Best foods to eat or avoid and macros

firegirley Posts: 86 Member
edited February 22 in Social Groups
Hi! Last night was my first shot of compounded semaglutide. I did it in my belly, and as of now I have no side effects. I need to lose about 60-70lbs.
I'm in a few FB groups, but they all contradict each other.
I'm looking for help knowing what I need for macros, and what are the best foods. How many calories (or percentages) should I be shooting for? Fat? Carbs? Protein? It's all so confusing.
I heard to avoid red meat, but I have a freezer full of venison. (I hunt) I don't have a gallbladder, so I'm not sure if that even pertains to me.
Thoughts? Thanks!

SW 202
GW 130/140
Height 5'4"


  • lizzapearl
    lizzapearl Posts: 1 Member
    I’ve been taking compounded for about three months now, and I haven’t had any issues with eating venison or other red meat. Based on my own experience, my tolerance for highly spicy food has diminished a bit — both with mouth sensitivity and heartburn — and carbonated beverages give me awful gas. And alcohol is much more likely now to make me sick, so I’m drinking way less.
  • jas0441
    jas0441 Posts: 13 Member
    Just wondering if you have an update on how things are going for you now after a few months in? I just started today. I am 70 years old and targeting 120g of protein a day, so I eat a lot of red meat to get there. I keep my carbs at 50g /day.
  • mrrick51
    mrrick51 Posts: 18 Member
    Jas0441, I'm Rick, 72 yrs old and in answer to how things are going, for me, I'm amazed at how well Monjaro has worked for me. I started out about 250 lbs. and had an initial goal of 195 the upper limit for a 6' tall man. It's now Day 311 on Mounjaro. New low 198.5 lbs yesterday . Still no appetite at all after Tuesday M shot. I Decided to lower goal to 185 to cover possible few pounds gain after quitting M soon. Might go on a maintenence of 5 mg weekly then. As far as eating, I eat very little as I'm just not hungry. I try to not eat sugar, eat more protein and limit carbs, though I've been a little lax lately as I'm still losing. More fruit and veggies, an avocado a day and more berries, blueberries, strawberries rasberries anything that comes in season is good. Also try to get lots of fiber. I know you will succeed! Keep up the protein so you don't lose alot of muscle, I didn't so now have to work extra hard to get it back.