July 17-23, 2024

SarahMaxx Posts: 2,010 Member
LW: 129.8
TW: 129.6

Well, steady as she goes. Good news is that I did see 128 point something a couple of times this week and I topped off at 130. So I count that as some progress.

I have an appointment with my regular doc soon, so I'm just logging on to put in weight and stats and will come back later to chat. This appointment is just to see how the lisinopril is working. But--I have almost made it through the 6 weeks wait for the biopsy.

Lois, glad the MRI is now behind you. Hopefully the findings will show something that is not serious and can be remedied with time and maybe some PT.

Looking forward to hearing from everyone.

7-day averages--Steps = 10,406; kcals burned = 1,669


  • Lastchancelj
    Lastchancelj Posts: 1,382 Member
    So I had my dr. appt. Apparently they have a process where I have to have a new patient intro before the actual "physical". So I left frustrated. He did refill my bp meds and such but I had to make yet another appointment for next week with the PA. He was a bit standoff-ish - which I accept from surgeons, but kinda hard with a primary. So hoping his PA is more interactive. Though he did suggest I research the semaglutide crap to help with weight reduction. And I got the funny raised eyebrow when he was asking about my injuries and why I needed an ACL graft...kinda surprised him I did obstacle course races. Told him honestly that I now hate to cook and food prep....so I dunno. I work until noon, so I am going to call the chef peeps when I know I won't get interrupted to hopefully reduce DoorDash opportunities and improve our food intake options.

    HVAC people should be here soon. So I am hoping to be back upstairs in my own bed by tomorrow night. The wallbed is comfy, but today I just didn't feel up to packing up the bed, so I'm working with the bed down. Feels kinda weird. I'll probably end up putting it up if it's too bothersome.

    My daughter is coming out tomorrow and son and his family will also come up for dinner and swim time. Sunday I'm 60! UGH. So yes, we'll be ordering DoorDash, or one of the kids will run to a restaurant for food. I'm ordering some fresh fruit but not planning on cooking anything.

    OK back to work.
  • SarahMaxx
    SarahMaxx Posts: 2,010 Member
    Happy Friday, everyone. I'm sorry Lois that your visit to the new doc did not go as well as you hoped and that I think one should. Medical care is getting so frustrating. We pay to go to a concierge practice and every time I think that we need to get this charge out of our budget, I'm reminded of how nice it is to always see my doc and not a PA. I actually had a good visit with her on Wednesday. She spent close to an hour with me and shared that she has not only gone through a breast biopsy but she also had a lumpectomy, and she told me exactly what to expect and things to do to minimize the discomfort. One was get a sports bra with a back closure. She said "they'll tell you to wear a sports bra, but trying to get one over your head won't be fun, so make sure there are clasps in the back". And to help prevent more bruising, she told me to eat a lot of pineapple the night before. So I ate almost a whole pineapple (LOL, I always over-do things) and I have very minimal bruising this time.

    Yesterday, they saw the bruising from the diagnostic mammogram that is almost gone but still there almost 7 weeks later, and I told them how it was dark navy blue and super sore for weeks. So they contacted the facility where I had that mammogram done to find out which tech did it. (I think they were going to suggest some retraining.) Turns out that it was a traveling tech who is no longer there. And the radiologist was super friendly, as was the ultrasound tech, so that made the whole thing easier. Needless to say, I am super, super sore, but all in all, it's not as bad as I feared. Now if I can just get some good results. They said the results will come in about 5 to 7 business days.

    It is frustrating, though, to be so sore and not be able to move normally. I was not able to walk yesterday, and although they said I could walk slowly today through mid-week next week, I wonder what having that part of my routine changed so much is going to do to my weight. And not being able to move normally is also causing me some back pain.

    Lois, I was surprised that to hear that you hate meal planning so much. Lord, girl, I remember those menus and food packaging parties you used to have. But I get it that when your work is eating you alive and you have so much other stuff on your plate that it does make doing something like meal planning and cooking harder. And I also question docs who immediately talk about weight loss drugs, even before they get results from your physical.

    Well, since a couple of days have gone by and Sheesh has not posted, I am going to assume that they have already left for the West Coast. And I'm going to assume that Kelly is still stretching herself thin between two homes, the kids' summer activities, and work. Miss them, though.

    Hope you have a fabulous birthday, Lois. Don't forget--60 is the new 47!! Hugs to everyone.