Jan 17-23, 2024

SarahMaxx Posts: 1,941 Member
LW: 128.2
TW: 128.0

Okay. That's not so bad. I was once again lucky enough to have the low end of the arc hit on weigh-in day.

There's not much of an update to give on the plumbing/sewer crisis. The plumbers came out again last Friday bringing a different/better camera so they could better image the pipes that have corroded. We're able to bath and wash dishes and life seems pretty normal, although that is time-limited. The estimator is coming this Friday.

Oddly, I decided to pull my desk calendar book for 2019 just to see what was going on 5 years ago. Jotting down things in those books is helpful in many ways. Today, I learned that the basement pipe problem that resulted in the jackhammering out of the closet floor happened in January of that year, so we were dealing with plumbing issues 5 years ago. That month, I also had my annual mammogram and they saw something in my right breast (it's the left this time) and called me back for extra slides and an ultrasound. That turned out to be just calcification. In the ultrasound, they also noticed something in the upper lobe of one lung and had me come back for a CT scan. That turned out to be just crossed vessels--a benign condition that just sometimes occurs. Funny how these two January's are so similar. And of course, I'm praying that the outcome for the plumbing and the mammogram this year are equally good. My diagnostic mammogram is at 8 a.m. next Wednesday, so the next time I log weight, at least part of that will be done. That January (2019) was a tough one. I lost my friend Kimberly to lung and br ain cancer that month and right as we started jackhammering in the basement, the water company started jackhammering in the street and they dug up part of our yard. I remember trying to work through all of that noise.

Having the SNS threads to go back through is really a blessing because I had not noted nearly all these details in my calendar and reading them helped me put what is going now in a better perspective. I hope this site does not go away like the bodybugg site did.

Sheesh, we finally got more than an inch of snow! Yesterday morning, we had 5.2 inches on the ground. That was nice, but the wind and super cold temps were not. Because of the cold and the condition of the parking lot at the rec center, my class was cancelled. They did not want to risk having an older person slip on the ice. Knowing that my basement workout space will probably be off limits soon, I've spent at least an hour each day on the TM during the past week.

Hope everyone is feeling better. Sheesh, I'm glad your cold/respiratory bug was not Covid, and I agree that it seems like a lot of folks are coming down with some type of winter crud. Lois, I'm glad you're feeling much better and I hope the software issues are soon behind you. You are a step ahead of me with the Christmas decorations. I plan to attack those today. I always leave them up for a week or two after Christmas to enjoy them after the rush, but this year, I'm pushing the envelope because of all the other stuff going on. There's something comforting about sitting with a book, a cup of tea, the twinkling lights, and snow outside. And since our living room is in the back of the house, no one really sees it. And we did not put lights on the tree outside this year (although the lighted wreath and swag and bells are still out there).

Kelly, I also noticed that your 5th wedding anniversary is coming up! Oh, my gosh, how time flies. You had such a beautiful wedding and wow--that dress! And now you're getting ready for your brother's wedding. I am looking forward to hearing about your adn Sheesh's trips to warmer climes.

Well time to get busy. Here are my 7-day averages for last week. Still haven't quite wrapped my head around my 2024 goals (other than trying to stay sane). :D

Steps = 10,339
Kcals burned = 1,657
Stairs = 14 floors


  • GaGasheesh
    GaGasheesh Posts: 1,107 Member
    edited January 18
    LW: 134.2
    TW: 134.0

    Only a bit, but I'll take it.

    Sarah, it's so interesting that you're having issues close to the same month in 2019. First, that's weird. Second, that probably means your mammogram is nothing serious. The dang plumbing issues (I HATE plumbing problems) are a pain, but they are what they are . . no fault of yours or hubby's, and they will be resolved eventually. I just hope it's not overly expensive. Ugh.

    Lois, I have a feeling you'll be on top of the software change very soon. You're computer savvy. Just takes time. I hope you were able to get your Disney passes.

    Kelly, I'm so glad you're posting and getting back to self care. Have a great trip to Wisconsin, and then I look forward to hearing all about Mexico. I'll be going in a few weeks . . can't wait. I haven't been to Mexico of a number of years. My trainer got back and had a lovely time . . plenty of sun.

    I'm feeling much better, although still coughing some at night. I had my trainer Monday, did cardio and a yoga video today, and will have trainer again tomorrow. I'm going to try to keep to my goal of more stretching . . but the intake is still not what it should be. Also, I had a doc apt to follow up on my legs ultrasound done last week. My deep veins are fine, thank goodness, but he doesn't think I should get the varicose veins treated, considering my medical history. They aren't horrible, and I have a genetic clotting disorder that raises the risk of blood clots with the treatment of varicose veins. So, I'll pass on that. He recommended I wear compression stockings when I'm sitting a long time . . on a plane, in the car long distances, etc. So, I think I'm now officially an old lady. :D

    Ladies, keep walking, lifting, drinking lots of water, and put your feet up . . all good for varicose veins. ;)

  • wiredkell
    wiredkell Posts: 677 Member
    edited January 19
    TW: 158.8
    LW: 158.3

    Up and up we go lol I'm again not shocked. Life has been nuts lately. The past 2 days I was sitting in conference room all day for our annual department safety meeting that I planned. So sitting all day with limited movement doesn't help. Also, the weather has been our typical ridiculous cold. We can't really complain, as it's been a mostly mild winter so far, but these past few weeks have been bitterly cold with a bunch of snow. We still don't have as much snow as we normally do, but it's enough to keep me indoors mostly and not getting out to walk the pup as much as we normally do. Thank goodness for doggie daycare.

    Sarah - That's pretty crazy the similarities from January 2019. Very odd for sure. Hopefully the mammogram results are the same and your plumbing issue as a cheaper fix than you expect. Also hopefully it doesn't take too long to fix either. I can imagine what I frustration it is to limit your water use.

    Lois - I hear you with the being sick. I'm just sick of it too :D After being sick since November, I'm finally starting to feel back to normal.. mostly, but the exhaustion is something else. I was sleeping by 800pm last night. The trip with your hubby to Disneyland sounds great! Not sure I'd tell the kids either lol Nice to have a trip for yourself sometimes too.

    Sheesh - I should really just get back into working out slowly by doing some yoga too. Good idea.

    It's only a half day of work for me today as Shawn and I are making a quick overnight trip to check on the cabin. Back tomorrow morning as both kids have hockey. I'm not sure I'll be able to post next week, but I'll try. We leave super early in the morning on Thursday for the bus trip to Wisconsin.
  • SarahMaxx
    SarahMaxx Posts: 1,941 Member
    edited January 20
    Happy Saturday, everyone.

    Kelly, I'm glad you got a chance to post. It sounds like you have your hands full with work, kids, getting ready for trips, etc. Hope the trip to WI is a nice break for you. Sometimes just a change of scenery for a day or two is so good.

    The 5.2 inches of snow Tuesday night was followed by another 5.5 inches yesterday, so we have more snow on the ground here than we've had in a long, long time. And it's super cold and with the wind chill, the temps are in the single digits. Because of the snow on Friday, the estimator from the plumbing company cancelled our appointment. He was supposed to be here between 7 and 9, so we were up very early for us (we're night owls, so usually sleep until at least 7) so we could have our coffee and get dressed before he might arrive. Then at 8:15 we got the "only doing emergencies today" phone call. So that means that we're still in the waiting pattern for more info on the pipe replacement.

    To add to everything, on Thusday, we ran out to Costco to pick up a gift certificate and I had a little accident. As we approached the door of the store, they were using one of those cart movers to bring in a huge number of carts. The tail end of that string of carts and the machine were blocking the doorway, but it was sitting still and I thought that it was stopped so that carts in the front cold be offloaded. Anyway, there was a space between the machine and the last cart that I tried to step through so I could get in the door and out of the whipping wind. But just as I did the machine started up again and it squeezed me, extremely hard, between it and the last cart. It got me in two places--just below the waist and just below the shoulder blades. I managed to push against it and step through, but it was such a shock to my body that I immediately felt nauseous. I think I'm basically okay, but I've had some discomfort ever since. Hubby asked if we should go to the ER, but all I could think of was sitting for hours in a waiting room filled with people with Covid, flu, and norovirus. So I decided to just see how it goes and call my doc on Monday if needed. Honestly, I feel like I've been caught in some kind of bad wind for some time. I'm not a fan of 2024, thus far!

    Today, the roads are okay and we're going to a birthday and new pet celebration at a friend's home in Frederick. I hope that being with people and getting out of the house will at least lift my spirits. Hard to believe since he was a hospital corpsman for 13 years, but hubby is not that comforting when I'm sick or injured. So yesterday, I struggled a bit with some self pity and fear of having something wrong that might affect my mobility. However, to his credit, hubby did have his hands full clearing the driveway, walks, and cars--not only for us but for a number of neighbors who need a hand. And yes, he finally got to use the big snowblower with the headlights and power steering! LOL

    When things settle down and the worst of winter is behind us, we can set some goals, benchmarks, etc. I am looking forward to that. Despite the sore back and the weather, I'm still on the TM, although I have cranked the speed way down.