Hello :) 👋

hello, all. Just new here, hoping to stay only a little while, cuz I don't have a lot to lose.
But I need the encouragement and guidance of this app (& you peeps!!!) :)
In the past, I have only ever lost weight through extreme stress, down to 125 summer of 2022 - too skinny. Slowly climbed back up to 135 which was ok by Aug/23. I am 58 & 5'7".
I'm still at a decent BMI, even though I have gained 10 lbs since then. But it sits around my belly, butt & hips, not healthy (I have had high cholesterol for over a decade, controlled by a statin, but not good. :'( ).
I'm an emotional eater with SAD too, causing even more carb cravings. I eat way too much sugar, simple carbs, & snacks nightly & I don't like a lot of produce. Don't enjoy cooking either, though watching budget. I never really feel full without a lot of carbs, but I will admit that I don't drink much water & may not be eating enough protein. 😞
I think the only thing that keeps my weight reasonable is my high anxiety.
I simply want to lose the 10 lbs. gained and to become lighter, toned & strong again after a few years of a very sedentary lifestyle, & attractive and confident about how I look. (I have a special "get together" coming up soon and I want to look great. Lol <3). This is in 12 days though, and I'm hoping I can start to achieve a bit of progress by then already...? :o
Not really convinced I can do this, because I sit around a lot daydreaming of what I want to look like, and pretending that is what I actually do, currently, look like though the mirror reflects otherwise. In spite of my tendencies to self-sabotage and not take action, I have a (tentative) plan to just dance spontaneously around my place more often because I love that and adore music. I have also already been starting to just stop and do squats. And the odd stretch.
The workouts on here look good (I actually have a fair bit of knowledge about healthy eating & movement - I just don't use it, not feeling I am worth it, and I've been saddled with some somewhat serious healthy issues over the last four years or so)..
Thanks for reading. Yes I'm a talker. :p . I hope we can all succeed as we want to, helping each other out 👋)
I'd love as many cheerleaders as possible & I'd love to do so in return. 👍
