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Consistency is more important than perfection.



  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,475 Member
    Vail - believe it or not i totally get that feeling of being pressured into it by others... comments like "what are you waiting for just get it done" like it's not even a big decision. I also find in those situations its almost like they look at me like i'm stupid.. like "duh.. what's there to think about just do it".. (that may not be their intention, but in the past i have felt the comments like that come across as almost condescending or as you said, they ooze disapproval if i say im just thinking about it.. havent decided... (im not talking about a hip replacement of course.. but just similar kind of responses)

    your reasons are your own and feeling like u r being pressured at times is NOT silly in any way, shape or form!! I would be scared silly frankly at the thought of having to have a hip or knee replacement, even tho i have several friends who have had both (great hip results but with mixed results on one of the knee ones). I definitely think if you can talk to your surgeon and if you aren't having bad pain now he will probably have a better idea of where to guide you... but you stick to your guns Vail.. if it's not right for you to make the decision now, that's perfectly fine. it's your body and your decision on what you wanna have done with it no matter what anyone tells you!!

    its funny you mentioned that for you new recipes etc wouldnt work.. as you both know i hate to cook anyway lol.. and worse yet the decision making process of WHAT to make... so as i was kinda focusing on just protein and veg for the longest time i got into the habit of dinner being some kind of protein (usually chicken or fish occasional small steak or pork loin, and then i would literally just open 3 or 4 bags of frozen veg and dump them in the same pot with a bit of water .. until i realized that every night dinner was pretty much the same thing just diff protein diff veg but it worked for me for a long time.. of course had some dinners out too and occasionally soup and a sandwich instead... but basically it was much easier for me to stick to the same sort of thing every night.. and that's so weird for me because while i love leftovers ... eating the "same" thing every night is not normally my thing lol...

    my big prob these days is breakfast... i now usually have a small bowl of shredded wheat with bran and a few apple cinnamon cheerios sprinkled on top and occasionally a banana sliced up... but i get sooo bored with that yet im too lazy to scramble some eggs instead or make some oatmeal... so even tho im bored silly with that brekkie it still usuallly ends up being the same thing every day lol.. i hadnt really realized that until u were talking about its easier for u to stick to easy known things!

    Suzy... you know both Vail and i completely understand as we have both regained losses over the years and in my case, regained ABOVE even where i was when i started.. so we understand!! It sounds like you have reached that point where you are ready to make some changes .. gentle hugs and know we're here for you anytime!

  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,480 Member
    Have you seen the nutrionist yet, Suzy? I'd be interested in what advice you got and how it was tailored to you and your hubby.

    Thank you both for understanding about my concerns about surgery! I am probably going to go for it if they say I can, but we'll see.

    I have not been good with my eating. Yet again, I start off well, then something throws me off, usually work as it's stressful and there's lots of sweet stuff in the office. I feel like I can't remember how I lost the weight last time, but I was definitely more active then so it was easier. I think I need to find something in my life that I can substitute for eating, if you know what I mean!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,381 Member
    I definitely know what you mean. I find that I do most of my mindless snacking while sitting in front of the tv or computer. If I could just find something else to do then maybe I wouldn’t snack. I’m learning how to knit and you can’t snack if you’re doing that. lol.

    The earliest appointment I could get with the nutritionist was December 19. I’ll let you know how it goes.
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,480 Member
    Good idea about the distraction of keeping your hands busy knitting! I have been keeping a food diary, and it's work that's the big factor, and in fact I can see my weight going up when I've been at work and coming down at the weekends! So all the work I'm doing at home to control eating is getting cancelled out at work.

    The plan I've been moving towards is to bring a LOT of healthy food into work, so I don't end up eating my little lunch then working late and turning to the sweet food that's in there. So actually doing about 80% of my calorie intake at work, then having 20% when I get home. I'm not sure if that will work, but at least my overeating will be healthier!

    What worked for me before was to have a very small prepared lunch and eat it late, but not eat anything else at work. But I no longer seem to have any self-control and work is much busier and I have to eat at my desk while trying to work.

    The surgeon I saw didn't really talk through the pros and cons much so I just said I'd have the operation (because I might not get another chance).
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,480 Member
    Happy Thanksgiving, Suzy! I hope you're having a lovely time. You mentioned that your son and family might be able to make it. I hope they did but hope you have a nice holiday either way.
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,381 Member
    Thanks so much Vail! My son and his family did come last weekend. Unfortunately my daughter’s baby boy got sick so they didn’t come over because they didn’t want to chance getting the two month old sick. It gets complicated with all the little ones. My daughter’s family spent Thanksgiving with the in-laws so we were on our own. We went out to dinner with some friends. It was a strange Thanksgiving. First time I didn’t have to cook in decades! I kind of liked it.

    Everyone I talk to says they wish they had done the knee or hip replacement earlier so why put it off? Think of all the time you won’t spend in pain because you went ahead with it while you could still get out there and do stuff. My mom put off her knee replacement so long that she didn’t have time to get the other knee done before she was too old to do the rehab. Enjoy your life while you have it!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,475 Member
    Vail I remember the days when i was working and all the goodies were around.. it's a tough place!! Good strategy you came up with keep us updated how it's going! Oh wow on making your decision to do the hip replacement.. I understand why you decided to go ahead in case you don't get another chance, but its still a huge decision so can imagine you're a little stressed out over it. Weirdly enuf. my hair stylist was off sick for a few months; i knew he had arthritis in his shoulders (all those years of hairdressing!) but when i went to book an appointment last week they told me he was back .. lo and behold i get there an find out he actually had a HIP replacement!! I was like "huh" Hip?? you never mentioned your hip just your shoulders!! He said i know i didnt realize it til i went to put on a sock one day and couldnt.. he's back at work and honestly watching him i would never know he had it done. One of my pickleball friends in my retiree group just told me she had a hip replacement a few years ago too... just strange im only now finding out even more people who have had it than i realized!! Did you get a date for the surgery? I'm not sure how things work in the UK....

    Suzy thats so cool on the knitting! I tried to learn a few times (once from my grandmother who was a champion knitter) but i never figured out how to "finish" a piece... I was sort of the one who could knit a 12 foot long scarf but have no idea how to end it lol.. so good for you!! i hope your meeting with the nutrionist gives you some great info.. my sister recently had one for her kidney disease and found it very helpful so fingers crossed!! /i'm sorry you didnt get TG with the family due to the little one being sick, but score on not having to do the big dinner lol!! I'm glad u were able to spend it with friends .. and no dishes to wash either!!
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,480 Member
    I'm sorry it didn't work out for Thanksgiving with your grandson! But it's really nice that they wanted to spend it with you. They were probably right to keep away with such a young baby. I hope your daughter's son is better now. Quite nice to not have to cook though and just relax and enjoy it!

    Why put off the hip replacement, well, I've been doing a lot of reading and talking to the surgeon I saw, and they've told me that the replacement is purely for pain relief, and if I can put up with the pain it's better to wait. That it's not guaranteed, there may be complications and that it's likely to start failing in the next few years and revision surgeries are less successful. And it seems I won't get back to where I was as will still have to take care with the replacement (no jumping, no doing the splits, etc!): this is a bit of a worry for work. And the pain isn't that bad at the moment. What I've been told is that the pain isn't directly related to how bad the arthritis is, so could be that I could quite happily carry on with severe osteoarthritis if I could get my act together on the right sort of exercise (sometimes exercise makes it better, sometimes it makes it worse). Plus I have heart disease so an increased risk with having an operation. And my knees are so bad and worrying that I'll be disappointed when the hips done and I'm still stuck with these knees! And also worrying a bit about how I'll cope post-op!

    But I don't want to not say I'm going ahead then find in 6 months that it's got a lot worse and I have to try to go through the whole process of getting referred again! And a good point about people saying they wish they'd done it earlier. I feel I'm getting weaker and I'm blaming myself for not exercising enough, but there's no doubt it would be a lot easier to keep fit if my hip was fixed!

    Loving hearing all the positive stories of hip replacements!

    I'll see how it goes with bringing more food to work. So far, even being at home this weekend hasn't been good. I give in to the odd snack, and it's enough to make me gain weight or at least stop me losing. I did a spatchcock chicken in my air fryer today, so that should be a nice easy protein food for the next couple of days to have with salad.

  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,475 Member
    Morning - just wanted to check in and see how you are both doing. Nothing new here; still involved with the retiree group altho we had our big christmas party on Monday and that's it for this year until a lunch on Dec 30th .. I was able to meet up with old friends a few times this month which was lovely but as we know that equates to a lot of meals out.. i am trying to play pickleball a little more often to offset it as thats the only exercise i really get these days but my pants were pretty tight yesterday! its been too cold to do any walks here (with the wind yesterday it was -17C here yesterday ugh. LOL.. AND it's only Dec still have 2 more months of winter. But so far no snow here thank goodness; altho just a bit further north they have been slammed with snow already. Sadly our postal service has been on strike here for the past month which has ruined Christmas for so many who live in rural areas as well as many small businesses who rely on them for shipping - and other delivery svs like Fedex and Ups etc have started refusing any more orders as they are overwhelmed. It doesnt affect me personally as my sister and I don't exchange gifts anymore, or just a token something ( i did buy her a pair of earrings at a show a friend of mine had as she makes jewellery, but because i couldnt mail them to her i realized they matched a shirt i had really well, so i wore them to a lunch with friends instead LOL.. MAYBE i could just take a photo of me wearing them saying "thinking of you" ? LOL

    Anyway i know it gets crazy this time of year for a lot of people, but hope you have a sec just to pop in and let each other know all is well..
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,480 Member
    I'm sorry about your postal problems. That's really frustrating. I'm thinking of people who get medications, etc. through the post as well. Must be a worrying time. You did make me laugh with the earrings story, though!

    I have been useless this year with Christmas presents. I have bought loads for my grandson of course, but everybody else has been neglected. I think I'm going to do some last minute shopping on Amazon! If I could only think what to buy!

    I am finished with the meals out apart from a lunch at work, so I have no excuse now. My weight is a disaster. Despite everything, I am gaining and gaining. I've put on about 25 pounds now this year, and I'm really feeling it. I do think it's partly down to my hip. I am really struggling with exercise now, and of course it's a vicious cycle with the extra weight making it even harder!

    It is making me feel more like going ahead with the operation now, though.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,475 Member
    Glad i gave you a laugh with the earrings Vail.. not sure my sister would be quite as amused as we were though haha... yes i feel bad for the small businesses who rely on our postal service for delivery and for many who live in rural areas where its only our postal service who delivers there... looks like the govt is finally getting ready to step in and order them back to work "next week".. which is Christmas...

    i don't have any presents to buy for anyone other than my sister so I feel for those who still have to figure out the WHAT to buy for everyone... i actually used to find it quite stressful trying to figure that out so wish you good luck Vail!

    As for the weight gain.. you know both Suzy and I have both experienced that so know we are in your corner!! For SURE your hip probs impacting your ability to exercise has added an extra roadblock for you... and yes exactly as you said its that circle that does us in each time!! hang in there!!!!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,381 Member
    Sounds like weight gain is a common theme with all three of us. We just have to be more determined in the new year to get back to basics. I think we all know what we’re doing or rather, not doing that led us here. We will have to find work around for our pains, injuries, weather and illnesses. We can do this if we put our minds to it. We’ve done it before.

    Vail, I feel for you with this whole operation dilemma. It’s not an easy decision and it’s scary.

    I think I’m ready for Christmas. I do have a package to mail but they won’t be home until Christmas Eve so I want it to get there after Christmas. We’ll spend Christmas Eve visiting my parents at their assisted living home and Christmas Day at our daughter’s house. We’re keeping the grandkids overnight this Saturday. I just finished cataract surgery on Monday so hopefully I’ll be up for it. lol. Everything is still a bit blurry but it’s getting better.
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,480 Member
    I'm glad your eye surgery went well, Suzy. I hope you can see better now, and enjoy the grandkids!

    Yes, you are both right about hanging in there, and that we just need to work around all these challenges. The temptation is to just give up and eat more because I can't exercise much. I need to stop that kind of thinking!

    Work is so busy. Only a couple of days work before Christmas now. I'm exhausted!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,475 Member
    Vail and Suzy wishing you both a very Merry Christmas!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,381 Member
    Merry Christmas Snoozie and Vail! I hope you both have a good one!
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,480 Member
    Merry Christmas Suzy and Snoozie!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,475 Member
    Wishing you both a healthy and happy 2025 with new opportunities for fun and laughter and memories to be made and cherished!
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,480 Member
    What a lovely thought, Snoozie! Wishing you both health and happiness too. It's a new start! I hope it's a great year for all of us.
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,381 Member
    Happy New Year! I’m a few days late. How are we all feeling about this new year? Hopeful? Determined? Motivated? Positive? I’m struggling to find my motivation. I feel like it’s there but maybe hiding behind a few excuses.

    Things have been really chaotic and frustrating here. My dad was in the hospital over Christmas and now that he’s been discharged things are not great. We’re trying to figure it all out.

    I made an eye opening discovery when I stepped on the scale. It’s worse than I thought so I really need to make some changes this year. Serious changes.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,475 Member
    Suzy I'm so sorry to hear your Dad was in hospital over the holidays .... i can only imagine all the challenges still facing you now that he has been discharged though.. sending gentle hugs your way..

    i went offside like crazy in December... bad habits from before reared their ugly heads .. and i have been trying to get back to the simple stuff that works for me.. protein and veggies and fruit and water.. but omg .. its all brownies and gingersnaps and sausage rolls still being stuffed in my face... i think i've been fooling myself cause i have been avoiding the scale on purpose but i can feel it in my clothes and general blahness .. i honestly dont have it in me to put a lot of work into getting back on track so i think for me the best thing is going to be not to get crazy but just really remind myself every day keep it simple and keep it small... my portion sizes have grown significantly ... i was totally used to smaller amounts more frequently in a day... but now im suddenly sitting down to a full size dinner plate and justifying that because there are a lot of veggies in there it's fine.. ya.. no. So i'm going to try the simple approach and just start back to basics because i think that's what will work for me again. just hate having to DO it again.... but at least now i know from previous experience i can....

    i cant remembber suzy did you ever get that apt with the nutiritonist or dietician or whoever it was? i shoudl actually scroll back thru out convo and find out for myself..

    Vail i heard on the news parts of the UK (and also the US Suzy) are getting hammered with really bad snow and cold temps .. i hope you and yours are all ok ...
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,381 Member
    My appointment with the nutritionist is coming up in a couple weeks. I had to reschedule to do something with my parents. I’ve got a list of questions ready.

    You saying that you just don’t have it in you to put a lot of work into getting back on track really hit home with me. It just seems like so much work to start over again. I can’t muster the excitement or even the interest in doing this again. But I have to!!!

    Winter is definitely here. We usually don’t get snow, just really cold temperatures. Certainly nothing like what you get though, Snoozie!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,475 Member
    Good morning Suzy, Vail..

    I decided rather than start a new thread for 2025, just to continue on this one but i did change the header for this year .. i chose "consistency is more important than perfection" as this year's theme..

    I admit what made me pick that was because as I mentioned, i was feeling slightly overwhelmed at the thought of the "work" that was gonna be involved in working on getting in better health (weight and fitness) and after some thought, I realized it isnt really a lot of work.. i already KNOW what i should be doing, its just a matter of actually doing it.. and being CONSISTENT for me.. not one day good, one day bad so to speak.... so I'm working on the food part first by just returning to simple meals of proteins and veg with fruit and nuts for snacks, and cutting out the junk food (chips and pastries). I'm trying to play pickleball 2-3 times a week and i started an online stretch class for seniors yesterday.. i have very limited flexibility (or any ability really lol).. so i'm going to try these very beginner ones stretch daily along with a beginner simple yoga one for seniors.. i should be walking daily but its so cold out here thats just not going to happen.. i tried walking the hallways in my building last winter but its boring as hell lol.. i know i did one of the leslie sanson at home walking ones before but i also found it pretty boring... so i'll have to figure that out.. but that's where i am starting off this new year....
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,381 Member
    That sounds good, Snoozie. Consistency is unbelievably difficult but so important in a lot of different areas of our lives.

    It has been so cold here. We even had snow and ice here the last three days. My husband wants to go for a walk in a little bit and I just don’t want to do it. I was out earlier and that was enough cold for me. I need a bit warmer weather.

    I’ve been consciously making a few scattered healthier choices in my eating but not consistently. That’s a good goal to work towards.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,475 Member
    Suzy i haven't walked in eons because of the freezing cold temps and yes the bits of ice patches scare me.. the last thing i want to do is take a header so until things warm up a bit (not likely for a while) i'll have to find things to do indoors.. im just too chicken and i dont like being cold LOL...

    I'm trying to be "consistent" with the short yoga video; doing it every day so i can see if im making any progress.. its a very simple one but its literally all i can do move wise.. i have also been following a nutritionist who is also a diabetic.. she has little short 2 min reels with tips and snack ideas and how to increase my protein and fibre easily .. and i like her because she says "and before you start following some random woman like me on the internet that you have no clue if she knows what she is talking about - check with your doctor first! LOLOL.. but i'm taking a few of the tips.. i'm making chicken fajitas tonite (using a bag of frozen peppers and onions and a pre cooked roast chicken cause yup im still lazy!) but i bought some high protein wraps, and made a snack mix she suggested of popcorn, cashews, tiny pretzels and little bits of dark chocolate.. it's only a 1/2 cup serving but i measured it out and darn it its good .. so i'll have to hide it ha.. but it will be good to take to pickleball as i get hungry 1/2 way thru and for those moments i just want something to crunch with a bit of sweet. baby steps ...

    Suzy that's great you are making more conscious decisions to have some healthier choices!! its not about perfection right? slowly but surely we can make those choices more consistently as we move forward.. but every one you make is a great one so well done you!!

    Vail - hope you are doing ok.... and can pop in when you have a sec to let us know... wondering how the hip is doing..
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,381 Member
    I’ve got my appointment with the nutritionist tomorrow. I’ve got a list of questions so we’ll see how it goes.

    Good for you on the healthy snacks and playing pickleball! Sticking with a video yoga class would be so difficult for me. I don’t know why I can’t make myself do things that I know are good for me. Ugh.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,475 Member
    Suzy - by day 4 of the video my hips and back hurt so i bailed on it!! Will try to find a stretch one and/or a beginner strength training one instead.

    how did it go with the nutrionist... hoping there was something helpful and that you liked him or her.. and felt comfy asking any questions?
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,480 Member
    Sorry for not updating. I am fine! Just busy. And a bit fed up with winter. The snow hasn't been too bad here, actually, but it was slippy so I ended up not going out in it (the worst was at a weekend, so I could stay home and didn't have to go to work). I don't want a fall!

    I'm sorry to hear about your father, Suzy. I hope he's recovering OK.

    My father is deteriorating: I'm going tomorrow to see how he is. I'm struggling with travelling at the moment because of my arthritis, so not looking forward to the journey! It's difficult sorting things out there because he's in a different country for legal, health, housing, etc. (Scotland), and he's very deaf.

    I'm actually not doing well with anything much at the moment. This is so different to a year or two ago, when I was travelling round Europe, and really quite fit and a healthy BMI! I've even bought an app to do my housework as I've been falling behind with that too. And struggling at work. But I'm determined I will get on top of things eventually!

    Eating/fitness has been hit and miss as ever. Some social meals out which have thrown me, and some just eating for no reason, mainly at work. I'll go back to basics and lose weight for a few days, then get thrown off and lose motivation. Exercise is painful and demoralising! But I'm still doing it, just adapting the programme I was already on.

    Snoozie, as you know, I'm all for anything that makes it easier to eat well! It always works best for me to have short cuts and cheats (pre-prepared salad, etc.), things I can cook easily. Your fajitas and snacks sound great!
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,480 Member
    I had been meaning to come back and comment, but I didn't, sorry! I just wanted to say how much I like the "consistency is better than perfection" line. I'm trying to bear it in mind. I've had the same situation at work that I often have as I get distracted and eat something I shouldn't and then think I might as well write off the whole day. I am really struggling with eating properly at the moment. Possibly more than I ever have in my life.

    I am so annoyed at myself at gaining weight and yet I know it doesn't really do any good to be annoyed at myself, so I'm trying to stop that! I'm reminding myself that I've been eating a little bit too much, and all I need to do is eat less and the problem will be solved. It sounds so simple! I'm not sure why I'm finding it so hard, when I've done this successfully before. I know it all, I know what to eat, when to eat, what not to eat, etc etc etc, but I seem to put up psychological obstacles, ha ha!

    I swear it's like there are two people inside and the "bad" one just takes over ... do you know, it might even help me to think of it like that. What can I offer the bad one instead of food when these urges happen? Hmm.

    I had started yet again with a food journal then was travelling and went off track. There we go with the consistency: I should just have written something in for that day, then carried on. I am horrified by what I ate last night. (I bought treats for work, crisps/chips and sweets, and took some extra home, and ended up having that as my evening meal, with an apple and a slice of bread).

    I was thinking about your nutritionist, Suzy. And I know a little about nutrition, and know what I should be eating, but thinking that it's different if you have an expert telling you individually, and maybe giving you a programme. I think it would be much more motivating. How did the appointment go, if you don't mind sharing? I am really curious.

    I think I am going to take some tips from Snoozie about the simple meals, protein and veg, etc. I love the snack mix idea. Although I have a feeling I'd make too much then polish the lot off in one go, ha ha! But would have been better than the junk I ate last night.

    I hope you are both getting through the winter OK.

  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,381 Member
    edited February 2
    Oh Vail....we have all been where you are now, in fact I feel like I'm right there with you sister. I feel like you were reading my mind. I have no idea why I just can't seem to "get with the program."

    I don't feel like the nutritionist offered any new information that I was unaware of or didn't know. Here is a summary:

    1. Pairing foods - complex carb, lean protein, healthy fats
    2. Use avocado oil for cooking. Salad dressing or for veg: Mix 2:1 proportion of Olive oil with Apple Cider Vinegar or Balsamic Vinegar or Freshly squeezed lemon juice, Dijon mustard, salt, pepper, italian seasoning.
    3. Physical activity - walk post dinner x 15 minutes, keep an hourly timer and walk for 5 minutes at a time if necessary. Strength training 3 times per week.
    4. Use Daves killer bread /Ezekiel bread instead of other bread.
    5. If just smoothies for breakfast, add unflavored, unsweetened protein powder (garden of life) to make up the protein to green smoothie.
    6. 2 cups of vegetables and protein 3.5 oz per meal.
    7. For milk shake- Take 1 cup plain low fat Greek yogurt (preferably FAGE) or 1 cup milk , handful of berries or 1/2 banana, 2 scoops of plant based protein powder (orgain or vega or Garden of life), 2 tablespoon of hemp seeds or flax seeds roasted or chia seeds. Give it a blend and enjoy
    Continue medications and supplements as prescribed by PCP
    8. Silymarine for fatty liver (1 capsule daily), diaxinol (2 capsules daily), probiotics.

    She mentioned 25 to 35 grams of fiber, complex carbs, fish like salmon and tuna two to three times a week, chicken, restrict red meat to a couple times a month. Eat a good breakfast, add protein powder if necessary. If I know I'll be eating a good lunch then just have a protein smoothie for breakfast, I may buy protein shakes because I'm not a smoothie fan. Eat dinner early in the evening followed by at least a 15 minute walk. Strength training at least twice a week.

    I've got a bunch of new supplements to take but no prescription meds, yet. Anyway, I've been slowly (and I do mean slowly) incorporating some of these into my day. I know if I jump over the cliff and do it all at once that it won't last. I'm having a hard time figuring out how to have two cups of veggies at every meal but I'll figure it out. I'm thinking of making a big pot of vegetable soup and freezing individual portions.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,475 Member
    Hi Suzy, Vail
    Sorry i havent been in. i did read the posts but time got away from me and didn't get back..
    Vail - how did it go with your dad in Scotland.. i was thinking about you & what a difficult situation for you especially with the added ugh of the hip... i have no doubt some of those crazy eating moments (like that night u described... btw i had a similar one that covered all the crap choices in one night.. chips cookies with a chaser of chocolate! We all know that emotional eating is something we all share, so part of it could be simply reaching for those "comfort foods" in high stress moments... or it could just be because its one of those days!

    I think we really have to cut ourselves a little slack and im not just saying that to excuse our less than great choices but there is so much going on in both your personal lives, and add in physical owies and everything that's going on in the world right now... it's pretty stressful! all we can do is try our best and sometimes that just has to be enough for the moment.

    So right now instead of berating ourselves, maybe we just need to Focus on the positive little steps we DO make.. so if you we say have 2 healthy choices during the day somewhere, but find yourself digging into the whatever (insert your choice).. maybe just take a pause to remind yourself ok.. i had a good breakfast and i had an apple for my snack... so even tho im sitting here with a piece of cake in front of me right now.. maybe i'll cut that slice in half and only eat that today.. & save the rest for tomorrow. or you may decide to finish the whole slice. and if you do, forgive yourself and move on. Im just saying we need to be gentle with ourselves sometimes.. and when you can, make a good choice and if you can go for a 10 min stroll or spend a morning dusting and vaccuum to move your parts, great! & maybe just try a day of mindfullness on your food choices... so if i grab a bag of chips after dinner, maybe just stop for a minute and say why am i getting these.. am i hungry? do i have a craving.. am i angry at myself or someone else, did someone hurt my feelings, or do i just WANT these... and maybe you'll decide you really don't want them after all. The consistency will come in time and when you're ready... i've been eating out a lot with the group; this morning met a friend for breakfast and normally i would order something like eggs and sausage and home fries and toast or eggs benedict.. because i never make that at home... but then i thought about it and realized thats just "habit" - to order something i'd never make. so instead i ordered a toasted western sandwich on whole grain bread... got my fibre, protein and carbs in and quite enjoyed it. So for me today.. that was a "win". i have no idea what the rest of the day holds.. but i am happy i made a "mindful" decision then. So give yourselves a hug at some point today ....

    Suzy.. i had to laugh a little at your list of what the nutritionist said, only because after 10 yrs on here i swear to god we have all learned 99% of what we "should" be doing already!! Altho im with you.. i hate smoothies of any kind... i would never make one.. and i am not a fan of protein powder either lol .. it just seems really weird to me even tho i "get" its a good thing to up your protein..

    A lot of our fast food places here are offering these "bowls" lately... so i decided to try making my own for easy meals.. i bought 1/2 cooked rotisserie chicken and roasted a big pan of onions and peppers and sweet potatos and put them in a tub.. i was going to make up some quinoa or brown rice too but i forgot LOL then i made a bowl with the chicken, a bunch of the roasted veg and then added some steamed broccoli and cauli and a handful of a high fibre frozen veg mix in and then just drizzled some fig balsamic salad dressing across the top. it was actually really good and the next one i drizzled a little cucumber salad dressing, and the 3rd one some hoisin sauce.. i had one for dinner, one for lunch the next day and i ate the 3rd for kind of a brunch the next day lol.. one of my biggest probs is waiting til im starving to figure out what to make... and by then its going to take an hour to make so i end up eating crap.... having this ready in the fridge and just needing to put it all together (i cooked up fresh broccoi and cauli for each one with the handful of the mixed veg too.. but just took 5 min to warm up the other stuff so for me was a very good way to have a healthy couple of meals ready in a flash. So next time i have abusy week coming up i will def do that again.