Paleo issues



  • redheadmommy
    redheadmommy Posts: 908 Member
    The only reason that I push keto is because it is sometimes the only thing that resolves certain health problems, especially those related to metabolic disorder. It is not hard as an ongoing lifestyle, but it IS hard to get through the extreme carb craving period. But that only lasts a matter of days for most people. Keto is not the CAUSE of bingeing, the craving for sugar is. We will be tempted to binge when starting out on keto, but what foods do we reach for? Steak? No, sugar. The point of keto is to eat as much fat and protein until craving/bingeing is gone. Then healthy higher carb foods can be reintroduced gradually over time. (Unless one wants to remain ketogenic, as I do.)

    If you are able to manage your health while eating lots of fruit, and even potatoes and rice (personally, I do not want to eat grains and low nutrient starches) then that's really great and keep doing what's working. However, for some of us, at least for awhile, we are greatly benefited by using ketosis to slay the sugar addiction and eliminate excessive cravings and hunger. Personally, if I didn't stop the bingeing when I did, I'd be a full blown diabetic now. I was not physically capable of moderating foods with sugar, natural or not.
    I think there is no right or wrong way . The difference is just how you get there. Some people start with the extreme end ( deep keto) and gradually loosening the strictness until they reach a long term suitable path. This a path Atkins suggested. It works for many people, because it gets fast result which is really encouraging. However you go through hell at the beginning when you are getting rid of the addiction. It is faster but more painful way. While starting from the easier end and getting more and more strict is less dramatic, but obviously slower result. If somebody tried the dramatic way and didn't work out, it is an alternative way to start,

    It is the same thing when people quitting any other type of addictions for example like smoking. I used to smoke a lot like 2 pack a day in college. After 6 years of smoking I tried to quit. I tried cold turkey a couple of times and I just couldn't do it. Instead I started to reduce the amount. Gradually I reduced the 2 pack a day into 3-4 cig a day over a course of a year. At that point I could give up without much effort. This was almost 15 yrs ago and I am a nonsmoker ever since. Obviously for me the slow pace wins the race.

    You are right, rice and potato just empty starch, but they are the most harmless one. They are not like high frutcose corn syrup of imflmatory pufas oetc. I personally would not eat wheat or corn, but a half cup of rice onece a week isn fine by me. I am a breast feeding mother and running after 2 small kids and burn excessive amount of calories a day. I have a bodymedia, which is accurately measures your calorie expenditure, and I am almost never below 3000 calorie a day, without any exercising on purpose! This week I had a couple of days when I was almost at 4000 a day, again without! Exercising. Probably in a few yrs when I do not need to chase my kids so much and sit behind a desk, I ' ll need to cut back on calories, but for now I absolutely needs this.
  • stacyt83
    stacyt83 Posts: 14 Member
    I need some advice, some support, some HOPE. I was doing so well the first couple of weeks of my Paleo eating. I lost about 5 lbs. Now, I can't stop binging. It's embarrassing. What is my deal? I CANNOT get back on track!? I already have issues with binging, but was doing so well with paleo for that short little bit. Why the slip up now and how do I get back on track?! It's depressing for sure..

    If I'm feeling lazy (where I don't want to cook or mess with anything), I always keep some Paleo muffins on hand. You can have two of them for about 564-650 calories (depending on which type you make). Check out The muffins are under the breakfast section, but you can squeeze them in at any point in the day. I've also noticed I have more success staying on track when I have a larger breakfast and smaller dinner. Hope this helps!