Insulin response to chewing?

This is going to make me sound mental, but for a few years I have struggled with EDs, I'm largely fine now but one of the things I used to do was chew things up and spit them out. At its worst i would do this with practically everything i ate and the thought of properly eating a whole meal freaked me out.
at the time my poor worried mum told me that this could be counterproductive to weight loss anyway since even the act of chewing a food can induce an insulin response regardless of whether I actually ingest anything.
I hardly do this any more but sometimes slip back into bad habits. Just wanted to know if there's truth to this? It does kinda make sense but if I actually ingest only the tiniest amount of said food could it still lead to weight gain? I'm low carbing and new to it so it has got me interested in the whole insulin thing