any health issues that have been cured?

mmipanda Posts: 351 Member
So we all love paleo/primal for a reason.

From what i've seen, it seems like a lot of people here have miraculously recovered from health issues, just through changing their diet.

Mine is boring. But for ages I had this digestion issue with reflux making me feel short of breath. I constantly felt the need to yawn and thought for a while it was idk, lung cancer or something. It would go away if I took Nexium, but came back when the pills ran out. In addition to the shortness of breath thing i'd have stomach cramps similar to hunger pangs.... so i'd eat more, thinking I was hungry.

Since changing my diet, its completely disappeared. :)


  • kikih64
    kikih64 Posts: 349 Member
    I don't know about cured or miraculous, but I started this lifestyle to see if it would help with digestive issues I was having - bloat, gas, discomfort and more. It was a recent issue for me, about 8 months into it. One month paleo and I haven't had one symptom. I think I'll stick with it! I'm sure I won't be 100%, so I'll be careful to watch and see what might cause me problems when I have something non-paleo.

    Oh, my GI doc wanted to prescribe Nexium to "see if it would help", since after a slew of tests everything looked normal. I said no, and changed my diet!
  • ShannonKirton
    ShannonKirton Posts: 304 Member
    I started eating paleo this year in July. I can't really say that I had major health issues before, but generally speaking I am feeling so much better. I was (like most of us) eating grains for so long that I had no idea what it was doing to my digestive system and it's only now because I've stopped, that when I do have the occasional grain I realize how much damage it was doing.

    Going paleo has also helped me to become so much more aware of what my food is made up of, not only from a chemical point of view but a nutritional one as well. I would not change my decision for the world.
  • climberchic
    climberchic Posts: 83 Member
    Hello All!!! I decided that I wanted to start eating Paleo because I suffered from major fatigue in the afternoon. As a working Mom and parent of very active 4 year old I couldn't affort to be tired. I started the Whole30 on August 19th and haven't had a single day of fatigue in the afternoons. I use to get migraines alot as well, at least a couple a week and I was constantly taking Excedrin Migraine to try and cut them off before they became dibilitating. I just realized yesterday that I haven't had to take Excedrin Migraine since starting this diet!! THAT my friends is something!! :) I also just FEEL better about myself and THAT is something too! Have a wonderful day!!!!
  • MikeFlyMike
    MikeFlyMike Posts: 639 Member
    Here is a great list
    plus I just realized I used to have Pterygium (Surfer's Eye) that would come an go - and was about to require surgery. GONE.
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    Hello All!!! I decided that I wanted to start eating Paleo because I suffered from major fatigue in the afternoon. As a working Mom and parent of very active 4 year old I couldn't affort to be tired. I started the Whole30 on August 19th and haven't had a single day of fatigue in the afternoons. I use to get migraines alot as well, at least a couple a week and I was constantly taking Excedrin Migraine to try and cut them off before they became dibilitating. I just realized yesterday that I haven't had to take Excedrin Migraine since starting this diet!! THAT my friends is something!! :) I also just FEEL better about myself and THAT is something too! Have a wonderful day!!!!

    I dealt with the migraine thing, too. Would take EM when I first got a headache and pray I caught it in time. At one point I switched from Excedrin Migraine, due to Acetaminophen being useless for me (Excedrin Migraine was the only thing that worked, anything else Aceta. based did nothing), to Ibuprofen, and was able to take less to kill the headache.

    It wasn't until later that I realized that Aceta. isn't an NSAID, but an analgesic. When ibuprofen worked for me, I realized that my headaches were largely from inflammation. That was confirmed when I went from reaching for the pills at least once a week, to less than once a month.

    I also had issues with heartburn, which increased in recent years, where I'd go for the Tums every night. When I eat right, I don't have to touch them at all.

    My mood's also more stable, and I'm better able to focus.
  • strychnine7
    strychnine7 Posts: 210 Member
    I used to not EVER sleep very well. Like, I mean, from the time I was a kid until I went paleo, I NEVER knew what a decent nights sleep felt like. It's like my body wanted to be on a 36 hour schedule or something. Night would come and I'd be wired. When I'd finally go to bed at the early morning hours (working second- and third-shifts) of 4am, 5am, or 6am, I would then be able to sleep until 2pm or 3pm no problem - and still never feel well rested. About six months prior to going Paleo, I started fully waking up at least once a night, having to piss like a race horse. I had been overweight to one degree or another, since about 8th-grade. I had topped out at 325lbs before going paleo. I'm not sure how many of these issues were directly weight-related but once I had been paleo for a few months, everything improved. Actually, I started exercising because I got in shape. After I got down to 230ish, I realized I just had way too much energy all the time and so started hiking and walking a few times a week.
  • For the first time this summer my feet and ankles would randomly swell up. I thought it might be the heat, but nothing worked to relieve the pressure I felt from it. After 1 week of Paleo - no more swelling!
  • Rei1988
    Rei1988 Posts: 412 Member
    I have a loooong list of health problems, I hope when I do choose to embark on paleo, many of them will improve if not disappear.

    ... though idk it's kinda hard cuz I take a lot of medications :/
  • sportyredhead01
    sportyredhead01 Posts: 482 Member
    I don't know if it's cured me of anything but it's certainly eliminated my blood sugar issues and other digestive *fun stuffs*.

    I do feel much better when I eat this way and when I don't, man do I feel it the next day.
  • TriLifter
    TriLifter Posts: 1,283 Member
    I don't know if it's cured me of anything but it's certainly eliminated my blood sugar issues and other digestive *fun stuffs*.

    I do feel much better when I eat this way and when I don't, man do I feel it the next day.

    Same here. Oh, and my skin cleared up. I was a vegetarian for a decade because I thought it was so healthy, blah, blah, blah, and had awful skin (was on both topical and oral medications, etc.). Switched to paleo, and my skin is flawless.
  • I am a work in progress.
    Auto Immune Paleo is addressing a lot of my issues but still not there yet and think I have a long way to go.
    I was a vegetarian for about 20 years and think it did lots of damage that I am slowly correcting.
    I feel a million times better when I eat like this,especially when I avoid sugar and dairy..they seem to be very bad for me
  • Shadowknight137
    Shadowknight137 Posts: 1,243 Member
    When I eat gluten I can literally can be hospitalized. I end up vomiting, with intense diarrhea and massive headaches. Needless to say by avoiding gluten these issues do not occur.

    On the Paleo side of things, however (not just gluten free), I find that eating more vegetables has a positive effect on me, eating less rice crackers prevents any spots popping up on my face and finally, avoiding most gluten-free products makes my disgust go away... seriously, have you tried those things?
    Unless my girlfriend bakes into. She's damn good at baking.
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    I really need to have a list that I can copy and paste from because I have so many I can never remember them all at once.

    Completely resolved:
    -obesity (now only "over-weight")
    -depression (and other BS dianoses)
    -binge eating disorder
    -joint pain (all of my life)
    -gum disease
    -sleep apnea
    -insomnia/"slow" sleeping
    -chronic pain (spontaneous CF leak for 2 years)
    -chronic fatigue
    -chronic bronchitis (and other lung issues that were never conclusively diagnosed)
    -acid reflux
    -neck and back muscle spasms (I have mild scoliosis)
    -chronic infections and illness

    Vast Improvements:
    -overall physical energy
    -circulation (vericose/spider veins)
    -my child's health and behaviour (ear infections gone)
    -my entire attitude about life.

    I've probably missed some. My improvements are truly miraculous imo. I was so sick for so long that I didn't have a clue what it was like to feel good. In fact, when asked, I would have said that I was healthier than most people . I think I was probably only a very short time from stroke, heart attack and/or cancer, all of which "run in the family" at a young age. Strangely I didn't even know how sick I was until I started feeling better. Many people who are so sure they are not sick are just used to living like that and they just can't believe that the above can be healed with diet. So I'm usually accused of lying or being delusional. :ohwell:
  • ShannonKirton
    ShannonKirton Posts: 304 Member
    Having thought about it, I did have quite a few problems with my jaw when I was younger that took me into my adult years. I'm only 26 but I've been dealing with this since I was about 14 or 15 so it's been damn long enough. Since going paleo I found that I don't have these issues nearly as much. It's kind of difficult to explain what my problem was, because no one could ever really pin point a diagnosis, but I used to have to actually align my jaw physically and mentally just to be able to open my mouth. Yawning was painful and a big problem, and I couldn't really eat steaks or a good pork chop because it would make my jaw hurt. Generally, eating was actually a chore. I also believe but have no proof that my jaw would stick open while I was asleep, but only for short periods of time. When I awoke in the morning, my face would hurt and my jaw would be sore.

    Now, I do not have these issues and it's almost like I never had the problem in the first place. The only thing that still bugs me is my knee every now and again, but I don't think that is something my eating can fix. I'm working on the muscles surrounding my knee to try and make it stronger.