Re gain after hitting goal weight

FYI it is highly likely if you are not forever diligent your weight will creep back on. Mine has several times and I'm not talking about 15 or even 30 lbs it's been almost to my original weight. Sleeved 2011 and was a size 2 -4 in 2020 .That year was my undoing and now I am almost back to square one. I am wondering if any of you have had any significant weight gain ? Would like to buddy up for support and accountability .


  • Jessica12877
    Jessica12877 Posts: 29 Member
    The fact that you maintained for 9 years is incredible. Do you think it was the stress of pandemic that got the scale moving in the wrong direction? I'm terrified of gaining back and I realize how easily it could happen now that I don't seem to have much restriction. I hope you find a plan that works.
  • LimitedOnlyByFear
    LimitedOnlyByFear Posts: 1 Member
    I'm two years out from surgery and have put on 15 lbs from lowest weight- so back to tracking. I am TERRIFIED of gaining it all back. I can understand how terrible it would feel. Hang in there! You are not alone!