not be something for you. I'm 6 foot tall and trying to go from the 220's to 195.