2024 Chat/Goals

VeryKatie Posts: 5,949 Member
edited May 16 in Social Groups
Feel free to post whenever you think of it here.

For me, I learned while I was pregnant that all of my siblings have high cholesterol. So now that I'm not pregnant any more, I had my doctor check me too. Looks like I'm related to my family because I do too. As such I've had to do a total revamp of my (admittedly terrible) diet. Adding in a lot more fibre and reducing saturated fats and processed meats and sugars. It's so much dang work and I'm finding it exhausting. But I've lost another 3 lb so I guess there's that.

My PFT told me my DR is mild or not technically bad enough to be DR which I'm shocked about. So I've got the go ahead to exercise and lift weights if I want. She just said running might give me the most trouble. Luckily I hate running, I said. Lol. I'm going to try to get back into lifting weights, at least for the summer. Maybe some elliptical and walking. I need to for my cholesterol as well. Too bad there's very little sleep to be had with twins who wake up every hour. Blah.

So my goals for the year:

- Continue with high fibre low saturated fat diet
- Add exercise 3-4 times a week