my Introduction

Hello, I had the RNY done 2010 and have done well. Lost 200+ with no skin removal. The problem that I do have is that gaining some back and really down on myself. I am looking for support and accountability. It's very hard for me to stick to things. I guess it's the doubt and the consistency. I get bored and irritated. I'm a Christian and very active with my church family. I feel that there are seasons for each of the areas of my life and that there is more to come. I have a lot of ideas of what to start and things I want to do but it's doing it and the know how to start. If at all I can get some guidance and an honesty in having a countability partner, I think that will help me very much. As I'm a true believer that we all need each other. I am very welling to help as well give encouragement to anyone willing to listen and or share. I take All messages to heart and will read and respond if at all necessary. So please take feelings, faith and heart in consideration when apply as I will give positive responses and Im very outgoing and joyful person to get to know. My life is peaceful, I do have times when I feel that my world is upside down, but My character and my outlook is you can reverse a negative and make a positive outcome.