Monthly Post for July 2024

Meghan509 Posts: 2,002 Member
July is here! Let's make it a good one!


  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 2,002 Member
    Good morning!

    Hope you had a great weekend. Ours was good!

    Saw your post from Friday @KateNkognito and you nailed it! LOLOL We didn't end up going to our get together at a friend's house because of the weather. It was scheduled to be a very hot and humid day and then it was supposed to be torrential rain at at around 9:00pm when we figured we'd be on the road heading home. Sitting outside in the humidity and driving home in heavy rain = no go. BF cancelled.

    Rest of the weekend was nice even though the weather was lousy and very hot and humid. Storms hit last night and have cooled everything off for now. More heat and humidity expected again starting Thursday. But, honestly it is Independence Day and it is supposed to be that way from what I recall. LOL

    Hope the fast went well too! Good for you. :)

    Hope you have a nice quiet week and yes DO bring a book on Friday! I told our office manager / receptionist to do the same thing!

    We have started binge watching the show called "The Bear" on Hulu. It is about a chef and restaurant in Chicago. Considered comedy but dark. Highly recommend it! They are shorter episodes and we plowed through season one in no time. Two thumbs up. Will be starting season two probably this week. :)

    Have a good Monday and see you soon!
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,556 Member
    @Meghan509 sounds like you had a nice weekend. 😊 Ours was pretty good, and I got a bunch of things done. Weather can't seem to decide between 80 and 110. Keeps flipping back and forth.
    My fast went really well. No keto flu! 😊 However, after having breakfast this morning, I am sleepy. *Note to self: easy on the carbs next time.
    Have a good week! Stay cool!
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 2,002 Member
    Good morning!

    Yikes that is warm @KateNkognito! Summer is here! Hope you stay cool and enjoy your holiday.

    Congrats on the fast and yea no keto flu! Try some pink salt ground up (or shaken) in water if you ever feel low on electrolytes.

    Feeling kind of blah here lately with my weight, eating, feeling older, etc. etc. I have had such terrible joint pain for the last few months and from what I am reading is it is menopause related. Time to buckle down and lose weight. Starting this week or as soon as the frozen desserts are finished - no more ice cream and garbage after dinner. Fruit. We both love it and it is much healthier. Also going to start walking, honestly whenever possible, even if it is just a few steps here and there around the office. Trying to avoid rain and humidity if possible.

    That's it. Work is pretty quiet. Lots of peeps working remotely or on vacation or whatever. Traffic was not bad either. Home remote tomorrow and then off. Looking forward to it.

    Hope you have a good Tuesday. See you soon!
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,556 Member
    Happy Wednesday! Or baby Friday, this week. 😊
    Looking forward to the day off tomorrow. I can't decide if I want to clean like a crazy person, or lounge. My house really needs a good clean, and I know I will feel better if I do it, but I kind of want to just relax. We'll see what tomorrow brings!
    Have a great end of the week!
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 2,002 Member
    Happy Wednesday!

    Yes, I hear you there @KateNkognito our place is due for a good scrubbing too! Maybe over the weekend. :blush:

    Quiet day at work here. Working remotely and currently searching for the end of the internet. LOL Maybe I will pull out my book. Zzzzz. Couple more hours!

    Hope you have a great 4th! See you soon. :)