Introducing myself!

tabata_Te Posts: 3 Member
Hi everyone!

I've been using myfitnesspal for a while now. I slowly managed to lose some weight in the last 3 months and I'm quite happy about that!
Besides my weight, I've been dealing with my anxiety and depression, which makes me overeat a lot. I've been seeing a therapist for a while now and as soon as I started to have some progress, my health care provider no longer support the clinic I receive my treatment (English isn't my first language, I don't know if I wrote this right...). It took me a long time to find a good therapist and I feel discouraged to the idea of searching a new therapist all over again....
I hope that by joining the group, it will help me to keep myself accountable and not ruin any of the progress I made.

I just wanted to introduce myself and I hope We all can reach our goals!


  • tabata_Te
    tabata_Te Posts: 3 Member
    An update:

    Hi everyone! When I posted here a month ago, I was feeling discouraged. I was starting to see results with my treatment with therapy
    and not being able to afford it made quite sad, I must admit that I overate for a while because of it.

    A few weeks ago, my therapist called and offered to continue my treatment for free, since she also felt that I was making progress. I felt relieved and excited to see that someone else saw that I am getting better. Since I restarted my treatment I managed to lose a bit of weight and I didn't overeat quite as much anymore. It might not be much, but I wanted to share some good news!