Not new to lifting, but took a (long) break!

Sta827 Posts: 24 Member
Hi all, I hope there are still active members in this group. I’ve recently started back to the gym, lifting and doing cardio. I came back to MFP to track my macros to ensure I’m getting enough protein and not too many calories.

The layout is so different than it used to be, I still haven’t quite figured it out. I’m happy to see a a group with the focus being on fitness rather than weight loss. Joining the weight loss challenges isn’t always going to work for me, since my focus is more on body composition.

My first goal is to get to 30% body fat, what ever I weigh at that point, I weigh. I’ll also be putting in lean muscle so I’m not sure what the scale will say that point.

Anybody else doing something similar?



  • BlkBltCoachVic
    BlkBltCoachVic Posts: 3 Member
    I think I am in the same boat. I found that I may not be eating enough, and I want to put on more muscle. I too left MFP for a number of years and just returned today to find the set up is different, and I don't know how to work my macros. I am looking for help in navigating the whole macros thing - especially for me - a mature woman with a crazy busy lifestyle that is focused on body composition more than losing weight - I want to burn the fat (of course) and build/ define muscle.