Questions regarding timing

LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
I have some weight to lose, no much, 5 kilos at this point would be nice to bring me into healthy range, 10 would be ideal. Middle aged woman, have gained about 10 kilos very slowly the last years, need to get back on track.
My dietician has suggested I give 16:8 a try, since losing is going slowly and to be honest I was never big on breakfast anyway, so here I am. She hopes this will not only help me control calories/hunger but also be beneficial for prediabetes.
My preferred window seems to be 13:00-21:00 (we eat dinner late where I live) and so far seems to be working.

But I wonder what should I do on the rare night out, like a couple of times per month. Ignore times and just eat/drink whenever others do (e.g. going out with friends late for a glass of wine) because a couple of days per month do not matter, or move the eating window later in the day?