Weds 19 June

zafira Posts: 22 Member
I am back on track, luckily my binge didn’t last long!😅
Had my NHS group meeting on Monday, it was ok , just generally an intro to it all and to get to know the others in the group 😊

Also did a webinar Tuesday evening ( for an hour) which they are doing fortnightly about different subjects, this one was called “eat well spend less” … it had a few good tips 😊

Also trying the intermittent fasting on MFP seeing as I don’t usually eat until midday or after - so trying the 14 hour one from 10pm until midday, will see how that goes… so my coffee after 10 pm is going to be black now 😊

Went for a walk this evening for about 45 minutes, did 2.5 miles , came back all sweaty lol as it’s quite warm out still this evening and I wasn’t even walking that fast!

Got my ‘official’ weigh in tomorrow 🤞

Dug out my steamer this evening forgot how convenient it can be and put in a frozen salmon fillet with new potatoes and had that with some salad … felt quite healthy after eating that 😂

Adding a pic of it 😊
