May 29 - June 4

GaGasheesh Posts: 1,107 Member
TW: 135.4

Yikes. Not unexpected though.

It seems that everyone is getting busy with summer ramping up. I have a couple of trips in July also, hopefully I can get some reduction before we go so that it doesn't just continue up and up. I've had a good week this week thus far, with trainer Monday and tomorrow, golf and 2 mile walk Tuesday. Today, I've done a lot of housework and rested my sore muscles, lol. As usual, my intake is the problem.

Sarah, you do such a great job of getting your activity numbers and keeping your weight hovering around 130. I'd love to join you there. I hope your projects are wrapping up and that you'll have more time for yourself.

Lois, have you found another plan for intake? When it's so hard to plan, shop, cook healthy food, I think a food service is a good option. I just don't know of any that might taste good.

Well, I have to run to a weekly play date with Cali boys. I look forward to your posts.


  • SarahMaxx
    SarahMaxx Posts: 1,941 Member
    Just saw that Sheesh and I were both posting at the same time. If I remember correctly, I can't delete a new thread, but I'll try so we won't have two going at the same same time. :D
  • SarahMaxx
    SarahMaxx Posts: 1,941 Member
    LW: 130.4
    TW: 131.4

    Not so happy with this extra pound. I'm getting my activity in, but still struggling with intake. Lots of things on my mind these days. About 10 days ago, I found a lump in my left breast. I saw my primary care physician a week ago today, and she said that the good thing is that it's soft and she can move it, but we need to have it checked. Since I ran into a problem getting a diagnostic mammogram back in December when she thought she felt something (different area of same breast), she called and made the appointment herself. But they still could not get me in until June 10. But it's a 3-week wait this time and not the 6 weeks that I waited during December and January.

    Honestly, ladies, 2024 has not been a great year for me thus far with two breast lumps and all the pipe replacement horror. But on the latter subject--we have been able to get a little more from our insurance company--although still less than half of what we've spent, and of course, we still have the new landscaping to pay for next spring. But get this. It turned out that the hold-up on the last receipts and documentation was because our claim representative either quit or was fired. He told us that some of the things found as work progressed might work in our favor, but that he needed a week to 10 days to confer with folks above him. When we didn't hear in 3 weeks (we're patient) we called and got an out-of-office message saying he'd return calls and emails in the order received when he returned the next day. But then the next day turned into another week, so we called back, and this time got a message saying, "I am no longer with this company!" Fortunately, he gave the name and number of someone in the company to call and that person worked with lightning speed. Apparently, there was a lot of stuff he was sitting on, i.e., we were not the only folks waiting for costs to be approved (or not). I'm sure that the company was afraid of losing customers, so perhaps it worked to our advantage in the end. They did approve some more things and we had a check in less than a week.

    It's been lonely here on the board since everyone was traveling. We had a nice Memorial Day and enjoyed cooking ribs on the grill with friends. We've only been to the pool once, but the heater is working, and the water was divine! Looking forward to hearing what has been going on with everyone else.

    Oh, and before I go, here are my 7-day averages. They seem to stay in the same old ballpark. :/

    Steps = 10,360
    Kcals burned = 1,680
  • GaGasheesh
    GaGasheesh Posts: 1,107 Member
    edited June 3
    Sarah, I'm sorry to read about the lump in your breast. I'm sure it will be okay, but it's really scary to have happen again. My Oregon daughter has had lumps appear and disappear for several years, and she now automatically schedules the more diagnostic imaging every year in order to not waste time going back for a second imaging. She gets really sick of arguing for that every year with her doctor (and probably her insurance company) but she does it anyway. It's both frightening and annoying! I'll be thinking of you on June 10, and please post here as soon as you have results. Some women have that kind of tissue in their breasts, and I know it's really upsetting to have to deal with it repeatedly. I'm glad you're being careful with your health. <3

    I hope your new insurance adjuster will be more diligent on your behalf and get more things covered and reimbursed. I hate spending money on house and car repairs. And with those kind of pipe issues, you really just have no choice! Since this happened to you, I've had a couple conversations with my hubby about whether we have enough money set aside for that kind of expensive emergency. We're going to get that done. But, with prices for everything the way they are, it's going to take sacrificing a lot of little and bigger things. A lot less eating out or ordering out is first on the list, but I figure it's better for my health and reduction goals anyway. My hubby is notorious for going around turning off lights all the time, lol.

    Lois, you've been very quiet on here, and I know you're busy with your job and summer plans ramping up. I'm sure your area of work gets even more hectic during Spring and Summer months, or being in Arizona maybe it's busy year round. Anyway, I hope you're finding time for yourself and your own health goals.

    Kelly, I like to imagine you at your cabin a lot, enjoying the quiet and nature. I quite often miss ours, but then I also remember the backbreaking work and sometimes sadness when our children couldn't come as often. I'm both glad we had it for over 30 years, and glad we don't have it now. But, you're young, so enjoy it. Check in with us here when you can.

    Well, I have a trainer this morning, and I'm feeling a new surge of commitment to my goals. So, I'm off to get going. Have a great week, and I'll be back Wednesday for weigh-in.

  • GaGasheesh
    GaGasheesh Posts: 1,107 Member
    edited June 3

    I thought I might share a photo of my 5 month old granddaughter, touching my face and trying to talk to me. 💗
  • Lastchancelj
    Lastchancelj Posts: 1,312 Member
    Sorry ladies. Work has been insane. Life has been insane and I'm exhausted oh and I finally got my new laptop so that took several days to get it to be just so again. A couple of programs are still being challenging.

    We went to Disneyland for Memorial Day weekend. Rhea and her family as well as my daughter and son in law also joined us for a day. The weather was fabulous and we had a fantastic time. And in true Lois fashion, I tripped exiting the Space Mountain ride. My left shin is quite bruised. I walked, with pain from the ride to the Plaza Inn restaurant on Main Street. While we were eating I happened to look down and my shin had a hematoma the size of the hunchback's hump. With the pain and the fact that it really hurt, hubby and I hobbled around the corner to first aid...then off to the ER for x-rays. Fortunately, no break. Just very bruised. A week later and it's still so tender and I'm unable to sleep at night. So I'm tired as well. I just popped onto the insurance website...$2400 ER visit bill. Well at least it goes towards the deductible. UGH. I did use a scooter Sunday and Monday morning before heading home. The park was crazy busy so it was challenging. It's more fun to ride when racing across Downtown Disney and not many people... ha!

    Hubby's 60th bday is this Sunday. And he wants to be at Disneyland... even tho the kids can't be there, that's where he wants to be. So we have reservations. I am amazed at how much he is the one pushing to go there - I thought it was going to be me. Anyhow, we leave Friday night and come home Sunday. I have closings and contracts so I need to be at work on Monday (may sleep until 730 to get some rest, but I have to work on Monday). I usually take Monday's off after travel. Spoiled like that. :)

    I also have a dr. appt on Tuesday for a new primary doc for an annual physical. Found out my doc of 32 years has retired. So much fun to start over.

    Sarah - I'm so sorry to hear about your lumps. Hopefully it's just fatty tissue and not anything to be worried about. And ugh I hate to hear about your insurance adjustor's lack of working. Hopefully it will all come together. Not to your level, but I also had my landscaper give me notice that they are no longer servicing my area. Apparently they only have two clients in this area so it's not cost effective for them. So I'm keeping my ears out for the neighbor's landscapers and will reach out to them for quotes.

    Sheesh - I just love your pic. She's such a cutie!!! Glad to hear you're still with your trainer. I have not had a chance to really research any other meal options. I did see a car with Chef for Seniors. The website urges to contact them directly for pricing etc. but it looks like you pick your food. They shop and then prepare the meals in your kitchen. Actually sounds like something I'd prefer. May research that next week.

    Ok.... back to work.