Shape Shifters Team Chat - JUNE 2024



  • ganival
    ganival Posts: 102 Member
    Hey Shape Shifters - I love this group but am feeling sad without my newsfeed. I looked forward to a few posters in particular each day who are now gone. Anyway, I'm dropping out but will come back now and then to see how everyone is doing in the group. :+1: Good luck everyone.

    i will miss seeing you in my feed. and the stories about your crazy neighbors.
  • izzyred9400
    izzyred9400 Posts: 945 Member
    @angemarie28 that's sooo hard, very sorry for your loss ❤️

    @angmarie28 Typo above...didn't want you to miss her message...

    Thanks for noticing @jessicakrall8
  • izzyred9400
    izzyred9400 Posts: 945 Member
    @Itadakimasu7 mine just disappeared this morning,I miss it already.Sorry to see you go & good luck.
  • Pupowl
    Pupowl Posts: 1,794 Member
    The daily card:
    There is always a bigger view. Whatever the situations and challenges we are facing, there is always a frame of reference that can provide us with some perspective. In a mindfulness practice, the always accessible bigger view is our ability to just be aware, to know. Next time you find a difficult emotion arising in your mind, bring your awareness to that experience. The part of yourself that knows the difficult emotion is not itself difficult. If you practice taking the bigger view, the more space you'll give yourself to deal with challenges as they arise.

  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,220 Member
    Pupowl wrote: »
    The daily card:
    There is always a bigger view. Whatever the situations and challenges we are facing, there is always a frame of reference that can provide us with some perspective. In a mindfulness practice, the always accessible bigger view is our ability to just be aware, to know. Next time you find a difficult emotion arising in your mind, bring your awareness to that experience. The part of yourself that knows the difficult emotion is not itself difficult. If you practice taking the bigger view, the more space you'll give yourself to deal with challenges as they arise.

    @pupowl I really needed this one today...thank you for sharing it every day...the cards really do inspire all of us! You ARE appreciated!
  • kcpond
    kcpond Posts: 661 Member
    Thursday Weigh-In
    User: kcpond

    PW: 237.2
    CW: 236.4
  • DaffyGirl88
    DaffyGirl88 Posts: 4,705 Member
    Pupowl wrote: »
    The daily card:
    There is always a bigger view. Whatever the situations and challenges we are facing, there is always a frame of reference that can provide us with some perspective. In a mindfulness practice, the always accessible bigger view is our ability to just be aware, to know. Next time you find a difficult emotion arising in your mind, bring your awareness to that experience. The part of yourself that knows the difficult emotion is not itself difficult. If you practice taking the bigger view, the more space you'll give yourself to deal with challenges as they arise.

    @pupowl I really needed this one today...thank you for sharing it every day...the cards really do inspire all of us! You ARE appreciated!

    @Pupowl I second that!!
  • DaffyGirl88
    DaffyGirl88 Posts: 4,705 Member
    Good morning,

    Wednesday steps
  • Krysless2
    Krysless2 Posts: 1,985 Member
    Step Goal:10,000
    Tue 06/11: 2996
    Wed 06/12: 3313

    June; Wk2 (so far):

    Log / Und-C&Cs / 1Hr-Exe
    (Yes Days: 0 / 4 Days)

    • Net Calories ( 7034 / 10500 )

      = Daily Avg: 1758 (Goal: 1500)
    • Net Carbs ( 361 / 350 )

      = Daily Avg: 90 (Goal: 50)
    • Steps ( 28530 / 70000)

      = Daily Avg: 7132 (Goal: 10000)
    Tue / Wed
    ~ ugh more temptations.. husband just had to get notified that Papa John’s brought back one of our favorite limited-time pizzas. More difficulties staying on track, but I guess I should have stopped at 2 slices. That is one of my major problems with food; when I’m faced with a favorite thing (and I decide to allow myself to eat it), I can’t just stop at one ..and then afterwards I go looking for a “normally-not-allowed” dessert.
    ~ still no exercise, but still no energy to do so. TOM is looming nearby 😑
  • iradi8
    iradi8 Posts: 576 Member
    Wednesday Weigh-In

    PW: 211.3
    CW: 215.6
    LTD: 37.0 lbs

    Back from a cruise vacation to Italy and Spain. As expected, several pounds up from that:)
  • izzyred9400
    izzyred9400 Posts: 945 Member
    My steps
    6/12 6,378
    6/13 9,938
  • Pupowl
    Pupowl Posts: 1,794 Member
    The daily card:
  • DaffyGirl88
    DaffyGirl88 Posts: 4,705 Member
    Thursday Steps

    Friday weigh in
    PW: 148.2
    CW: 148.8

    I'm sure the lack of movement is contributing to that. 😕
  • Tomsgal1985
    Tomsgal1985 Posts: 976 Member
    @Tomsgal1985 I hope your back heals quickly and you're up and around in no time!
    Thank you so much, @jessicakrall8! I started physical therapy this week and it’s helping! I’m so grateful.
  • Tomsgal1985
    Tomsgal1985 Posts: 976 Member
    Weekly Post
    Weigh In Day: Saturday (weighing in early; tomorrow I may not have a scale)
    Highest weight: 239.8
    PW (Previous Weight): 226.0
    CW (Current Weight): 229.0 😢
    Just started physical therapy and need to get back to my healthy eating as well. But we had a wonderful trip!
  • AstralCrazy
    AstralCrazy Posts: 19 Member
    I haven't been sick per se, but I haven't been feeling too hot either. I did start lifting weights again after a few weeks off and have noticed it leading to some water retention, fluctuations up and down are 2-3lbs daily. Very strange week, hopefully the weekend it better. I am feeling a bit more energized now that it's Friday! Have a good weekend everyone :)
  • Cyncia85
    Cyncia85 Posts: 327 Member
    Cyncia85 weigh for week 2

    PW = 201
    CW = 201
This discussion has been closed.