Welcome Fitness Beasts Let's Interact Here



  • spider_mark51959
    spider_mark51959 Posts: 2,833 Member
    It is awesome that you lift weights and do other resistance training @zebasschick I love my trap bar!! Keeps me out of trouble on deadlifts
  • Ralphone
    Ralphone Posts: 1,854 Member
    I have been on here so long I can't remember when I wasn't . I hope to keep at and hello to everyone new and old !! Happy Monday 👍💪
  • mlboyer100
    mlboyer100 Posts: 115 Member
    Marsha from AR here. It’s only June 3rd and MFP took the Newsfeed down! They said it was going down the END OF JUNE! The MFP GODS can’t be trusted! I didn’t get all my good friend’s contact info and now we’re cut off. I pray that somehow our paths may cross and we can support each other again! I’ve been on MFP for 9.2 years and a Premium member and never saw anything like this happen. It may be time to move on and find a more dependable and trustworthy app.
  • Ralphone
    Ralphone Posts: 1,854 Member
    So they didn't let you keep your friends list?
  • annliz23
    annliz23 Posts: 3,478 Member
    Hello just joined you.
  • zebasschick
    zebasschick Posts: 1,063 Member
    edited June 4
    mlboyer100 wrote: »
    Marsha from AR here. It’s only June 3rd and MFP took the Newsfeed down! They said it was going down the END OF JUNE! The MFP GODS can’t be trusted! I didn’t get all my good friend’s contact info and now we’re cut off. I pray that somehow our paths may cross and we can support each other again! I’ve been on MFP for 9.2 years and a Premium member and never saw anything like this happen. It may be time to move on and find a more dependable and trustworthy app.

    my newsfeed is still up, and today's the 4th. but every tie i log in, i think "will it still be there?"

    btw, i've tried a variety of other apps, and so far, for logging, forum, and groups, MFP is still the best. i've tried a couple others in the past week - one is buggier than MFPs, has no forum, each "group" is just a single, long, run-on thread, and it's giving me errors like saying i've been logging since last thursday but also giving me a 0 day streak and continuing to send me emails every freaking time anyone posts on a group. i checked - i am opted out.

    the other one i tried has an awful interface, no groups or something like the newsfeed, and is harder to log on with less options.

  • mlboyer100
    mlboyer100 Posts: 115 Member
    mlboyer100 wrote: »
    Marsha from AR here. It’s only June 3rd and MFP took the Newsfeed down! They said it was going down the END OF JUNE! The MFP GODS can’t be trusted! I didn’t get all my good friend’s contact info and now we’re cut off. I pray that somehow our paths may cross and we can support each other again! I’ve been on MFP for 9.2 years and a Premium member and never saw anything like this happen. It may be time to move on and find a more dependable and trustworthy app.

    my newsfeed is still up, and today's the 4th. but every tie i log in, i think "will it still be there?"

    btw, i've tried a variety of other apps, and so far, for logging, forum, and groups, MFP is still the best. i've tried a couple others in the past week - one is buggier than MFPs, has no forum, each "group" is just a single, long, run-on thread, and it's giving me errors like saying i've been logging since last thursday but also giving me a 0 day streak and continuing to send me emails every freaking time anyone posts on a group. i checked - i am opted out.

    the other one i tried has an awful interface, no groups or something like the newsfeed, and is harder to log on with less options.
    mlboyer100 wrote: »
    Marsha from AR here. It’s only June 3rd and MFP took the Newsfeed down! They said it was going down the END OF JUNE! The MFP GODS can’t be trusted! I didn’t get all my good friend’s contact info and now we’re cut off. I pray that somehow our paths may cross and we can support each other again! I’ve been on MFP for 9.2 years and a Premium member and never saw anything like this happen. It may be time to move on and find a more dependable and trustworthy app.

    my newsfeed is still up, and today's the 4th. but every tie i log in, i think "will it still be there?"

    btw, i've tried a variety of other apps, and so far, for logging, forum, and groups, MFP is still the best. i've tried a couple others in the past week - one is buggier than MFPs, has no forum, each "group" is just a single, long, run-on thread, and it's giving me errors like saying i've been logging since last thursday but also giving me a 0 day streak and continuing to send me emails every freaking time anyone posts on a group. i checked - i am opted out.

    the other one i tried has an awful interface, no groups or something like the newsfeed, and is harder to log on with less options.
    First, I really don’t like this [/quote] thing!

    I’m trying “LoseIt” and keeping both running side by side so I won’t lost my 3366 day (9.2 yrs) streak! The logging part was confusing at first but it offers so much more nutrition analysis. On top of that, it’s FAST! No waiting for the page to come up. That has been the most annoying part of MFP for me… the waiting for the app to catch up to my input! I haven’t tried the messages part yet or figured out how to find my friends. Still experimenting. LoseIt is graded equal to MFP on searches, so I’ll just keep figuring it out. Unfortunately, I will lose my 9.2 yr Streak if I drop MFP, but oh well, I know I did it!
  • zebasschick
    zebasschick Posts: 1,063 Member
    i find the logging on LoseIt clunky and slower than it is for me on MFP, and for 6 days, it's said i have a 0 day streak. groups are inferior imo to the MFP groups, and while there's sort of a newsfeed, you can't like comments, and it's pretty buggy. some people's weight loss and other stuff automatically shows up on it, but my stuff doesn't. emailed support, have yet to hear back.

    i paid $20 for a year LoseIt membership but the features i was interested in only work on the phone, not my computer, including custom meals (i have the default 3 meals and snacks on my computer even after i changed to 6 custom meals and extras on the app, which means my foods aren't logged in the same meals. also can only log water on the app - i can't log it or even see it on my computer.

    i REALLY wish they'd have just left the MFP newfeed alone!

    DVDBEASTMODE Posts: 149 Member
    i find the logging on LoseIt clunky and slower than it is for me on MFP, and for 6 days, it's said i have a 0 day streak. groups are inferior imo to the MFP groups, and while there's sort of a newsfeed, you can't like comments, and it's pretty buggy. some people's weight loss and other stuff automatically shows up on it, but my stuff doesn't. emailed support, have yet to hear back.

    i paid $20 for a year LoseIt membership but the features i was interested in only work on the phone, not my computer, including custom meals (i have the default 3 meals and snacks on my computer even after i changed to 6 custom meals and extras on the app, which means my foods aren't logged in the same meals. also can only log water on the app - i can't log it or even see it on my computer.

    i REALLY wish they'd have just left the MFP newfeed alone!

    I still get newsfeed but still glitchy. Maybe they will keep it and get the glitches cleaned up soon. Fingers Crossed :)
  • zebasschick
    zebasschick Posts: 1,063 Member
    they said not, and a couple of people have said they had planned to remove the newsfeed at the end of june. but some people are already reporting theirs is gone.
  • zebasschick
    zebasschick Posts: 1,063 Member
    does anyone here use neutral grip handles for pull ups, lifting or resistance bands?
    DVDBEASTMODE Posts: 149 Member
    does anyone here use neutral grip handles for pull ups, lifting or resistance bands?

    I do not use those I use a TRX for most body weight only exercises. Super easy to use and travel with. Can use it on a door a permanent hook in a garage and or you can throw it over a tree and use it. So you can use it anywhere and find lots of exercises on line as well.
  • zebasschick
    zebasschick Posts: 1,063 Member
    sounds lightweight and convenient. i don't think i could throw my cable machine or our rack over a tree LOLOL

    the bar in front is our new bells of steel arch nemesis - it's a cambered swiss bar. came yesterday, so far, has proved to be much easier on wrists and shoulders for deadlifts and overhead presses.


    DVDBEASTMODE Posts: 149 Member
    sounds lightweight and convenient. i don't think i could throw my cable machine or our rack over a tree LOLOL

    the bar in front is our new bells of steel arch nemesis - it's a cambered swiss bar. came yesterday, so far, has proved to be much easier on wrists and shoulders for deadlifts and overhead presses.


    That’s a sweet piece of machinery I am a bit jelly :)
  • zebasschick
    zebasschick Posts: 1,063 Member
    does anyone here use a battle rope? if so, is it more a cardio thing? could you use a weighted jump rope and get a similar effect? i have limited space and am curious...

    am considering walking up and down the driveway with the open trap bar - it's a block long, 8% incline up one way, down obviously the same but decline the other. our condo doesn't really have space for farmers walks with the open trap bar - i've been using dumbbells, but i love the open trap bar. not sure how my legs will do on the incline with the 44 additional pounds for a block.
  • britneyd109
    britneyd109 Posts: 331 Member
    I just lost my news feed today. 😕
  • spider_mark51959
    spider_mark51959 Posts: 2,833 Member
    No feed for me anymore, gone last night.
  • springlering62
    springlering62 Posts: 7,913 Member
    edited June 12
    Just back from CA visiting granddaughter. My feed disappeared our first day there. Someone said it disappears if you have nothing to record to it (I had that turned off) or don’t record a workout to MFP diary. Makes sense, since I didn’t record any workouts and then it went poof.

    @zebasschick i do battle ropes occasionally, when forced to, because I hate those fecking things. I don’t think a weighted jump rope would be similar. They are very thick, much longer than an jump rope, and evenly weighted the entire length.

    My old trainer did order a “female” sized rope, which was slightly lighter, thinner, and much easier to hold onto with smaller hands

    I’d rather do anything than battle ropes. I’d suggest trying a rope out before investing in one.

    Tune out now, gentlemen.

    If you have any issues with incontinence, not the gym gear for you. I don’t normally, and they still affect me that way.
  • zebasschick
    zebasschick Posts: 1,063 Member
    Just back from CA visiting granddaughter. My feed disappeared our first day there. Someone said it disappears if you have nothing to record to it (I had that turned off) or don’t record a workout to MFP diary. Makes sense, since I didn’t record any workouts and then it went poof.

    @zebasschick i do battle ropes occasionally, when forced to, because I hate those fecking things. I don’t think a weighted jump rope would be similar. They are very thick, much longer than an jump rope, and evenly weighted the entire length.

    My old trainer did order a “female” sized rope, which was slightly lighter, thinner, and much easier to hold onto with smaller hands

    I’d rather do anything than battle ropes. I’d suggest trying a rope out before investing in one.

    Tune out now, gentlemen.

    If you have any issues with incontinence, not the gym gear for you. I don’t normally, and they still affect me that way.

    well, thanks, spring. that doesn't sound promising. maybe i'll find a more fun new fitness thing i'm adding kettlebells to my workouts, hopefully will like them.

    LINIA Posts: 1,138 Member
    Hello Pals
    Glad we are at least trying , it takes a good bit of time to , for lack of a better term “gel”
    and become a cohesive group , but since these comments are shared and we can all read them , maybe catching up with one another will work very well.