Spring into a New You (May 2024 Challenge)



  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,190 Member
    Not a great weekend. Stuck to Keto, but ate far more than I should have, and I was not as active as I would like to have been. I no longer have the hunger that seemed to mark me over the weekend, so back at it this week.
  • mjohemme
    mjohemme Posts: 356 Member
    New to the group and just starting high protein/low carb. I just consulted with a nutritionist and my assignment between now and the end of June is to remove bread, tortillas, rice, pasta, chips and crackers from my house. I can replace them with low/no carb alternatives. In addition to that goal, I have opted to have an additional goal of getting 30 grams of protein in each of my three daily meals. I'm not worrying about anything else until my next appointment with her in June. :)
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,190 Member
    mjohemme wrote: »
    New to the group and just starting high protein/low carb. I just consulted with a nutritionist and my assignment between now and the end of June is to remove bread, tortillas, rice, pasta, chips and crackers from my house. I can replace them with low/no carb alternatives. In addition to that goal, I have opted to have an additional goal of getting 30 grams of protein in each of my three daily meals. I'm not worrying about anything else until my next appointment with her in June. :)

    Welcome. Good goals. You can do this.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,190 Member
    Even while I was tired and unfocused today, my strength workout went well tonight. Some weights went up. Some weights seem to be stalled. I like the lift weights every third-day pattern. It allows me to put far more intensity into the workout while still having enough time to recover by the next one. I will have to see if it works for me in terms of having my strength increase, especially in the areas where I have always struggled to increase the weight I can lift. Eating ketovore is going well, and my hunger seems to have subsided for the time being, so I am within my calorie goals for the start of this week.
  • michellelugo1014
    michellelugo1014 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! I am new to this group. My goal is to be more aware of what I am eating and to log EVERY food 🙂 and to move more.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,190 Member
    Hi! I am new to this group. My goal is to be more aware of what I am eating and to log EVERY food 🙂 and to move more.

    Good goals. Keep us updated on how you are doing.
  • tishsmith101
    tishsmith101 Posts: 1,587 Member
    Yoga was replaced with gardening Monday, walked/jogged Tue, yesterday was walk/jog 1 mile followed by 150 squats, 100 modified pushups and 30 Lat pulldowns. No before dinner snacking all week :)

    CW 175.5 holding on to water is annoying.
  • taylok23
    taylok23 Posts: 823 Member
    Work has kept me from checking in and logging in general. I’ve eaten based on convenience so not within goals. I need some better planning for next week to ensure I can stay on plan. Workouts continue but my rest and recovery has taken a hit. I’ll get a massage tomorrow and will have down time this weekend so hopefully that helps.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,190 Member
    taylok23 wrote: »
    Work has kept me from checking in and logging in general. I’ve eaten based on convenience so not within goals. I need some better planning for next week to ensure I can stay on plan. Workouts continue but my rest and recovery has taken a hit. I’ll get a massage tomorrow and will have down time this weekend so hopefully that helps.

    One of the reasons I went more Ketovore or even Carnivore for the most part is even without a lot of planning, I can stay in Ketosis simply by only eating meat, eggs, butter, and the like. When I don't feel like doing a lot of prep, I simply only eat meat. No carbs, no getting kicked out of Ketosis because I am busy. I used to hate the texture of boiled eggs, but now they are a quick and easy go to meal for me that doesn't require figuring out carbs.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,190 Member
    Excellent workout today. I switch my warm-up from 10 minutes on an exercise bike to get my muscles warm, to doing a dynamic stretching bodyweight program that gets all my joints moving. It takes a little less time, and if my weight increases on my various lifts are any indication, it helps me get in a better workout moving more weight. I think doing my strength workout every third day helps as well as my recovery ability at 57 is not what it was even in my 40s.
  • tishsmith101
    tishsmith101 Posts: 1,587 Member
    Walking and kayaking over the weekend, strength on Wed as I was out of town Mon-Tue but managed to get in 210 squats, 140 modified pushups at the hotel. 'Some' before dinner snacking last night but was hummus and veggies.

    CW 175.5, not surprising after a camping weekend and air travel after. Should be back to 174 tomorrow?
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,190 Member
    edited May 26
    My strength training workout last Thursday was disappointing. Weights I could lift well on Monday were a struggle. Rep ranges at my top weights were substantially lower than the previous workout. All of this was because I was quite drained after a less-than-ideal sleep and a draining day at work.

    Today's workout was much better. The rep ranges were a vast improvement, getting back to where they should be except for my bench press. All this after an excellent night of sleep. For me, it was a reminder that diet and exercise all rest on the foundation of getting a good night's sleep. I think I will have to focus on that more.

    Diet has been on point, as have calories. Better yet, weight has dropped. Yesterday was the day for my official weight, and I was down to the 171 range. This morning I was 170.4 pounds. My body seems to be consistently following the pattern of bouncing up and down in a certain weight range, then out of no where dropping 3-4 pounds into a new weight range. The pattern seems to extend over about a 3-5 week stretch. While this gives me hope of breaking through the 170 pound milestone into the 160s before the end of May, knowing how the pattern seems to go, I am only going to be tentatively optimistic.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,190 Member
    Walking and kayaking over the weekend, strength on Wed as I was out of town Mon-Tue but managed to get in 210 squats, 140 modified pushups at the hotel. 'Some' before dinner snacking last night but was hummus and veggies.

    CW 175.5, not surprising after a camping weekend and air travel after. Should be back to 174 tomorrow?

    Wonderful job staying active. I need to get our kayaks down and head out.
  • jgot2lose2
    jgot2lose2 Posts: 25 Member
    My results for the month (based on goal of: Logging my food and going on at least 1 walk a day, no matter how small):
    + Logging food: Besides Memorial Day weekend, was done religiously - so I consider this a win and a step forward
    - Going on 1 walk a day: Actual taking a walk has only been 1-2 times per week. Add to that yard work 1-2x per week. So not exactly a win, but more active than I have been in a long time.