TSH level was way off, not just in a slump.

JayMri Posts: 241 Member
After having my thyroid removed 3 1/2 years ago due to thyroid cancer I thought I had gotten good at noticing when my levels were off but not this time. Exhaustion, mood swings, unable to sleep soundly, weight loss plateau and stomach issues but I just chalked it up to work and life stress. Had blood work this week and my TSH level was WAY off. Was .02 when should be .15-.2, major med adjustment needed! Really thought I had just hit a slump in my weight loss journey.

Note to self (and others on thyroid meds) have blood work done for every 10lbs of weight loss. I should have gone in 3 weeks ago but waited since I already had this appointment scheduled.


  • Syriene
    Syriene Posts: 238
    Sorry you are having trouble. I think your testing schedule is a good one though. I never really thought about it till now, that the body could use a med adjustment after loss. Makes sense. I hope you and your doc are able to get things figured out soon.
  • MeepleMuppet
    MeepleMuppet Posts: 226 Member
    I had my thyroid removed due to cancer almost exactly a year ago. The docs have been telling me that changes in levels might mean that there was residual thyroid cell activity and that I would have to do the ablation again. I'm relieved the hear that there may be another explanation. ...Though the ablation was actually kind of awesome.