Unaccepted Invitations

Ceriusly1 Posts: 5,755 Member
edited December 2023 in Social Groups
I've posted the Winter Team Links to the original signup discussions on this page, with a list of the unaccepted invitations.

If you have not joined your team yet, check for your name on the team discussion where you signed up. Click the link and you should be able to join your team.

If you have decided not to participate please let us know so we don't waste time trying to track you down.

If you have not received an invitation yet, it's because you were waiting for a specific team. Be assured you will be invited just as soon as I can see where you are most needed.

All invitations must be accepted by Sunday 12/31 or they will be removed and passed to someone who is waiting for a team.

Thanks for your patience!

Important information for future challenges:
1. Post your seat request on the new Community as soon as possible.
2. Join your new team quickly so we know you are eager to participate.

This discussion has been closed.