Living The Lifestyle - Monday 8/19/24

crewahl Posts: 4,744 Member
This is a thread for everyone. If you're new to GoaD, or to weight loss, your questions and comments are always welcome. If you're maintaining, or a long-term loser, your thoughts on the topic may be just what someone else needs to hear. If you're reading this, join in the discussion!

Each weekday, a new topic is offered up for discussion.

Monday - crewahl (Charlie)
Tuesday – Wildcard
Wednesday-misterhub (Greg)
Thursday -imastar2 (Derrick)
Friday - Wildcard

Today's Topic: Intentional Change

What’s your most recent intentional change to your eating pattern? What prompted it? How’s it working out so far?


  • crewahl
    crewahl Posts: 4,744 Member
    Although I’m at goal, I’ve been struggling a bit with volatility at the scale - or perhaps with a slower biological response to increases than I’d like. Part of that may be associated with occasional runaway evening snacking.

    So, I’ve implemented an approach that limits me to three selections for snacks on any given evening.

    Has it helped? So far. Instead of saying “Do I want A? Yes. Do I want B. Yes” I now need to say “do I want A more than I want B?” We'll see if it’s a viable long-term approach. 🤷🏻‍♂️
  • steve0mania
    steve0mania Posts: 3,189 Member
    My most recent change has been to restart a substitution strategy. In the evening, after dinner, I got into a habit of snacking mindlessly while sitting on the couch watching TV. I'm certainly not hungry at those times, and I recognized that it's simply a habit. So, I've started substituting a flavored diet soda (e.g., cherry or tropical fruit 7-Up) after dinner. It's still a habit, but at least it's a less damaging habit than snacking. It seems to be helpful because it requires almost no mental input.
  • 88olds
    88olds Posts: 4,545 Member
    High protein breakfast. Out- oatmeal. In egg beaters, chicken sausage (homemade) ham or some boba sausage things I found in the freezer or a combo of those. 1 piece of toast. Probably 50+ grams of protein.

    Prompt- cutting down on snacks, trying to build muscle. Muscle part may be working. I’m early in the plan. Snacking hasn’t changed much.
  • Flintwinch
    Flintwinch Posts: 1,259 Member
    This question gives me something to think about. I've had a couple of visits with a registered dietitian who's being helping me fine tune my diet. One of the things she pounds the drum on is protein, protein, protein. She also wants me to include all three macros (carbs, protein and fat) at every meal and snack. One intentional change I've been working on with pretty good results is cutting down saturated fats, keeping them to a heart-healthy 7 % of calories. The last meeting we discussed the importance of getting enough fiber, since it is so important for the gut microbiome.
  • crewahl
    crewahl Posts: 4,744 Member
    Flintwinch wrote: »
    The last meeting we discussed the importance of getting enough fiber, since it is so important for the gut microbiome.

    That’s one reason my normal breakfast is yogurt with diced fruit (strawberries, usually) and Fiber One Original cereal mixed in. The cereal gives me a good chunk of my daily fiber, the yogurt gives me dairy (although I’m using fat free), and the strawberries give me flavor.
  • misterhub
    misterhub Posts: 6,768 Member
    edited August 2024
    I don't have an answer for this. I am pretty much using the same approach I've been using, and it has been working for me. Of course, that might change later today, tomorrow, never.

    I take it back. I recently decided to prioritize movement - setting a goal of 7,000 steps daily - which I've been able to accomplish most weekdays. I don't count weekends, usually; although, that may change.

    My job is sedentary, and it was hurting me. I could feel it. So, I committed to moving. If I get 7,000 steps, that's a great day. Everything beyond that is gravy. Last week, I averaged over 8,000 steps per day. So, I've had a lot of gravy.

    My next goal is to return to my yoga practice. I am way too stiff.
  • Al_Howard
    Al_Howard Posts: 9,014 Member
    Ugh! Starting Friday "Low Residue Diet"! Monday and Tuesday clear liquids, NO solid food.
    Tuesday night, the dreaded toilet seating. Wednesday, the "big breakfast" AFTER I get outta Dodge!
    Yup! the Colonoscopy and Endoscopy. Probably my last round, ;)
  • crewahl
    crewahl Posts: 4,744 Member
    Al_Howard wrote: »
    Yup! the Colonoscopy and Endoscopy. Probably my last round, ;)

    I refer to it as renewing my warranty.
  • 88olds
    88olds Posts: 4,545 Member
    @Al_Howard good luck Al. When I came to after the last one about 6 months ago the Doc said- Congratulations. You’ve graduated.
  • Al_Howard
    Al_Howard Posts: 9,014 Member
    88olds wrote: »
    @Al_Howard good luck Al. When I came to after the last one about 6 months ago the Doc said- Congratulations. You’ve graduated.

    I've recently heard that if you were a smoker, and quit 30-40 years ago, you can still develop colon cancer in your 70's, 80's, and 90's. So, keep on having a scope.
  • Flintwinch
    Flintwinch Posts: 1,259 Member
    Hope all went well, Al. I have a colonoscopy coming up in October. I'm on the 5-year plan because of pre-cancerous polyps.
  • Al_Howard
    Al_Howard Posts: 9,014 Member
    Actually, it's NEXT Wednesday, but thanks for the support.
  • imastar2
    imastar2 Posts: 6,368 Member
    My most recent intentional change was to just eat as moderately as possible. A balanced breakfast that can be varied a couple of times a week. Lunch and Dinner same way.

    Due to life happening(s) its not working out so well. Why? life is happening mostly combined with work combined with corolating Dr's appointments. Mostly mentally spent with some of life's worst family situations. I'll let your imagination take it from there.

    So eating on the run, grabbing something that quick and easy to prepare and the list goes on. Things one day will hopefully change but for now it very difficult to concentrate on my plan. I do mentally try to count calories but at the moment that's even difficult even with apps and other tools.
  • imastar2
    imastar2 Posts: 6,368 Member
    edited August 2024
    @Al_Howard Prayers for a clear test.
    I had my last Colonoscopy done in March after 3 years. I have a Family history of colon cancer. Everything came out OK. No pun intended. I'm set up for the next one in 3 years again. God willing I'll be nearly 80 at that time.
  • Flintwinch
    Flintwinch Posts: 1,259 Member
    imastar2 wrote: »
    My most recent intentional change was to just eat as moderately as possible. A balanced breakfast that can be varied a couple of times a week. Lunch and Dinner same way.

    Due to life happening(s) its not working out so well. Why? life is happening mostly combined with work combined with corolating Dr's appointments. Mostly mentally spent with some of life's worst family situations. I'll let your imagination take it from there.

    So eating on the run, grabbing something that quick and easy to prepare and the list goes on. Things one day will hopefully change but for now it very difficult to concentrate on my plan. I do mentally try to count calories but at the moment that's even difficult even with apps and other tools.

    Difficult family situations can upend the best of diets. Take care and hang in there!