Shape Shifters Team Chat - JUNE 2024



  • JenHul
    JenHul Posts: 373 Member
    good morning,
    June 10= 9562
    June 11= 3075
    June 12= 10,104
    June 13= 4808

    I've lost motivation, or maybe commitment. I don't feel like logging food, making my steps. I had to take my Dad to hospital for surgery on the 11th so not a lot of steps, but I didn't feel motivated enough to go for a walk that evening. Not sure whats going on, but I'm in a slump for sure. I'll try to turn things around on my days off.
    Have a good weekend everyone!
  • PatriceFitnessPal
    PatriceFitnessPal Posts: 1,357 Member
    @JenHul - I’m sorry to hear you’re feeling unmotivated. I hope you can give yourself grace and maintain your fantastic progress. I’ve been so impressed by your consistent losses. I’m guessing you must be close to your goal weight.

    Could this be your body telling you that you’re there?

    You’ve come so far! Maybe reflecting on your success and what got you to this point could help you reframe your feelings? Best wishes getting through this phase of lethargy! You can do it!

  • frankwbrown
    frankwbrown Posts: 12,474 Member
    @angmarie28 Sorry for your loss.
  • frankwbrown
    frankwbrown Posts: 12,474 Member
    June week 2
    Weigh in day: Friday, June 14
    PW: 254.0
    CW: 254.0 (↓0.0 lbs; 0.0%)
    This month's LTD: (↓0.2 lbs; 0.08%)
  • frankwbrown
    frankwbrown Posts: 12,474 Member
    Daily step goal: 10,000
    Tue 6/11: 13,472
    Wed 6/12: 15,748
    Thu 6/13: 13,393
  • frankwbrown
    frankwbrown Posts: 12,474 Member
    re: Activity Feed
    • You can access a person's Activity Feed by clicking their Username (provided their profile is not private).
    • Under your Notification Preferences, there are toggles for New comments on my activity feed posts and New posts on my profile's activity feed. Checking these will ensure you're notified when someone posts a comment on your Activity Feed.
  • cre804
    cre804 Posts: 353 Member
    PW 197.0
    CW 195.5

    Admin: I will be out of town next Friday so I won’t be able to weigh in until the following week.
  • pedal__power
    pedal__power Posts: 203 Member
    PW 209.4
    CW 211.6
  • pedal__power
    pedal__power Posts: 203 Member
    @angmarie28 I'm so sorry for your loss.
  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,220 Member
    JenHul wrote: »
    good morning,
    June 10= 9562
    June 11= 3075
    June 12= 10,104
    June 13= 4808

    I've lost motivation, or maybe commitment. I don't feel like logging food, making my steps. I had to take my Dad to hospital for surgery on the 11th so not a lot of steps, but I didn't feel motivated enough to go for a walk that evening. Not sure whats going on, but I'm in a slump for sure. I'll try to turn things around on my days off.
    Have a good weekend everyone!

    @JenHul Hope your dad is ok after surgery and recovers quickly...some days when we're overwhelmed, we just have to concentrate on breathing and then each day after, take baby steps to get back on track. Will be thinking of you this week and we're here if you need to vent. YOU GOT THIS, even though it doesn't feel like it right steps, baby steps!!
  • ganival
    ganival Posts: 102 Member

    PW 183.8
    CW 182.4
  • angmarie28
    angmarie28 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Prev weight-185.2
    Current weight-182
  • alleykat69
    alleykat69 Posts: 273 Member
    weigh in: Saturday
    pw: 202.2
    cw: 202.6

  • PatriceFitnessPal
    PatriceFitnessPal Posts: 1,357 Member
    @angmarie28 - That’s understandable. Try to give yourself grace and time to grieve. You are always caring for others, whether at work or home, so I hope you can allow yourself to lean on others during this difficult time. I remember you often carved out time from your busy schedule to care for your mother when she needed help. I hope it’s a comfort to you that you were there for her and you had such a close relationship that “she was [your] person.” My condolences to you and your family. ❤️‍🩹
  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,220 Member
    angmarie28 wrote: »

    Finding it hard to do much of anything besides the stuff I need to do since my mom's passing

    @angmarie28 I'm sure you're still reeling and that's the worst feeling the world is moving too fast and you have no control over anything. I'm so sorry for your pain. Just try to breathe...and when you feel you can, take a walk to center yourself...cherish some of those hidden away memories of good times with your Mom...places she liked to go, things she liked to will make you feel her presence all around you...and although you might shed a tear, it will help you start to heal. I'm thinking of you...just breathe...and lean on your family...take care...we're here when you need us...
  • Pupowl
    Pupowl Posts: 1,794 Member
    The daily card:
    The Greek philosophers first popularized the idea that the heart is linked to one of our strongest emotions: love. Love brings us joy and, as research has shown, is also good for our physical health. It appers in various guises: romance, compassion, empathy and friendship. Send silent love to the people you encounter today. In your mind, hope that they will find happiness during the day. Imagine that love as a white light flowing through your body and out to everyone you meet.

  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,220 Member
    The June Week 3 Group Challenge is open and ready to begin on Sunday, Jun 16th. Join us for the Summer Wellness Challenge! Here's the link:

    Hope to see you in the chat thread!
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