Magical May!

magic71755 Posts: 3,813 Member
edited May 2 in Social Groups
Time to make our own magic by putting our health first.

I witnessed both of my parents get progressively unwell as they aged...especially my mom. She had the big three...type 2 diabetes, congestive heart failure and high blood pressure. All brought about by diet. She died at 73 and it was not pretty. My dad had the ravages of Crohn's disease. He died at 81. Today, I would have made sure to treat his disease with a WFPB lifestyle. Same with my mom. And knowing both, they would have been happy to do so.

It's not fun. It's not fun to be old and sick.

It's not fun to be sick, period.

As my favorite YOUTUBE docs say, Talking With Docs



  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,813 Member
    edited May 2

    matzo brie using Just Egg with strawberry jam
    bean burrito with a side of steamed spinach
    seaweed snacks
    ninja creamini

  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,336 Member
    just a quick drive by posting...

    Fantastic photos, bisky! It looks like you are having gorgeous weather on your trip.

    I'm not sure what what my dinner is tonight. Last night we had fried chicken style tofu with a big salad and baked potatoes.

    ... and out of time already, dogs and husband are ready for a walk and it is getting noisy up in here :)

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,936 Member
    Love the photos, Bisky, especially the huge smiles on your faces! Looks like you are having a wonderful time.

    Nanc, thanks for getting things started. I'm so impressed with you going strong with the WFPB life.

    Carla, do you do all meals from your wfpb place or just dinners? How are puppers and Joe doing?

    I am still buried in the software migration. I think I can have it finished by Saturday night. Tomorrow I need to leave it for a while and sort through my desk. It's a mess. Going out with my brother tomorrow after work. It will be nice to get out for a few.

  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,813 Member
    you're welcome Mihani B)

    Starting a 10 day MM tomorrow.


    french toast using the last of my just egg
    bean burrito using the last tortilla
    steamed spinach
    ninja creamini

  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,813 Member
    edited May 3
    I am seriously thinking of working for UBER EATS DELIVERY on my days off...maybe 4 hours to start... 10-2 to see how I do, starting 5/25.

    Heading to Houston 5/15 - 5/20 with Lulu. My 4 year-old, great niece, Stella, is over the moon!
  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,006 Member
    edited May 3
    Magic- my parents had health problems too and all related to high meat, high fat and high sugar. So sad.

    Mihani - stay strong and I hope you get wok done Saturday so you can have a nice day off.

    Carla - pics of dogs enjoying the spring weather? They have such a great life.

    Today after a breakfast of yogurt, fruit, gluten free toast and vegetables we went on a 3 mile hike. I-never eat veggies for breakfast..well I take that back. We did in Japan. They would serve a small salad with sesame dressing. Here it seems like tomatoes, cucumbers, yellow and green peppers worked into every meal. Plus tonight was this delicious salad of fennel, carrots and white onion cut very thin…julienned (?). Delicious. Had fennel in Italy in salads too. Must incorporate that. In afternoon I read and wrote while Brooks went mountain biking. vy1aru4ad0bg.jpeg
  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,006 Member
  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,006 Member
    Snippets from a book I started reading today my eating disorder therapist recommended:
    1. Focus on what you do eat ( healthy foods….beans, nuts, seeds, veggies and fruit) than what you don’t eat (high fat, meat, high sugar, dairy, processed foods).
    2. Success is replacing high sugar, high fat, high calorie, processed food with large amount of nutritious foods not with low cal, low fat, fake sugar versions.
    3. Starvation or low calorie diets trigger our brain and hormones to seek out food and drive a person to overeat.

    The book is not vegan or vegetarian but recommends a whole food diet loaded with vegetables. Absolutely no dairy, no added sugar and no artificial sweeteners. This was the first chapter so far. . So good to be in nature and a healthy diet while reading this book. I may give up coffee😱😱😱as I just can’t give up the sweet creamers or milk to go with it. I do love tea and have been drinking Earl Grey in the morning and decaf tea/ herbal tea for rest of day. NSV I gave up artificial sweeteners last fall. Sometimes I use a tsp of honey with matcha green teas.
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,813 Member

    Fries and broccoli
    Baked and salad
    Potato salad vinaigrette dressing
    Steam spinach and mashed

    Pineapple ninja

  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,336 Member
    Your trip is coming up fast, Magic. Interesting about Uber Eats! Let us know if you give it a try. I guess you wouldn't bother until after you are back.

    More great nature pictures, bisky! Looks like continued great weather for you guys. I'll try to remember to take some pics next walk of the pups. What is the book called?

    Did you have a nice night out with your brother, Mihani? Good luck getting the rest of your software migration finished today :)

  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,813 Member
    Trip to Houston is off. Lulu is too tall...she can lie day in carrier but is unable to stand and move around. Working on maybe driving (after September when I have two weeks off) or...having puppy sitter stay with her while I go. Also, maybe have Stella spend the night at my house next time they are in AZ.

    I am taking time off, however. Moving the start of Mary's Mini to next Saturday.

    I have been cleaning out the guest/office. It just got crazy cluttered. Need one more day.

  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,006 Member
    Magic - I am sorry about your Houston trip. Can you get Lulu registered as an emotional support animal so she can fly with you?

    Mihani - Did you have a nice time with your brother?

    Carla - the book is called A Pound of Cure. It has vegan-vegetarian and meat options. Written by a weight loss diet. I enjoy how he writes and the phycological advice and theory. Less preachy but aims to explain the benefits of a diet high in vegetables, fruit, seeds, nuts , beans etc.

    Today’s take away points (I hope you don’t mind me sharing this). Toxic food cravings are characterized by a desire or obsession for a single food. Real hunger produces a desire for any food - the healthier the better. Helped me understand when we found out about Brooks’ metastasis I craved chocolate. When you are really hungry food tastes absolutely delicious! As the French say, “Hunger makes the best sauce.”

    Today’s pics of breakfast! Food labels with vegan, gluten free and lactose!
  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,006 Member

    This was breakfast buffet. Forgot to take a picture of sliced cucumbers and peppers. Have no idea what Quark was and don’t think it was vegan. Chia pudding was via and excellent with the berries.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,936 Member
    That buffet looks amazing, Bisky! Chuckled when I got to the last line of your post because I had already done a quick google of quark mid-read haha! I feel like I've heard of it but didn't know (or remember maybe) what it was. Another quick google turned up lots of recipes for vegan quark.

    Speaking of cravings, I grabbed a watermelon at the store on an impulse. It's a big one so I sure hope it's good. I'm going to visit some friends around 11 am and then swing by my brother's house after, so I will get the watermelon cut up to share.

    Nanc, so sorry to hear you had to cancel the trip. Bisky's idea is great maybe that's something you can do. Hope you got your guest room project finished. I have a bag of potatoes and will roast them later in the week. I have stuff from the grab and go for the first part of the week.

    Carla, it's a long slow road. The data migration went fairly smoothly but there were some hiccups, which you anticipate because it's data, right? But it has forced me to do a complete and in depth file review of all our open cases. It is really helping me to see where we have problems and get some ideas on how to streamline. I hope to finish the file review today. I bet I have 40 hours in it mostly evenings and weekends over the past 10 days so it has been longer days than usual. I'm tired! Glad I am getting a little bit of social time away from computer screens.

  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,813 Member
    edited May 6
    lots of new rules for emotional support dogs...I was flying southwest: Can I fly with my ESA on Southwest?
    Southwest Airlines Pet Policy for ESAs and Service Animals ...
    Since the change in regulations, ESAs that do not qualify as PSDs must follow the regulations for standard pets. ESAs are welcome on all domestic flights, except those to Hawaii, as long as they stay in their carriers. Under this new Southwest Airlines ESA policy, only cats and dogs qualify for transport.

    What animal is best for anxiety and depression on a flight?
    Dogs and cats are the most popular choices for ESA animals to alleviate symptoms of anxiety and depression. However, as most airlines no longer accept ESAs, your animal will be considered a pet and need to be in an approved carrier that fits under the seat in front of you to travel in the cabin.

    Here is something more in depth.
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,813 Member
    Lulu is all legs! Unable to stand inside her carrier. :(
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,813 Member
  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,006 Member
    Lulu….what a cutie. Is that a seatbelt harness? That is such a bummer. Thank you for the travel info for pets. I am looking. To have Cleo certified as a service animal for my hearing loss. I don’t hear the doorbelll but hear her bark. Lately when I have timers set she comes and gets me when rhey go off. Schnauzers are so smart.

    Today coffee and tea at a place called Art Cafe. Having a mushroom/potato vegan gluten free quiche. Looks almost like a soufflé. Brooks had big fat almond croissant.😱 😂😜. Walking along river to an art museum. The exhibit is photography of Finland’s old growth forest, paintings by another artist of octopuses and another artist of emotions should be interesting.

    Okay, haven’t stopped coffee yet while on vacation. Going to do the 2 week reset diet from a Pound of cure. Too hard on vacation when it was 40* this am. 🥶 our last day in this magical country.

  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,813 Member
    edited May 7
    That is a seatbelt harness from Fido Rido. She is able to lie down comfortably with it around here. The "seat" is seat belted into the car. Love knowing she is protected. Ease of mind when driving.

    Service animal, you are good to go. In that case, they can fly without a carrier, of course.

    Enjoy your last day. I admire you for giving up coffee. I just don't see me doing that ... not that strong. AND, I am back to using Nutpods in my coffee. But, still no cheese nor faux meats in the house. I made spaghetti with veg meat sauce using tofu this weekend. Mushrooms, carrots, celery, onion and red bell peppers...really good. Enough for this work week.

    With that said,

    coffee with nutpod, my once indulgence I just cannot seem to give up. need something better
    bean burrito and hatch green chili
    penne with my veg tofu sauce
    steamed spinach
    ninja creamini

    So, I have an official dining room's so simple, but I am pleased. I came across this quote's fitting for me, since I tend to wish for more and more...I needed a reminder to be super content with what I have. Posting when I get to my phone.

  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,813 Member
    edited May 7

    The before and after are backwards. ☺️

    Very simple but that is perfect for us. Going for affordable, easy, stress free upkeep, More time to do stuff and not always be cleaning and organizing.

    We didn’t get to the guestroom office yesterday, but we have one more day in the next couple weeks to finish it and then I’ll be pretty much done and hopefully I will keep everything tidy.

    We were going to take the treadmill out of the living room and into the bedroom through both sliding glass doors, but we ran into a problem.

    The sliding glass door from the living room out to the patio was big enough, but then we forgot that the bedroom sliding glass door is much smaller and we had to put the treadmill back into the living room. I will have a professional come over and take the treadmill apart and put it into my bedroom, which is gonna cost money but I’m not giving up the treadmill. It was very expensive. It’s a great treadmill and would rather invest $300 into putting it where I really want it and will use it.