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Fabulous February!



  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,899 Member
    my cold exploded during the night...it's just a cold, but I am pretty miserable...been up since midnight....staying home today. this has not been a good year for me ... never sick and then boom, sick as a dog end of 2023 and into 2024 and now this. It is just a cold, so that's a good thing. stuffy and sneezy and watery eyes...

    probably bean burrito and soup today...maybe a salad as well, later in the day, I will see how I feel...I am going back to work tomorrow, regardless...too much time off.

    stay healthy all.
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,363 Member
    That sounds miserable, Nanc. I hope you're feeling better soon.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 4,052 Member
    Sorry to hear that Nanc. I imagine your immune system is pretty worn down battling that long flu-bug, and the cold saw an opportunity.

    I haven't got near as much done while the boss was away as I hoped. I'm going to bed early tonight because it will be crazy tomorrow with him getting back and the calendar stacked.
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,899 Member
    edited February 15
    Goodness...that is so smart: I imagine your immune system is pretty worn down battling that long flu-bug, and the cold saw an opportunity. -mihani

    Thanks both of you, Carla and Mihani...better today...getting ready for work.

    bean burrito
    steam broc and cauli

    Got a few tax papers organized yesterday...just looking for a couple more 1099s. Maybe came in the mail and I missed them...sure I can find on line. Would like to papers to tax guy this weekend...my guy retired, but I am staying with the same firm.

    I know how busy you are Mihani...it's that crazy time of year...A G A I N! I am sure I mentioned it a million times, but my dad was a CPA and had his own tax practice...boy do I ever know about papers everywhere...he and my mom worked out of our home...clients came to us for years and years...coffee and cake and a visit with everyone...craziness in our home. But good crazy. I helped type the returns...back then it was carbon paper ...and attention to detail on my part was ingrained in me at an early age.

    Be well everyone...make it deeee licous!
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,899 Member
    Yay, the weekend...made it. Just get through today..."keep moving, keep moving."

    bean burrito
    broc and cheeze sauce (Hot For Food's)
    honey crisp apple

    have a deeeeeeelicious day, everyone!
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 4,052 Member
    HI all... been another crazy week at work, but it's over. We are getting some snow and I brought work home so I don't have to go in tomorrow. Glad I did, because it is slick as hell out there and dicey getting home. It will be better tomorrow when the snow stops and the crews have been out. Not supposed to get more than a few inches.

    Nanc, love your menu. Sounds so good. Have you kicked that cold to the curb?

  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,899 Member
    edited February 17
    Careful on that ice...glad you are home safe, Mihani.

    Cold is practically gone...just my voice is off. Looking back, I was exceptionally tired last Sunday and Monday is when it hit me...but all better now! Thanks. <3
    Slept pretty well, so I am up early 4am. Working on the kitchen and then going to go room by room today and tomorrow. Monday is the blood work. No eating nor drinking after 6:30pm on Sunday. Leave at 5:45am on Monday. Super happy it is that early, so I don't have to wait to have my coffee. crxdzt99c6un.png

    Having coffee now...relaxing and then hit the kitchen!

    spinach, tofu scramble
    bean burrito
    Spring rolls and High Carb Hannah peanut sauce
    broc and cheeze sauce snack
    honey crisp apple and peanut sauce dip I use for the salad. I love it because you can really thin it out and lower the calorie density so much but still get loads of flavor. I am turning into a siracha nut! LOVE that spice.

    Everyone ...make your day deeeeeeeeeeeeelicious.

    Oh, and this weekend, gathering the last of my tax papers. Later, mates.

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 4,052 Member
    You sound all full of energy Nanc! Glad you are feeling better.

    I worked for a few hours, took a nap, went to the grab and go for some goodies for the week. Should last me through Wednesday then I'll stop back in. There are always, always, new dishes to try! Keeps it interesting, but I am not losing any weight and need to start being more aware of portions. Even if it's healthy, that old calories in and calories out thing will get me.

    Tomorrow I'm getting my hair done plus a mani. It's a present to myself for my upcoming big 60 birthday.

  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,899 Member
    I faded, Mihani...did most of the kitchen...went to the gym, sat in the sauna for 20, went to the store, walked Lulu and that was it. I thought I had energy...but it jumped ship!

    Sounds, like that's all you have to do, eat a bit less but the same and you'll lose. When is your birthday?
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 4,052 Member
    Mornin' Nanc... sounds like you got a whole lot done yesterday! Birthday is a week from today.

    Going to get a little work done this morning, go for the hair/mani appointment, stop at Fresh Thyme, home to start laundry and get more work done.

    Plan for today (including watching portions and staying away from snacky stuff)
    B - smoothie
    L - black eyed peas with savory rice
    D - jambalaya, pecan tart (made with dates and healthy things)
    S - apple
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,899 Member
    edited February 18
    You're so young! I loved 60! Happy one week birthday eve. <3

    Had my coffee...no more til after blood work.

    Going to get dressed, walk Lulu and finish kitchen, then off to sauna. Lulu's having a bit of a spa day, too, Mihani. She finally is getting a groom. I probably should take a before and after...she's a mess. Enjoy your mani and fresh hair cut.

    today pretty much the same
    tofu and spinach
    bean burrito
    summer rolls
    honey crisp apple

    really going to try and eat light...and of course, make it deeeeeeeeelicious.
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,899 Member
    Up, getting ready to go...leave at 5:45...have to be there by 6:15. It's not just blood test but stomach aorta something or other, by ultra sound. Who knows. Making a coffee to take with...as soon as that test is over...YIPPPEE! fw8m07pl0pi8.png
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,899 Member
    edited February 19
    Home having hot coffee! One of my blood test was the CRP number

    It was forks over knives. I remember that the guy went in for a test with the husband and wife team I think in Southern California and he said they did a CRP number and I think that’s inflammation in your body

    Starting at the 4 minute mark


    My follow up appointment is March 18 with my cardiologist ❤️ It will be interesting to hear the results.

    Yikes 😱
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 4,052 Member
    Glad you got that over with and could enjoy your coffee, Nanc. That's quite a long wait for results. That's interesting measuring inflammation. You've mentioned having problems with that.

    I left work early yesterday to meet a junk hauler. I had an old fridge and the city won't take those so I lined up a private hauler and got rid of a whole bunch of stuff in the garage and basement. The trick is, don't fill the house back up with more useless stuff!

    Made a big batch of mashed potatoes. Whisked some tahini in with a little reserved water from cooking the potatoes, and added paprika, no salt seasoning, rosemary, parsley. Pretty tasty!

    Plan for today...
    B - mashed potatoes
    L - broccoli salad, white bean and spinach soup
    D - thai red curry
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,899 Member
    edited February 20
    The wait is because I have three more tests...I am sure I could get blood work on line. My appointment with doctor is to go over the extensive testing.

    What disease can CRP detect?
    The C-reactive protein (CRP) test is used to find inflammation in your body. Inflammation could be caused by different types of conditions, such as an infection or autoimmune disorders like rheumatoid arthritis or inflammatory bowel disease.
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,363 Member
    I am looking forward to hearing about your good test results, Nanc. Nothing like a cup of coffee in the morning. I'm enjoying the heck out of mine right now.

    I bet it feels good getting rid of that junk, Mihani. Joe and I are talking about getting a one time dumpster rental service. Once we get our garage and shop and barn and garden shed all organized and the junk piled up we'll have a better idea on the size bin we need.

    We worked on cleaning up the garage a bit and made some nice progress. A lot of the mess is just cardboard boxes from Amazon. We can recycle those locally, but the recycling place has the worst hours. They are open for 4 hours on Saturday so it is packed that day and they are closed on Sunday.

    I'm still playing with different basket ideas. I haven't been taking pictures of them for the most part, but here's one of the first ones. I'm now using a heavier duty rope which means I can do much larger baskets if I want. I'm using a basic heavy duty sewing machine, no frills, old school. It is a beast. (and under $200!)


  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 4,052 Member
    We have recycling pickup weekly here, Carla, and that's my bin every week. Amazon boxes broken down for recycling. LOL

    I'm going on a 90 day amazon diet on March 1st though. Nothing but my vitamins that are on auto-delivery. I have spent a lot of money lately finishing all the house projects. I'm nearly done... just a few little things to go and then I need to start saving up my pennies to start on the exterior. The house needs to be power washed and painted, and the privacy fence needs to be repaired in places and sealed.

    Love the baskets!

    Do you have arthritis, Nanc? I do in my hands. Sometimes they really hurt and I have copperfit gloves that I wear at work some days. They really help.

    Plan for today...
    B - smoothie
    L - broccoli salad, red beans and rice
    D - white bean soup and ezekiel english muffin
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,899 Member
    I have no arthritis.

    the test is for other things...mainly inflammation...detects stuff not sure anymore...it's just more tests to give her a good starting point with me. most comprehensive testing I have ever gone through. The guy in the movie did not have arthritis... it just struck me that I have seen that movie at least ten times and heard him speak of the CRP number that gave me pause, he's was 6 and he seemed alarmed. This is the first time any doctor is testing me for that...and she went to Cornell...friends with Dr. Campbell. And she is a cardiologist.

    Like the guy in the movie I am speaking of, I think I am healthy, so all these tests will really tell the true story. PREVENTATIVE care.

    tofu scramble
    cuppa vegan noodle soup
    crackers and jam for dessert

    hope to have energy after work to prep vegan sushi for the next two days. Avocado, carrot, cukes, herbs...sushi rice. Sounds wonderful...but I am so tired after work, all I can think of is getting into bed and watching tv...and snuggling with Lulu

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 4,052 Member
    Nanc, I totally get that. I always have big plans in the morning for what I'll get done when I get home. Then I get home and just want to go to bed! It will be better come spring... it's nearly dark when I get home.

    Good for you taking steps to keep your health on track!

    I had a rough day. It has been a rough few weeks honestly. I just can't seem to make any headway at work and I'm overwhelmed. More than usual even. I am taking a little time off here and there next week so I really need to get a lot done now through Saturday so I won't feel so guilty and stressed over taking time for me.

    B - mashed potatoes
    L - broccoli "fried" rice
    D - teriyaki jackfruit and veggies... one of my favorites!

    Got into the PB pretzels at work today. I was tired and as I often say, fatigue = hunger for me. I try to be aware but sometimes I just don't care.

  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,061 Member
    Hi all,

    Nothing too new here other than fighting a big sugar addiction. Walking regularly and other than candies as jelly beans I have been eating healthy. Just can’t get off the candy. For Valentine’s Day Brooks made be a big pot of black beans with chipotle peppers….. my 🤩 favorite. I said no candy.

    We leave for a quick trip to Italy Feb. 29th. Coming up quickly.

    Cute picture of sweet Radar. I LOVE YOUR BASKETS!

    Oh, the people who own the Aveda salon are opening a local art gallery and asked to sell my handmade cards! These are some VD cards I made. One was for girl whose father asked me to make one with Pandas. tjcd2r3nzrew.jpeg