Ox tongue

I overcame a reluctance to cook offal and boiled up an Ox tongue. I fear I'll be eating it for the week, it's huge. But reminds me of my childhood:).

Any one else found some new foods?


  • I bought goat today for the first time and I love to cook oxtail.
    I am a chef so not afraid to cook anything but b/c I was a veggie for so many years I never ended up eating the stuff I was cooking.
    I have cooked brains,crocodile,kangaroo,and all forms of wild animals.
    Tongue is good cooked in the pressure cooker btw
  • Rei1988
    Rei1988 Posts: 412 Member
    mmm Lingua! So tender, just make sure all the taste buds are removed >.<
  • ShannonKirton
    ShannonKirton Posts: 304 Member
    anjelevil has it spot on! I don't usually do ox tongue because I'm the only one in my house that eats it, but I usually make up two smaller pork tongues for 2 meals and I do them in the pressure cooker which makes them super tender. I throw in some onions, thyme, marjoram and occasionally some sweet pepper (but very little) and some kosher salt and black pepper. It is delish!! Usually I pressure mine anywhere between 25-30 mins and once they're done, peel off the outer "skin" and meal!!! It's awesome. :)