Falling into Fitness: On the couch!



  • sszbarber
    sszbarber Posts: 45 Member
    Hi I'm Shari from Kansas! My daughter is getting married in December and I desperately want to lose weight before the wedding!!! I have a 16, 12 and 9 year old still living at home. I am 42. The good, I ADORE my family! The bad, health issues. I was diagnosed with thyroid cancer and had it removed December 27 2012. Since than we have been playing with the Synthroid to get it right. My TSH levels are still too high and I have no energy, I swell, have brain fog...calcium, D and potassium are way too low but take meds for that. Pretty much all the symptoms of hypothyroidism!! Just had an ultrasound today to see if the remaining thyroid tissues are gone or have grown since December. I have gained 40 lbs since my surgery, counting calories and trying to exercise when I can (which is not very often). So I need to quit whining and get this show on the road, get active and lose some weight!! So glad to join this group and "meet" all of you!
  • gonabfit
    gonabfit Posts: 711 Member
    So glad to have you all along for the ride! Hope we can continue to support each other.

    I just stopped through to say I am proud of myself for choosing to handle my stress in a HEALTHY way. Journal, yoga, meditate, exercise.

    and... I'm doing it on purpose. This is a lifestyle!
  • gonabfit
    gonabfit Posts: 711 Member

    Sigh... I hope everyone is doing well. I'm writing here because I want to acknowledge that I've been under a great deal of stress. I'm continuing to try healthy way to deal with it... but sigh... so much to do. I'm in the mist of applying to fellowships, going to conferences, my regular work stuff, wanting to lose weight, exercising, cleaning and organizing my house...

    You know, the usual!? LOL

    I am seriously thinking about getting back to my AM exercise and yoga... but somehow each morning I snooze until I have to jump up and storm out of the door.

    I'lll let you know if I start getting up early enough to workout. I LOVE am exercise... just can't seem to break the snooze habit these days.