Shape Shifters Team Chat - JUNE 2024



  • Pupowl
    Pupowl Posts: 1,799 Member
    edited June 10
    @jessicakrall8 The hare did have a blep, I thought it was really funny when I saw the picture. He was cleaning his paws earlier, so I guess the picture just got lucky timing. When I press down the shutter, it takes several shots really quickly which is nice for birds and sometimes you get cool shots like that.
    Today is rain non stop, so no outside walk. I did step for 50+ minutes in the living room to music. Also decided to get some laundry going so my bedsheets are currently in. Now enjoying some tea with Tinus on my lap.
    @DaffyGirl88 Lol, that is funny! I did feel a little bit like that yesterday.
  • Cyncia85
    Cyncia85 Posts: 327 Member
    I think my favorite part of cicada season is when I get to see a baby bird pick a cicada to eat.
  • LaurieWrobo
    LaurieWrobo Posts: 1,321 Member
    6/7 3,693
    6/8 6,674
    6/9 4141
  • tahm42
    tahm42 Posts: 4,879 Member
    Monday Weigh-in
    PW:244 lbs (previous weight)
    CW: 243 lbs (current weight)
    LTD: 38lbs (optional loss to date)
  • izzyred9400
    izzyred9400 Posts: 948 Member
    @babytis I hope you weren't hurt too much in your crash ? Well done for completing it for your worthy cause.
    Lovely photos as always @Pupowl the Snow white connection made me laugh πŸ˜ƒ
    My steps
    6/9 7,250
    6/10 8,194
  • CasandraW
    CasandraW Posts: 556 Member
    Cyncia85 wrote: Β»
    Good Morning Shape Shifters!

    It is not my weigh-in day but I stepped on the scale this morning and one was the first number! Woo hoo! Now, to keep it that way. The scale read 199.0 this morning. :smile:

    Keep going!

    I hope you all have an incredible day! You're incredible, so your day should be too! :smile:

    That’s fantastic!!!!!!!!
  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,222 Member
    @angmarie28 Can we please get your steps from Thursday, Jun 7th to present? Thanks!
  • frankwbrown
    frankwbrown Posts: 12,479 Member
    Daily step goal: 10,000
    Sun 6/9: 10,870
    Mon 6/10: 10,034
  • Krysless2
    Krysless2 Posts: 1,985 Member
    Step Goal:10,000
    Sun 06/09: 13933
    Mon 06/10: 8228

    June; Wk2 (so far):
    Log / Und-C&Cs / 1Hr-Exe
    (Yes Days: 0 / 2 Days)
    • Net Calories ( 3307 / 10500 )

      = Daily Avg: 1653 (Goal: 1500)
    • Net Carbs ( 139 / 350 )

      = Daily Avg: 69 (Goal: 50)
    • Steps ( 22221 / 70000)

      = Daily Avg: 11110 (Goal: 10000)
    ~ welp .. hubby wanted to cheat on Sunday and we had Chinese. I tried to choose wisely but was still hungry and had an egg roll and a fried dumpling and more chow mein, but man it was so good!!
  • Pupowl
    Pupowl Posts: 1,799 Member
    The daily card:
    Have you noticed how wonderful you feel when a stranger smiles at you? That small act might have caused you to smile back or even pass it on to the next person you saw. If you smile or show gratitude to people you meet, you will see the positive effect it has on them and you will feel the benefit in return. Make the effort to smile at people you encounter today. Notice how they react and how it makes you feel.

  • Pupowl
    Pupowl Posts: 1,799 Member
    edited June 11
    Hello Shape Shifters. Yesterday it wasn't very fun outside. It was raining non stop and I wasn't able to go for a walk. Even Tinus only got to go outside twice; once early in the morning when it wasn't that bad yet and he wanted once in the afternoon when it was pouring. I guess he was sick of being lazy inside so he got wet instead. I decided to make it a bit of a cleaning day and I washed my bedsheet. I did a bunch of stepping to music for 50+ minutes so I got my zone minutes at least. Also got my gym rings workout done early. Happy Tuesday everyone <3
    The birds were absolutely soaked and looked miserable.
  • Cyncia85
    Cyncia85 Posts: 327 Member
    edited June 11
    Good Morning Shape Shifters!

    I saw this quote the other day. What is a change you made that you'd recommend or what is a small change you are working on?

    I'll start - I'm working on getting out of bed at 5 am and making my bed.

  • DaffyGirl88
    DaffyGirl88 Posts: 4,707 Member
    Good morning all!

    Steps for Monday
  • LaurieWrobo
    LaurieWrobo Posts: 1,321 Member
    Cyncia85 wrote: Β»
    Good Morning Shape Shifters!

    I saw this quote the other day. What is a change you made that you'd recommend or what is a small change you are working on?

    I'll start - I'm working on getting out of bed at 5 am and making my bed.


    Thank you for posting - I'm finally feeling better
    I'm getting up at 4:45AM to be ready for my workout by 5AM
  • Pupowl
    Pupowl Posts: 1,799 Member
    @angmarie28 I am so sorry for your loss. That's horrible. Take all the time you need <3 If you prefer, we can move you to support for a while.
This discussion has been closed.