2024 5% Spring Theme

kaliswalker Posts: 1,192 Member
🏆This Spring marks our 59th season of the 5% Challenges! 📅This season will be our second 10 week challenge. Over the years many challengers have stated 8 weeks was too short, "I was so close to my 5% weight loss goal, I just needed a little more time". Our Spring 5% Challenge starts Saturday April 6th, 2024, with the first weigh in and ends June 15th with the last weigh in.

Our Leaders are setting up teams and preparing for the challenge. Aside from things we do on My Fitness Pal, we also have helpers who do excel spreadsheets to track information. Being a team leader is a fun way to get to know everyone and learn more about the challenges. If you are interested in being a team leader or helping behind the scenes please let me know. A MFP requirement is that you have to friend me before I can receive a message from you.

If you like Blogging please join ✍️🖊️💻Seasonal 5% Challenges ~ BLOGGERS!! ✍️🖊️💻

✈️2024 Spring 5% Travel Theme – Bucket List Destinations

Imagine the feeling of actually arriving at one of these iconic places with your team. There are so many things to see whether they be natural or man-made. Let's get out and explore them!

Our Spring 5% Living the Good Life (LTGL) theme is to build healthy forever habits! For the next 70 days, let's have the mindset that we are accomplishing our goals and living the dream. For instance eat like you are at your goal weight and maintaining a healthy weight. Exercise regularly like you would at your healthy goal weight. Remind yourself daily - healthy forever habits are part of my daily lifestyle.

Longer days and sunnier skies prompt changes to your brain and body that can make losing weight—and keeping it off—easier than usual. Promise to commit to "a healthier lifestyle and wellness each day. Focus on your exercise, food choices, relaxation, sleep, mental health, staying connected, and feeling positive about life."

Your leaders will help/guide you in how we do the challenges. Please friend them so you can communicate with them through MFP email if you have a question or to let them know if you will be away. Wherever we travel regardless of season, it’s a lovely summer day, we are physically fit and have ease of motion.

Each weekly Challenge starts on Saturday and ends Friday midnight. The basic 5% Challenge requirements are to post your weekly weigh in by Saturday midnight, record all your daily exercise minutes and daily Living the Good Life Challenge points by Friday midnight. If you are restarting your exercise and diet program, proceed at a pace you are comfortable with.

Some of the Challenges may be things you are already doing, and for that you are to be commended. It will be easy for you to contribute points to your team. For some of us, these Challenges really will challenge us as we work on developing healthy habits.

Although the LTGL Challenge changes weekly, Challengers are encouraged to do their best to continue each challenge throughout the entire 10 weeks, this is how they will become habits. Enjoy!

If you have not joined a team, please send a message to Ceriusly1.