GoaD on the Run - 6/5/2024 - GLOBAL RUNNING DAY

Brian_19 Posts: 1,218 Member
This thread is for GOADies who like to run. New runners, old runners, and even wannabe runners meet here to discuss the joys and challenges of running. Use this space to log your miles, ask questions, or post anything else related to running.

New runners - and even those just thinking about starting out - are always welcome. There's no reason to lurk here. Join the pack and tell us about your running!

Oftentimes the GotR thread will pose a question or raise an issue in order to facilitate the conversation, but this is always an open forum to chat about any running-related topic.

Topic: Global Running Day ... did you know this was a thing? How will you observe this special day on which runners reaffirm their passion for running?

Alt: How you been? Are you running? How's it going? :)


  • Philtex
    Philtex Posts: 1,117 Member
    Thanks for posting this Brian. Summer weather is here already so I will be running on the treadmill until fall. I did 3 miles today. The TM is actually not too bad, and I really don’t like running in hot, or even warm, weather. I miss running races during the summer, but I’ll get back to them this fall.
  • Brian_19
    Brian_19 Posts: 1,218 Member
    No running today, but I'll get out tomorrow. I'm found that two days of rest between runs + increasing distance or speed *very* slowly (if at all) = a way to enjoy running again. My runs tend to be 35-40 minutes total with 5 minute walks to warm up and cool down, and I do run/walk intervals varying at 4, 5, or 6 minutes running to 1 minute walking. Slow and steady ftw!

    I ran a 5K earlier this month and was able to run the whole thing without walking. That was my first in-person race since 2017. Great fun! I'm going to try to get into the TC 10-mile (via lottery) in early October, and if that doesn't pan out I'll look for another fall race in the 10K to 10 mile range. I should be ok with that level of training if I ramp up the distance with patience.

    It's almost 5 years ago now, but I feel like I'm still working my way back from spinal surgery in late 2019. That procedure was wonderful for relief of the low back symptoms that had plagued me for way too long. Now (go figure) I find that my knees and hips are the first areas to complain when I go too hard.

    Run happy!
  • cakeman21k
    cakeman21k Posts: 6,275 Member
    I used to be a runner back in the day, but now a combination of cardiac and hip/back/knee issues make even walking more of a challenge for me, I miss it!
  • steve0mania
    steve0mania Posts: 3,088 Member
    What a blast from the past! GOTR! I still have my GOTR running shirt!

    I hadn't heard of Global Running Day.

    My running had been going great for a couple of years. I was running very consistently, and mostly without injuries. I was getting in 3-4 miles five days a week, and was hitting new year-long personal records for distance.

    Unfortunately, however, last week I must have pulled a muscle in my calf. It was sore for a day or so, but then I ran on it and got a few miles into my run when it finally decided it wasn't going to be a useful muscle any more! Ouch. I had to do the walk-of-shame home.

    I gave it a few days of rest and Motrin, and it was feeling a lot better. However, when I tried to run on Monday, I got about a mile before the pain had increased enough that I needed to stop. I'm now taking Motrin and resting it. I'm riding the recumbent bike in the meantime.

    I figure I'll really rest it this time (plus Motrin) and will wait until the pain is (nearly) all gone before trying again.