61 Yr Old-just got off-hormones...have lost 5 lbs

I just got off hormones after 11 yrs; I'm going thru a little menopause again, but nothing so bad....I've been trying to walk/jog every day....and using myfitness pal....I think its excellent, I already know a lot of caloric values!...so just lost 5 lbs in the last 6 weeks... but seem to be at a standstill.....maybe because I pulled a groin muscle and I;'m in a lot of pain....But bottom line is: If I keep sticking to my 999 calories a day and keeping myself busy (I dont stop all day)... I will keep on loosing. My goal was 16 lbs...any comments...


  • jhloves2knit
    jhloves2knit Posts: 268 Member
    I've never gotten anywhere near 999 calories, but I have read that 1200 calories is the absolute minimum you should eat. So many MFPers write that you need to eat more to lose more. I know it doesn't make sense, but a lot of people have increased calories and lost weight. You might search for something like "1200 calories" in the forums.

    I'm eating 1500 calories a day, doing a reasonable amount of exercise, and losing a pound a week. I feel satisfied (even have treats) and am quite happy with my loss.

    By the way, I've been on hormone replacement therapy for many years. Why did you go off? Not criticizing, just interested.