Brand new, nervous and need support!

Hi everyone! I am new here. I have the book and just started reading it.
I belong to a gym and am going to have to venture into the weights area at some point. May as well start now.

Any tips, advice, suggestions, etc would be appreciated!


  • Mouse_Potato
    Mouse_Potato Posts: 1,503 Member
    The best advice I can offer you is to just do it. Yes, you will feel awkward at first, but within a few workouts you will strut in to the weight area like you own the place. Now when I start a new workout I bring my book with me and I just don't care what anyone thinks if I have to refer to it to get the moves right. It's taken a few weeks, but the looks of "excuse me, ma'am, but did you get lost on your way to the elliptical?" have turned to nods of greeting and respect. :happy:
  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    Lots of people have asked an instructor to show them the moves first in order to gain confidence and ensure form is correct.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    Lots of people have asked an instructor to show them the moves first in order to gain confidence and ensure form is correct.

    This is always my best piece of advice. When you start out, if you can afford it, buy a few sessions with a personal trainer. Explain up front that you don't want to use all the sessions at once, and as you hit each of the first couple of stages set up appointments with them to go through the moves to make certain you're lifting safely and efficiently. Correct for is paramount in avoiding injury.

    Other than that, take progress pictures and measurements, many women get discouraged because we're taught to rely on the scale to validate our efforts . . . the scale is a bald faced liar and should never be trusted as a measurement for success when it comes to lifting.
  • CanGirl40
    CanGirl40 Posts: 379 Member
    look up all the moves on YouTube for proper form.

    Good luck! I'm on the thread "Starting Sept 1st" ; I'm repeating the program
  • mlerand62
    mlerand62 Posts: 85 Member
    This might be the thread I want to be on. I am 51, have a lot of weight to lose and have been reading lots of threads on not waiting to lose the weight before lifting. I was very athletic in my younger years so not afraid to try this.

    I just joined a gym a couple weeks ago and have been doing cardio for now. I walk 3 to 4 miles 5 days a week, but fall is here and winter is approaching and I won't walk on ice and snow. My Nrol4W book should be here this week. Sounds like people are reading the entire book before getting started. Maybe I will ready to lift next week.

    My thoughts are to ask for help. We don't have a gym in my small town so I run over there alone after work. I might see if the manager has seen the book and if he knows if anyone else would be interested in starting this with me. Can't hurt to ask. You are suppose to have a work out partner anyway right? Before I joined they told me they had a personal trainer and I think that would be a great start too.

    I appreciate your thoughts on my plan.