June 2024 Walk



  • Deeder522
    Deeder522 Posts: 1,030 Member
    Big storms took place early this morning and knocked out our power and internet. No workout today.
  • zichab
    zichab Posts: 1,454 Member
    June Goal: Average 3 miles a day on the Garmin for 90 miles this month.
    June 1: Miles 2.1 Total Garmin Miles: 2.1
    June 2: Miles 3.2 Total Garmin Miles: 5.3
    June 3 : Miles 1.5 Total Garmin Miles: 6.8
    June 4: Miles 1.6 Total Garmin Miles: 8.4
    June 5: Miles 2.7 Total Garmin Miles: 11.1
    June 6: Miles 2.4 Total Garmin Miles: 13.5
    June 7: Miles 2.6 Total Garmin Miles: 16.1
    June 8: Miles 2.2 Total Garmin Miles: 18.3
    June 9: Miles 3.3 Total Garmin Miles: 20.6
    June 10: Miles 2.5 Total Garmin Miles: 23.1
    June 11: Miles 2.4 Total Garmin Miles: 25.5
    June 12: Miles 2.1 Total Garmin Miles: 27.6
    June 13: Miles 2.2 Total Garmin Miles: 29.8
    June 14: Miles 2.4 Total Garmin Miles: 32.2
    June 15: Miles 1.5 Total Garmin Miles: 33.7
    June 16: Miles 1.9 Total Garmin Miles: 35.6
    June 17: Miles 2.6 Total Garmin Miles: 38.2
    June 18: Miles 2.0 Total Garmin Miles: 40.2
    June 19: Miles 1.7 Total Garmin Miles: 41.9
    June 20: Miles 1.5 Total Garmin Miles: 43.4
    June 21: Miles 3.1 Total Garmin Miles: 46.5
    June 22: Miles 1.4 Total Garmin Miles: 47.9
    June 23: Miles 1.3 Total Garmin Miles: 49.2
    June 24: Miles 2.8 Total Garmin Miles: 52.0
    June 25: Miles 3.5 Total Garmin Miles: 55.5
    It is hot here today (80F) but there are thunderstorms coming tonight that are going to cool things down and we will be back in the mid to low 70s next week. All in all, except for the plethora of bugs, insects and other crawly type things, it is not bad.
    Dennis is still doing well and has hit a 100 degree bend in his knee. However, we have discovered a limitation to his progress in that he cannot ride in the truck for 90+ minutes or his hip hurts for days. Apparently, the way he has to sit in the truck puts pressure on his hip. We went for his 1 year heart valve check up, which was wonderful, and we even stayed the night, but it was still too much for him. So, no long trips for us in the near future. It seems like a small thing to give up for now, but of course, we had plans to meet one of our friends from MI who is in Rochester with her family on vacation and we were going to all go to dinner one night and catch up. We had to take a rain check on that since that trip is over 51/2 hours away. :grumble:
    I have finally caught up on all my housework and tasks for June and Dennis is out of bed now so life has returned to a more normal rythm. However, the scale is being very unkind and my summer clothes are ... tight!!! So, I need to get a plan going for July! I have 5 more days to work on it, but I have already gone back to 32oz of water a day. Being hydrated makes such a difference and it seems so counterintuitive.
    Hope your power is back although it is a great reason to take a day off :bigsmile:
  • Deeder522
    Deeder522 Posts: 1,030 Member
    The power didn't come back on until 1 PM this afternoon. A 30-hour power outage almost caused a divorce!😝
    I've been awake since 3:45 AM, so while I didn't get a meaningful workout I did end up moving a lot.
    Tonight, I hope to get a good night's sleep so I can be intentional about a workout tomorrow morning.

    Congrats on a 100° bend of the knee, Dennis!! I also feel for regarding the car rides. I'd like to get a new vehicle that Ryan is more comfortable in.
    Hard to believe that we need to start making our July plans already.
  • Deeder522
    Deeder522 Posts: 1,030 Member
    I decided to go a little easy on myself this morning for a workout. I also decided to do a Thursday Throwback video from 1999. Walk Away the Pounds, 1 Mile.
  • Deeder522
    Deeder522 Posts: 1,030 Member
    Today was errand day. no dedicated workout but lots of running around.