Bands/cords vs weights

jemethyst Posts: 107 Member
I'm wanting to start adding upper body strength workouts to my week, can't afford to go to the gym or buy anything expensive since I don't work right now. (Full time student, and adding part time work in a few months). I really want to start working on my arms to help tone the flab and help prevent excess flap once the weight is gone, but I know I can't handle too many push ups or sit ups at this point in my journey. Any recommendations? I've though about buying either the tension type bands/cords or small weights, but since I've never really bothers with those before I don't know which would be best. Also, thinking about getting one of those big balls to sit they really help with toning the core or is it just a selling gimmick? Oh and lastly, any suggestions on upper thigh strength training?


  • TheRainIsGone
    Wow, I want to help you but it's been so long since I was able to exercise, you might have better luck asking in a forum of gym rats.

    I did buy a plastic bar with bands attached years ago and liked it, it could even be used sitting down.
    I can't remember the brand name now, but there's a similar one on the big auction site called 'cando unweighted exercise bar,' you roll it up for more resistance.
    On the cheap you can use canned goods as weights, and the stairs for thigh strengthening.

    I'm actually avoiding building muscle right now, I think being large we naturally have more muscle in order to carry around the weight, and gaining muscle will mean gaining pounds (muscle weighs more than fat). Anyway I've always had huge muscular legs, even when I was closer to normal weight, it's my build.

    When I'm better able, I want to do urban/soul line dancing to tone up and get cardio. I love to watch it and have given it a go but I'm not there yet. There are many videos on youtube, if you're interested in checking it out.
  • jemethyst
    jemethyst Posts: 107 Member
    I mainly want to do strength exercise for toning and light muscle gain. I did find a single 3lb dumbbell around the house from when mom was using it, and there is a 10 lb one upstairs that my son used to use. I had forgotten about it until I was on the treadmill today and happened to see it. For now Im going to work with those.
  • SucculentGoddess
    SucculentGoddess Posts: 42 Member
    I started MFP after getting really sick with Legionella
    and last week went to the Physiotherapist in regard to my lungs
    She also gave me some great easy excercises to assist with my toning and strengthening many using high tensile bands

    I would recommend google-ing resistance band excercises
    At 390lbI am just doing some of those that were for seniors
    I thought I would start in the safe zone
  • jemethyst
    jemethyst Posts: 107 Member

    I would recommend google-ing resistance band excercises
    At 390lbI am just doing some of those that were for seniors
    I thought I would start in the safe zone

    Thanks! Sometimes I feel like I "should" be doing more but find it hard at this weight, it's refreshing to hear someone say they are modifying or changing something to fit their current weight. I want to tone up while loosing, but I don't want to kill myself doing it either, lol! (Which also applies to the cardio)