Shape Shifters Team Chat - JUNE 2024



  • frankwbrown
    frankwbrown Posts: 12,474 Member
    edited June 26
    Cyncia85 wrote: »
    I have trouble uploading photos from my phone using the MFP app. Any tips or tricks you can share?

    I got a trail jog/walk in last night and wanted to share some photos.

    @Cyncia85 if you have an Android you are out of luck. I send them to my PC and upload from there when I have something that I want to share.

    I have an android phone as well. The easiest for me is to upload the photo(s) to Google Photos, then while viewing them in Google Photos, right click and select copy image, then paste into my MFP comment. But of course, this requires me using my laptop. ☹️
  • frankwbrown
    frankwbrown Posts: 12,474 Member
    edited June 26
    As an experiment, I selected a photo on my phone, then selected Share on bottom left, then selected create a link. Then I had to copy the link that was created and paste it into this comment. I did that all on my phone, but what a hassle, and it's still just an external link. 🤷‍♂️
  • izzyred9400
    izzyred9400 Posts: 945 Member
    Cyncia85 wrote: »
    I have trouble uploading photos from my phone using the MFP app. Any tips or tricks you can share?

    I got a trail jog/walk in last night and wanted to share some photos.

    The only way I can do it on my android mobile is by taking a screenshot of the photo & save it to the clipboard then paste onto the MFP page.Hope this helps 🙂

    @izzyred9400 how do you save something to the clipboard? I'm a simpleton. LOL

    Believe me I'm a simpleton myself when it comes to computers.When looking at the screenshot there should be 3 dots on the righthand corner of the screen.Click on them & the top one says save to clipboard,click on that then open the mfp page & paste by pressing on the page.It sometimes takes a few seconds to paste the link.When you press Post Reply the photo should come up.Dont ask me how to put a photo under the spoiler I still can't manage that lol.🤪
  • Krysless2
    Krysless2 Posts: 1,985 Member
    edited June 26
    Step Goal:10,000
    Tue 06/25: 7365

    June Wk4 Weigh-in:
    CW: 163.8lbs

    PW: 163.8lbs
    - No Loss
    June2024: SW: 166
    📐📐📐📐Wk1: 170lbs +4
    📐📐📐Wk2: 165.3lbs -4.7
    📐📐Wk3: 163.8 -1.5
    📐Wk4: 163.8lbs

    Overall: Lost 2.2lbs
  • LaurieWrobo
    LaurieWrobo Posts: 1,321 Member
    Wednesday Weigh In:
    PW: 165.3
    CW: 165.1
  • LaurieWrobo
    LaurieWrobo Posts: 1,321 Member
    6/25 5,488
  • lauren_989
    lauren_989 Posts: 687 Member
    Hi Shape Shifters, your awesome team has another new member! Please welcome @TashieB24!
  • JenHul
    JenHul Posts: 373 Member
    Good Morning,

    June 24= 11,817
    June 24= 11,401

    Have a great Day ShapeShifters!
  • frankwbrown
    frankwbrown Posts: 12,474 Member
    edited June 26
    Krysless2 wrote: »
    Cyncia85 wrote: »
    I have trouble uploading photos from my phone using the MFP app. Any tips or tricks you can share?

    I got a trail jog/walk in last night and wanted to share some photos.

    I was right there with you! I figured out that EVERYTHING Community-related (including uploading pictures) is much easier using your phone’s browser. I only use the MFP App to log food. Other than that, use your internet browser, not your google app.(I believe for Android you would use google chrome) it works as the full MFP Website, like literally type in it may suggest the app and you’ll decline and continue to the community.

    Matter of fact, you can create a “tab” for every Community group you’re involved in here. But honestly, once I did this, I never had to do it again because that tab just sits there open in the background of my phone.

    You’ll be able to easily upload pictures. Also I love that if I’m typing something and happen to abandon my phone, what I was typing is still sitting there..
    Even hours later!!

    Thanks for reminding me of this!
    (I posted this from the Chrome browser on my phone, and it was quite easy to insert a photo that was on my phone.)
  • Cyncia85
    Cyncia85 Posts: 327 Member
    Welcome @lolakinks

    Thanks for the tips and ideas @frankwbrown and @Krysless2
  • Cyncia85
    Cyncia85 Posts: 327 Member
    Cyncia85 weigh in for Wed June 26

    PW= 199.8
  • frankwbrown
    frankwbrown Posts: 12,474 Member
    edited June 26
    Here's a tip for using the spoiler. Just above the comment box are B, I, S, etc. the sixth of which is the paragraph symbol . That last gives a drop down with three options: Spoiler, Quote and Code. The trick is, select the entire photo's link URL before clicking Spoiler.
    However, there's another way that is just as easy, once you know about markup language. All those formatting options above the comment box just insert the markup language into your text. Once you understand markup language, you can type it directly.
    If you peruse the text in a quoted comment, you'll see a sprinkling of square brackets [] surrounding regular text. This is markup that tells the app how to format the surrounded text. There is an opening tag like [ b] or [ i], for bold and italic respectively, and matching closing tags like [ /b] and [ /i] (the slash identifies it as the closing tag).
    So, however you chose to do it, just make sure that the [ spoiler] tag precedes the entire URL and the [ /spoiler] tag follows the entire URL. 🙂
  • Pupowl
    Pupowl Posts: 1,794 Member
    @lolakinks & @TashieB24 Welcome to the Shape Shifters! I wish you both luck on your health journey and I hope this group will be helpful for you both.
  • Pupowl
    Pupowl Posts: 1,794 Member
    edited June 26
    Hello Shape Shifters. The heat is getting to me! I went to bed on time last night, but I was upset about something and it was so hot. I quickly realised sleep was not going to happen, so I got up again and played a video game. I got around 6,5 hours of sleep which wasn't ideal. I didn't feel too bad today thankfully, but it was just too hot to do anything. I got my steps in and I went to the store for some lemonade, pear popsicles, carrots and I found a new vegan salad I will try tomorrow. I also got a package with some new clothes delivered, though I won't wear the items any time soon because they are for when it is colder. I got two hoodies with flower embroidery on the sleeves. I couldn't pick between green or pink so I got both since they were on sale anyway. I also got a cute cropped fleece/teddy vest. I don't own anything cropped, but I just thought it was adorable and I am sure I will get use out of it in the fall. Going to post the daily card and then head to bed because I am pooped. Have a good day everyone <3
  • lolakinks
    lolakinks Posts: 393 Member
    edited June 26
    @jessicakrall8 thank you very much for the all information!

    I mostly have problems about losing motivation after a few weeks especially when I don’t see much change and getting tired of counting calories (it feels a bit obsessive to count everything). I hope the group will keep me going.

    At the end of July, I hope be at least 102 kg (224.8 lbs), I am 104.1 kg (229.5 lbs) today. I haven’t seen below 103 kg for about 1.5 years so this is an important threshold for me. It’s not a huge difference, I know, but I am not great with strict diets and I have PCOS and insulin resistance. Thus, losing weight is really hard for me.
  • Pupowl
    Pupowl Posts: 1,794 Member
    The daily card:
    Mindfulness and memory are closely linked. Making an effort to recollect the last few moments of an experience can brighten your awareness and lead to insight by helping you see connections between things. Next time you notice a strong emotion or a sharp sensation, give yourself a moment to remember anything that may have been related to that feeling coming on, then acknowledge that memory and let it go-no need to create a big story around it.

  • lolakinks
    lolakinks Posts: 393 Member
    @Cyncia85 and @Pupowl thank you 😊
  • lauren_989
    lauren_989 Posts: 687 Member
    Hi Team Shape Shifters, you have another new member joining. Please welcome @kkay2345!
  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,220 Member
    edited June 26

    Hi @kkay2345 and @TashieB24 and welcome to the team!! Take a few minutes and go back to pg 1 of this chat thread and read our FAQ file...this will answer most of your general questions...anything not covered there, just ask and you'll see people chime in to help. Take a few minutes also and introduce yourself...tell us a little about your goals for July and beyond...

    More than anything else, jump in with both feet, get to know your teammates and USE THIS RESOURCE for more than just posting your weekly weigh in...we have weekly group challenges in a separate chat thread...always announced on Saturday evenings and starting on Sunday, with the link you need to find it and bookmark it! We have a step team challenge that runs monthly...more info in the FAQ. We have Motivators that will keep you up and working and lots of great discussions. The more you use it, the better you'll be motivated to succeed.

    On behalf of the team, myself and your other Captain, @pupowl and our two Motivators, @Cyncia85 and @LaurieWrobo , again, welcome and good luck in July and beyond!

    Jessica :smile:
This discussion has been closed.