Jan 31-Feb 6, 2024

SarahMaxx Posts: 1,941 Member
LW: 128.8
TW: 128.4

Hi, all. I was so glad to type February! January feels like it has been far longer than 31 days. Here's a little info on what has been going on in this difficult month.

First, I still have not heard anything from the mammogram I had last Wednesday. They said 7 to 10 days, but I really think that if they saw something and needed me to come back, it would not be that long. Back in 2019, they called me within 48 hours to get back for more slides. So hopefully, no news is good news.

And as for my back, it's still hurting although not as bad. I'm also having some other sensations that are hard to describe. But all in all, it is better than it was a week ago, so I think I'll wait a while before deciding if I need that referral to the orthopedic doc. The one day that it really hurt was the one day that I was able to walk outside, and I think I just over-did it. I had only planned to walk part of my hilly route, but a neighbor joined me, and next thing I knew, we had walked much further than I had planned. As I think I've mentioned slow walking on the treadmill actually seems to help, but I don't think my back is ready for a long walk pulling hills.

And regarding the sewage/plumbing issue, tomorrow they are bringing yet another camera that goes down into the pipes, so we're pretty much exactly where we were last week, i.e., waiting. Waiting seems to all I'm doing lately! :s

Kelly, I can't remember when you leave for your brother's wedding, but I do hope the bus trip to Wisconsin was fun and that you did something special for your 5th anniversary.

Lois, I know you said you would not be logging much as prepare for and take your trip to Disney with your sister. If you are getting a chance to log in and read, have fun and be safe.

Sheesh, I know you also have a trip coming up. Goodness, I'm going to be lonely here! Once everyone is back, we definitely need to come up with some goals to get us motivated for spring.

Before I head off, here are my 7-day averages for last week.

Steps = 10,200
Kcals burned = 1,627
Stairs = 16 floors (Some of that was those hills)

My stats are still not quite up to par, but I've had to listen to my body. One day 7K steps was just all I could muster. Another thing that is happening is that I'm having some trouble getting a handle on my appetite. I don't know if the fact that I can't walk as fast has an effect on that, if it's the cloudy cold weather, the pain, the stress--who knows. But my weight jumped up above 130 for a day or two this past week, and so I've had to really push myself to think about whether I'm truly hungy or whether I'm using food to deal with anxiety, pain, frustration, etc.

Hope all is well with everyone, and I hope one or two of you are able to post this week.


  • GaGasheesh
    GaGasheesh Posts: 1,107 Member
    LW: 134.6
    TW: 134.6

    I'm pretty happy with maintaining considering having company here.

    Kelly, congratultions on your daughter's gold medal! And Happy Anniversary :) Enjoy Mexico, and give my best wishes to your brother and his bride. <3

    Sarah, your steps are still very high considering you have an injury. I've found that heat alternating with ice really helps with injuries that are still painful after several days. Sending my healthy thoughts for your back and your mammogram. And, hopefully the plumbing problem won't too big of an expense.

    Lois, I hope you'll enjoy Disneyland. Let's get serious about our goals once everyone is back in town for a while!

    I must run as today is an online playdate and family zoom tonight, and I'm still putting the house back in order from having company. :s