Week 8 Great Wall of China - Water & Meal Preparation

kaliswalker Posts: 1,316 Member
edited June 1 in Social Groups
This posting is for information only. PLEASE POST YOUR RESULTS ON YOUR CHALLENGE TEAM PAGE. And post questions and comments on your team’s discussion board. Thanks!

🌎️Challenge #8 Saturday, May 25 - Friday, May 31🌎️
✈️DESTINATION - Great Wall of China, China 6,000 Miles - Water & Meal Preparation

The challenge begins on Saturday morning. Exercise & Water & Meal Preparation done before SATURDAY DOES NOT COUNT!!!!

The Great Wall of China is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and one of the Seven Wonders of the World. We will have a bird's eye view of The Great Wall from a helicopter! It will be a great overview before we select sections we want to hike and see up close.

The first Emperor of China unified the country and started the wall to keep out various nomadic groups from the Eurasian Steppe. It is a built across the historical northern borders of ancient Chinese states and Imperial China. It is renown for its massive construction size, its unique architectural styles, and the legendary armies of builders - soldiers, prisoners, and local people. Successive dynasties built and maintained multiple stretches of border walls. The best-known sections of the wall were built by the Ming dynasty (1368–1644).

It is not a single-structured wall, but a series of fortifications that include beacon towers, 25,000 watchtowers, barracks, garrison stations along the walls, together forming an integrated barrier. 70% of Great Wall is actual constructed wall, the rest consists of natural barriers such as rivers and mountain ridges. The building materials varied depending on their local availability. Some sections of the Great Wall were built of earth, rocks, adobe bricks, or a brick and stone mixture.

The Great Wall also contributed to the growth of the trade route that came to be known as the Silk Road, which followed a long section of the wall. Tourists are awed by this incredible feat of engineering, the greatest hand built structure in ancient time. Given the span of the wall, you can choose different locations to view it, but it is easily accessible from Beijing.

Interesting Facts About The Great Wall of China

Has a long history - built over 2,500 years
Not one wall but many different adjoining walls 13, 000 miles long
Largest manmade project in the world
Purportedly the only structure that can be seen from space
Stretches from the Bohai Sea in the east to the Gobi Desert in the west
It would take 18 months to walk its length
It varies in height from 15' to 30'
It varies in width from 15' to 25'

📝Living the Good Life - Water & Meal Preparation

Living the Good Life – Drink your water, daily maximum 8 cups to record, but drink what you want.

To lose weight, you need to eat fewer calories than you burn. How does drinking water help you lose weight?

1. Calorie control - If you drink more water, chances are you’ll simultaneously reduce your intake of calorie-laden liquids – like sugary drinks or creamy coffees. The calorie reduction can really add up.
2. It can help manage your appetite - Water fills the volume of your stomach, signaling to your brain that you’re full. Therefore, water can act as an appetite suppressant. Drinking a 16-ounce glass of water prior to a meal can increase fullness or satiety, which in turn can decrease overall calorie consumption at that meal by up to 13%.
3. It can increases your metabolism AKA ‘water-induced thermogenesis’ an increased energy expenditure - more calories burned as fuel. Drinking 16 ounces of water can increase metabolism by 30% for an hour following the drink.
4. It breaks down fat - Water intake has been associated with increased fat cell breakdown in the body, called lipolysis, the conversion of fat tissue to fuel. An uptick in metabolism (see above) can also increase lipolysis, and increased water intake affects the hormone insulin in a way that speeds up this fat breakdown process.
5. It keeps you hydrated - Proper hydration is essential to many body functions that go hand-in-hand with weight loss. When you’re dehydrated, you may experience sluggish digestion and increased water storage which tip up the scale. Plus, dehydration usually correlates with a lack of energy, and fatigue has a slew of negative side effects on your healthy habits.

When you’re hydrated, your body is optimized and, so is your motivation to exercise and eat well. Except for oxygen, there’s nothing your body needs more than an adequate supply of water. Consuming enough water slows down aging, prolongs a disease-free life and lowers the risk of being biologically older than your chronological age, according to a National Institute of Health. Water has zero calories.

About 60% of your body weight is made of water, which is needed to:

• Regulate your body temperature.
• Lubricate and cushion joints.
• Flush toxins.
• Relieve headaches caused by even mild dehydration.
• Look younger with healthier skin that is properly hydrated.
• Digest food.
• Maintain regular bowel movements.
• Deliver oxygen throughout your body.
• Reduce kidney stone formation and bladder infections

The sensation of thirst decreases with age, as does the amount of water in our bodies, which makes seniors more at risk for dehydration. Dehydration symptoms can include: A dry or sticky mouth or a swollen tongue. Did you know a routine blood test can detect dehydration, because the serum sodium levels are higher?

How to know if your skin is dehydrated? Your skin typically looks dull and can show premature aging, like surface wrinkles and loss of elasticity. Try the pinch test - pinch the skin on your arm or the back of your hand, and if it stays tented after you let go, this indicates moderate or even severe dehydration. Water moisturizes skin and increases skin elasticity. Be the best version of yourself, stay well hydrated!

Even mild dehydration can be a physical stressor to the body. You can experience tiredness, nausea and loss of appetite, and may find it difficult to concentrate and perform physical tasks, like carrying groceries or lifting weights. Or you may think you are hungry when you are actually thirsty or dehydrated. Before reaching for an unplanned snack or eating between meals, drink a glass of water first and wait a few minutes. Often, the water will hit the spot if you're only thirsty, but hunger will intensify the longer you wait. When you stay hydrated it’s easy to keep your appetite in check.

While it may not always be practical to count up ounces during the day, for most of us, using a combination of thirst as a guide, as well as looking for a pale-yellow urine color, can indicate that we are well-hydrated. It's normal to have to urinate about six to eight times in a 24-hour period.

🌟Build healthy forever habits - have a glass of water on the table each time you eat and make a point of drinking it all. Ideally drink water before a meal to 'fill you up' so you eat less. Have a glass of water at your bedside to drink when you wake up, or drink water while your morning coffee is brewing. Anchor your hydration habit to a location you’re in a few times per day. Or carry a water bottle with you throughout the day for easy access to water.

Don't drink all of your daily water at once, divide it into several glasses of water throughout the day. This is especially important if you engage in lots of heavy exercise.

NO SODAS! Count 100% zero calorie drinks or herbal teas, but water is what you should try to drink if you can. Aim for 64 ounces (8 glasses) of water each day.

Water: The Wild Card of Weight Loss https://bit.ly/3uL1Dqw
12 Tips to Drink 8 Cups a Day https://bit.ly/3yJrb8M
Drinking Water During Workouts https://bit.ly/3chRGKH

✔️To score points this week
1. Drink Your Water - 1 cup = 1 point. Daily MAXIMUM 8 Cups to record
2. Eat one home cooked meal a day = 10 points all or nothing. Daily maximum 10 points.

🏆 Summary of Living the Good Life

Record all exercise minutes. It's 6,000 Team Exercise Minutes/Air miles. DAILY INDIVIDUAL MAXIMUM 120 exercise minutes/miles.

Scoring: 1 minute of exercise = 1 air mile

Living the Good Life

1. Drink Your Water - Daily MAXIMUM 8 Cups/Points to record
8 ounces = 1 glass/cup = 250 ml = 1 point (no fractions)
2. Eat one home cooked meal a day = 10 points all or nothing.

We will record this on one thread. (example)

My Exercise: 30
My Water: 8
My Home Cooked Meal: 10

****Remember if for any reason your health does not allow you to participate in a challenge please do not attempt it. Always follow your doctor's orders.
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