Feb 7 - Feb 13

GaGasheesh Posts: 1,128 Member
edited February 7 in Social Groups
LW: 134.6
TW: 134.8

Well, my trainer has been out of town, she'll be back tomorrow. I've had 3 doctor appointments, and no time to focus on much. The cold I had seems to have gone into my left ear, so the doctor and an ENT, and a round of antibiotics (ugh). And then yesterday, I had my eye exam. Everything is good, the beginning of cataracts is stable at 4 - 5 on a scale of one to ten (ten being the worst). So, I can get cataract surgery when I'm ready, or wait to see how they are next year. At this point, I'm waiting because we have too much going on this year. Anyway, my weight is up, and my workouts down (no weight training), but I have been doing cardio and yoga here and there.

Hubby and I are going to Mexico on the 16th for a week. I'm getting anxious for a vacation and sunshine. It hasn't been really cold here, but grey and rain mixed with snow. We went out last night (eyes still a bit dilated) to eat and see a movie . . "Argyle". It was entertaining, long, kind of weird, and funny. So, we got a few laughs. Today, I'm mailing Valentines to my grandkids, and I'm going to get a workout for sure.

Sarah, I hope and pray your back is better and that there's no serious injury there. You're amazing to have kept up with walking, and to have kept your weight under 130. I'm jealous ;) Also, what's happening with the plumbing issue? Hope it's getting resolved.

Lois, I'm anxious to hear about all your travels and fun. And, how it's going at work with the new software.

Kelly, I think you're probably still in Mexico for your brother's wedding. I can't wait to hear all about it!

Gotta run.


  • SarahMaxx
    SarahMaxx Posts: 1,972 Member
    LW: 128.4
    TW: 128.6

    Steady as she goes as far as my weight and I'm really grateful for that. Things are still pretty stressful here as we wait to find out more about the extent and costs of the sewage/plumbing fiasco. We got an estimate last night for part of it. That was close to $30K and it does not include replacing the flooring in our basement den or the drywall work or painting or the patio repair or the landscaping, and gosh knows what else. But I'm still trying to find reasons to be grateful, including the fact that none of these expenses are for health problems that money cannot fix. And mentioning health issues, I do have some good news there. On Friday, I finally got the results of my mammogram, and everything is okay. I have a lot of fibrocystic tissue and calcification, but everything appears benign. Having dense breast tissue does make it harder to detect a problem, however, so I guess I'll bite the bullet and go to annual mammograms rather than one every two years.

    Sheesh, I'm envious of that upcoming vacation. With our unexpected expenses I don't anticipate taking a vacation this year, so have enough fun for both of us. :) Vacations have always been illusive for us. When I was working, my time off was typically spent traveling back and forth to NC to check on my Mom and my sister. Now that work is not an issue, I thought we'd finally get to do some fun traveling--and I'm sure we will, but probably not for a little while longer.

    Like I said, I'm trying to keep a positive perspective. And there is something else positive. My back is finally feeling somewhat better. Yea!! Some days it hurts enough to need to get on the heating pad and take some Tylenol, but some days it doesn't hurt that much at all. I think it's just going to take some time. And of course, it aggravated that old injury to L1, but that injury gets aggravated every now and then anyway, and many times I can't figure out what is causing it to act up. I still plan to contact Costco to ask them to include more training to the employees who operate those cart carriers. They should know to look and make sure that everything is clear before they start them up again, particularly when they're where people are entering the store. If I was a child or had not had on that thick coat, I probably would have been badly injured.

    Lois, I know you are having a great time in California. I'm happy that you are getting a break from work and getting some fun time with your sister. Hope your leg and foot are holding up. Love the photos you've shared. You just do not age!

    Kelly, I know you're also having a good time in the sunshine at your brother's wedding. I'm looking forward to hearing about the trip.

    Before I take off, here are my 7-day averages. When everyone gets back, we have to get some goals hammered out. I'm thinking about little changes I can make that will help me be healthier and feel better. And I know that when I tell you guys that I'll do something, the chances that I really will do it go way up! :smiley:

    Steps = 10,795
    Kcals burned = 1,669
    Steps = 12 floors

    Still dreading my treadmill-less time when all that construction begins!!
  • GaGasheesh
    GaGasheesh Posts: 1,128 Member
    edited February 9
    Sarah, it seems it's just us while Lois and Kelly play, lol.

    I'm thinking about you dealing with those d*** plumbing issues!! I can't stand plumbing problems. Over the years hubby and I have had our fair share, and it's the worst. There's nothing you an do either, but fix it and pay for it over time with credit because it's always so expensive, and not a simple repair you can plan for. Ugh.

    It seems like maybe Costco should pay your medical bills, but I know it's a tough decision to get involved with something like that. Maybe just asking would work, but it seems like now days everyone has to sue to get what they deserve, and in the end it's not worth it. It looks like you're still moving well. But, that's you and how determined you are ;)

    I had my trainer yesterday, and I'm sore today. I always feel less soreness if I do a low level cardio workout of some kind, so I'll get at least 30 minutes today, and some stretching. It's snowing pretty hard here right now, so it will be indoors. Hubby has his eye exam today, but we were talking about breaking out the old snowshoes for a nice walk/hike in the mountains next week. I love getting out in the snow, but I don't ski much anymore . . afraid of hard falls :p

    I'm thinking about my goals, and it seems they're always the same. I'm envious of your being under 130 lbs. So, obviously I need to figure out more incentives to actually do what I'm not doing. Since my heart surgery in 2009, I've come to really enjoy exercise, and so I do it pretty regularly. I need to figure out intake and how to incentivize eating healthy and being okay with feeling a little hungry. And, maybe some non-food rewards. I'm tired of everything feeling tight around my waist! But now, here comes Mexico and granddaughters selling Girl Scout cookies :D

  • SarahMaxx
    SarahMaxx Posts: 1,972 Member
    Yes, Sheesh. I thinks it's the two of us, and I was really happy to see your post. I'm feeling kind of lonely and isolated today. I think it's the fact that it's super cloudy here, so pretty gloomy looking, and my lower back--or actually my rear end--is bothering me today. I have this odd sensation that my butt cheeks, for lack of a better way to describe it, are too heavy. There's just something not right, although the x-rays show no breaks. I am reminding myself that injuries always take longer to heal that you'd initially think. I remember how long it was before my right arm had healed as much as it did when I fell on the patio a few years back. And I regret now not reporting the incident to Costco when it happened, but that place was so terribly crowded that day and I was kind of in shock and just wanted to get home. Anyway, I'm struggling a bit today to keep myself from going down that rabbit hole of fear and self-pity.

    Yesterday, in contrast was a good day. It was sunny and unseasonably warm, my back and back end felt reasonably okay, and so I took a shorter and slower walk on one of my less hilly paths. It felt so good to just breath fresh air and feel sun on my face.

    But in another way, yesterday was a little sad. We learned that our long-time neighbor has been told that she cannot come back home, even with help. Apparently, her dementia is progressing rapidly. We went to see her in her new apartment at the assisted living campus last weekend, and for a time, she seemed like the old Lyn. Then she told us about an upcoming doctor's appointment and went on to tell us about it another six times before we left. And I think I've mentioned that she was a sports editor who loves to watch ball games, and she told me she does not remember much about December, January, or February (which we're barely into) and that she doesn't even remember the Super Bowl (which is this Sunday). I think her situation has made me realize how quickly life can change. A few months ago, she was living alone and doing reasonably well.

    But I can't let myself get stuck in worry and sadness because it changes nothing. So I'm going to focus on what I can do. So we're looking at flooring and we've contacted the plumbing company to get dates for when they can start. We should hear something on Monday. We have a front coming through next week bringing heavy rain, so I expect they will want to wait until at least the following week. My dark sense of humor says at least the ground will be wet and soft! LOL

    And regarding weight, I expect your muscle mass is greater than mine, so your weight would always be a little higher. And I saw 130.0 again on Thursday, oo I, too, need to focus on what I can do in this new year. I've said it before, but for some reason lately, my hunger is up and I'm having a harder time getting myself to wait for a little while after eating to let my brain and belly catch up with each other. I did notice that it was not so bad yesterday, so maybe there's some tie with the amount of daylight. Seems like this started when the days got really short. But there was still blue in the sky yesterday at 5:30 p.m. :smiley:

    Hope you have a good weekend. (And yes, the girl scouts are everywhere with their cookies now. Hope your grands sell a bunch!)

  • GaGasheesh
    GaGasheesh Posts: 1,128 Member
    edited February 13
    Hi Sarah . . yep, so far just you and me.

    I'm guess that the sensation in your behind is due to deep bruising and swelling from your injury. Did any bruises appear on your skin? If not, it may or may not eventually appear on your skin, but that doesn't mean you had no deeper injury to your muscle and bone. I've had many injuries before, and the one thing that seemed to always help most was physical therapy. If you can get insurance to cover, I recommend that. If not, you can always do it yourself . . find info online, or just do very small movements that don't hurt too much to increase blood flow, gently strengthen, gently stretch the area. Alternate heat and ice also. I'm sure a deep injury will take time to heal, but if it doesn't seem to be improving, get into a doctor who can recommend PT . . orthopedic? I'm so sorry.

    It sounds like the plumbing problem is going to progress slowly, as with all things house related. Ugh. Oh well, at least you'll get new flooring, lol.

    Speaking of pain in the a**, I'm so sore today from my workout yesterday! I went heavier with the weights, and focused on glutes, back, chest. So far today I'm moving slow! But, I know I get rid of some of the soreness with movement, so I will get to a walk or something today. It's pretty sunny out right now, even though the weather predicted was for cloudiness. They seem to never get it right.

    We were pulling for the 49ers on Sunday, but I have to admit, the Taylor / Travis thing is pretty cute! Especially right before Valentines day. Aww . . young love. <3 It was just the 2 of us here watching as everyone had other plans, but we did play a family game. I typed up a list of questions about the game, (and Taylor and Travis, ha ha) some 1 point questions, some 2 point questions, some 3 point questions, and a game total points tie breaker guess. I emailed it to my kids, who printed it out, and some of the older grandkids played also. Hubby and I kept the master correct answers during the game. Yesterday, we were pleased to find that our daughter won, but 2 of our granddaughters were 1 point behind her! The year of the women!! We sent off first, second, and third place prizes to them yesterday. (Inexpensive gifts on Amazon). So, we had fun. But, I made crab cakes with spicy sauce for a snack, and those things stunk up my whole house! I can still smell them, lol.

    I took a peek at your weather, Sarah, and it looks pretty nice today (if they're right). I hope you can get outside for a leisurely walk. I might also. All we can do is stay in the moment, right? When I get too much in my head it's not good.

    We leave on Friday for a week. So, I'll be back tomorrow for weigh-in, and then I don't know :D

  • Lastchancelj
    Lastchancelj Posts: 1,341 Member
    Well hello Ladies!!

    So sorry to have deserted you both.

    Sarah - eeek on your plumbing issues. That's a hard hit. And I just read that you did not report the accident to Costco? Well, I'm glad you're moving around a bit, but that stinks to high heaven. Making a note to myself - and to others - be sure to make accident report when shopping if something happens. With our aging selves, we just never really know how something is going to affect us. Yes, I'm aging along with you guys.

    Sheesh - you are so creative with the family trivia games and stuff. That sounds like a lot of fun.

    OK. So I'm still swamped with the new software rollout. I jumped on the test site and it doesn't look like anyone has really done much while I was out. Not really surprised, so I'm adjusting my calendar to offer times for me to go to each sales office and sit with the agents for a couple of hours at a time and get them going. We have to load up 62 homes that are under construction....

    Disneyland - certainly a magical place. Due to the weather, I think I shared that I added another hotel night, that moved us from the Grand Californian to the Disneyland Hotel due to costs. And I also attempted to reschedule the entire trip to May with my sister the week before, but she wasn't keen on the idea - or even to the end of the week. That didn't go over well either. So, four nights at the DLH. We arrived Saturday and had a great time preliminary shopping and getting her used to using the scooter. We had a great lunch where they brought her a cupcake/candle for her bday. Sunday was GORGEOUS. The morning was crisp and no rain. If you're on FB you probably saw that she was able to get pics with the characters she wanted AND rode the two rides that she really wanted - multiple times. The rain arrived about 330ish...and by then, we truly had accomplished what we had wanted, so running around in the rain, was not an issue - we had ponchos and blankets, handwarmers, hats. We were ready. Well, I ended up replacing the poncho with a Micky Mouse raincoat as my sleeves were getting wet as I assisted my sister off/on the scooter. Her toes got soaked as they were peeking below the scooter poncho and the extra poncho/blanket we had on her lap. We called it a night about 815. Twelve hours in the park, 24k steps and we were so happy and excited for such an amazing day. The next day was a resort rest day. I had planned for us to visit the other two hotels (Pixar hotel had just opened) and shop and eat at Downtown Disney while it rained. Well, sis woke up feeling horrible. As the day progressed, she did not get out of bed. I did all of the planned stuff solo (which was fine). I just would pop back to the hotel to check in and bring food. 15k steps. Well as Monday progressed and she seemed to be yucky, she said she didn't want to go to the park on Tuesday. So I called a friend and he said yes, he'd love to meet up. After I brought dinner back, sis was extremely warm. So I ran downstairs and bought a thermometer. 101.6. Thankfully I did pack Dayquil, nyquil tylenol etc. as well as Liquid IV. So she was taking all of that. I decided that I needed to cancel the park day for Tuesday and had my friend change his ticket to Wednesday. Figure check out, go to the park and then drive to my daughters. Tuesday just before the scooter place was closing, sis decides she wants to go with us on Wednesday (this was against my better judgment, but I extended the scooter rental so she could join us). That was a mistake. I should have just gone to the park as planned with my friend on Tuesday. Her fever had broken. She would have been ok alone in the hotel room. So off I went around the resorts again on Tuesday. Wednesday at the park she was miserable. It was still cold (though the rain had stopped for the day). The park was extremely crowded and was challenging for her to navigate with the scooter. And, somehow the scooter didn't stay plugged in overnight so we had to find outlets to keep her charged up. I got so frustrated. She was grumpy, I got grumpy and we both said things we shouldn't have said. I was ready to just call the day at 10am. We'd had such a fabulous day on Sunday and I didn't want this frustrating day to be our lasting memory. Well, about 4pm, she called it a day and I walked her back to the hotel and got her luggage from my van. Returned the scooter and then rejoined my friend in the park. We did have a good time. Hubby always says we are only allowed 4 days together. And he is right. I called sis on Monday night, as I do each week. She thanked me again for a fabulous, memory making, dream come true trip and then said, maybe we should limit our time together to three days!!! YEP!!! She did go to the doc when she got home...simple cold. No flu, covid, pneumonia... she's doing great. I had a great day after with my daughter as we visited our 91 year old Auntie and then I drove home on Friday. Longer drive than usual as they had a lot of road construction, active and with police presence to keep us under 60. I was exhausted when I got home. I jumped on the computer Saturday to catch up and got sucked into work - for 4 hours plus. So I stayed away from the computer on Sunday.

    Monday was insane - as in my four hours on Saturday, I only managed to respond to emails. Happily the sales team was on FIRE and we had new contracts and supporting stuff. That literally took me ALL day to process. So before I lose track of the day, I thought I'd pop on and say hello.

    Sheesh - have an amazing trip this week.
    Kelly - hoping you had an amazing trip as well.
    Sarah - keeping you in my prayers my friend.

    Goals,... yeah, not set.