Countdown & Pre-Challenge Activity 3 - Healthy Eating & Nutrition Plan

kaliswalker Posts: 1,311 Member
5% Challenge date Saturday, July 20th

It’s time to decide what diet you can follow for 8 weeks. Your diet will determine what you eat, how often, how much and calories. There are many to choose from – Flexitarian, Volumetrics, South Beach, Weight Watchers, American Heart Association, DASH, Diabetes Diet, Keto, Vegan, Mayo Clinic, USDA Diet, Canada Food Guide, Dukan, Paleo, The Full Plate Diet or whatever else you choose. You need a plan that works for you, with food that you like. Browse online for new recipes and have them ready. Regardless of the plan you choose, learn and follow the set of standard guidelines recommended by the plan. But all weight loss diets come down to the same thing a calorie deficit. That's the magic!

Set yourself up for success with a weekly menu plan complete with recipes attached, then it will be easier to make the shopping list to include the foods you need for those meals. It helps when you are shopping for specific things and it improves impulse control in the food store (keeps the junk food out).

Following a weekly menu, the plan gives you control over your eating and calories. You empower yourself to make better choices and have better overall impulse control. Enjoy the foods you eat, as they are making you healthier and helping you attain your goals. Be ready to try new foods or new ways to prepare food.

Now is the time to make friends with MFP tracker. (right click to open new tab)

New - 12 DIY Kitchen Projects to Clean Up Your Eating Habits (right click to open new tab)

There are great low calorie meals ideas all over the internet. Enjoy finding them.

Check list

Do you know what diet you will follow?
Have you followed this diet before?
Found some recipes?
Grocery list?
Do you have the food on hand to get started?
Did you clean up your kitchen?
Did you post your 5% Challenge Diet Commitment on your blog or here?

Summer Pre-Challenge Activities for your reading or participation

Countdown & Pre-Challenge Activity 1 - Welcome!
Countdown & Pre-Challenge Activity #2 - SET SOME 🥅GOALS🥅!


  • cormierannie
    cormierannie Posts: 4,775 Member
    i will follow the Canada Food Guide. I have followed this diet before. i came across a cookbook given to me by a friend of mine with heart healthy recipes. i will be giving those recipes a try. i do have quite a bit of the food on hand to get started. i made a grocery list to get what i do not have. i will be going later on this afternoon to get the groceries i have not yet gotten and need. i got started on cleaning up my kitchen. i will continue to work on that more this week. i posted the diet commitment here.
  • bbonet3
    bbonet3 Posts: 2,448 Member
    edited June 27
    Countdown & Pre-Challenge Activity 3 - Healthy Eating & Nutrition Plan

    I don't follow a diet but try to track what I eat and watch my carb intake.
  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,441 Member
    edited June 29
    I do my own diet of mostly healthy foods I enjoy & some treats to balance it out. I have the same lunch every day 90% of the time of a breakfast sandwich made with Egg Beaters, slice of low fat cheese, couple slices of ham on a buttered english muffin. Our main meal has always been chicken/turkey, pork, some beef/fish in that order with side dishes of mostly veggies/potatoes, salads, sometimes rice. My main snack is yogurt/cottage cheese. Treat is mostly chocolate, I don't have much of a sweet tooth so I I might have a piece of cake/cookie at a birthday celebration or potluck. Occasionally I'll have chips or thin pretzel sticks or veggies straws. I'll have seasonal fruit but I'm not a big fruit eater. occationally I'll make a smoothie. My main drink is water, coffee & herbal tea . I do like to try new recipes sometimes too but mostly during the cold weather