BDS Day 8

chrysbander Posts: 15 Member
Today is the start of looking at your schedule, we’ll be beginning to change our food and exercise.
Before we do, we need to think about where we will fit in the exercise- 30 minutes 3 times a week minimum, and some kind of movement daily; well also be adding in food preparation- shopping as needed, taking extra time to prepare meals if need to; we’ll be continuing the skills we started on day 1:
*read our reasons why
*sit to eat
*eat slowly and mindfully
*give yourself credit
Create or review your schedule to put in exercise. So many of us don’t want to admit that there is time in our schedules for exercise. Maybe 30 minutes in one chunk isn’t feasible, but three 10 minute intervals can be done, or two 15 minute intervals. Find the time and workout that works for you.
If making your schedule is difficult, list the priorities you have. Your health should be pert of those priorities. Meet or talk to your diet coach about what can be adjusted so your exercise and food preparation becomes part of your day.
Sabotaging thoughts can be - I am just not a planner, or I never followed a daily schedule - I’ll just see how it goes. Response tho these are: I have to learn the skill of scheduling now in preparation for more hectic times. Read/create response cards: “Put dieting first. I have to plan my life around exercise and dieting activities, not vice versa. I deserve to put myself first.”
If you want to take care of those around you, you have to think like a person on an airplane- put on your own oxygen mask first or you won’t be able to put on your mask later