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  • Learningmoments
    Learningmoments Posts: 844 Member
    Welcome to UAC @erockville77 @kbarrett0731 @leyjennifer04 @mcgm139 @dawnprete @sarahfit40
    @MartinSeville @JessicaBensonmfp @chaniyahlolo @lospang1442 @1rnprn We are glad you are here.

    Welcome back UAC members. I am DJ. This is a fabulous group. This year I have had a lot of stress. Back in the summer, I thought I should drop UAC because I did not have much energy to focus on myself. After a month, I realized the conversations we have here is amazing! So even if you are struggling, come in and absorb the energy and wisdom. @takinitalloff says that if you aren't a winner or a champion, you are a learner. Keep coming back. This check-in is self-care for your soul. Thank you everyone for all the openers we enjoy together.
  • StayFITTer
    StayFITTer Posts: 850 Member
    Welcome all new members!

    @erockville77 @kbarrett0731 @leyjennifer04 @mcgm139 @dawnprete @sarahfit40 @MartinSeville @JessicaBensonmfp @chaniyahlolo @lospang1442 @1rnprn

    I’m Bridget. A seasoned UACer but been away for a bit. I’m in the States and live Michigan. Married mom of two school-aged boys.

    Doing a 30 day Declutter challenge on Stridekick. I have a few spots left —3 months left in the year!
  • jamcnewman
    jamcnewman Posts: 4,373 Member
    Welcome @PaisleyFlower @HealthyLivingPath @travlnwoman1 @aalley5 @sarahfit40 and thanks for introducing yourselves! You’ve made a great choice in joining this supportive community.

    Goodness, where did that summer go?!? I am Julie and live on the prairies in Canada. I am loving my recently fully retired life with our two pups and my husband of 36 years. October is going to be one of the busiest months of our lives. Our daughter is getting married on October 12 in the city where she and her fiancé live, 2.5 hours drive north. We have many family coming in from the maritimes and Newfoundland for the days prior and following and are hosting many events. Then I’ll fly to Halifax Nova Scotia with my sister to do the final (and massive 🫣) clear out of my Mum’s house. The movers who will pack and load the trucks going east and west are booked so we’ve got our work plan ready!

    The last two months have been completely taken with the first big clear out of mum’s house, and getting her personally moved out here and into a beautiful suite in an assisted living seniors residence (she is turning 81 at the end of October). Booking and taking her to all the neglected medical appointments and personal care to help her live her best life has been my full time job since August second. Her suite is temporarily furnished so making it as cozy and comfortable as possible has been top priority. The wedding final planning, hosting and attending showers, dinners, events, etc … and our genius decision to adopt an adorable big mischievous puppy in May 🥹 🐩 have all contributed to a whirlwind couple of months. Thank goodness I am retired!

    My goal was to maintain my weight throughout this past summer and busy fall, and that was such a good decision. In actual fact, I have lost about 9 pounds since June. My focus for October is to be accountable for every day and report in as an act of #selfcare. 💛

    Wishing everyone a wonderful month ahead!
  • takinitalloff
    takinitalloff Posts: 2,680 Member
    vtoria3 wrote: »
    @takinitalloff ... congratulations on your weight loss to date! I am inspired by your success with tracking even at the low points and posting no matter what. While I am optimistic for my October, my history speaks for itself in that I give up when I fail, instead of just getting back on track and finding my way again. I need to press the re-start button immediately instead of waiting for a new month. Hope your recovery from your recent operation goes well and without event!
    @vtoria3 Thank you! So far, so good for my recovery :)

    What do you say you make some new history this month? Just because you gave up in the past, doesn't mean you have to do so again in the future! I think if you make a commitment to report the bad and the ugly along with the good, you will gain some really interesting insights -- and those can lead to powerful breakthroughs. When I stopped thinking about stumbling stones as failures and permanent barriers, and started seeing them as obstacles to clear out instead, that's when the permanent change started to happen for me <3
  • takinitalloff
    takinitalloff Posts: 2,680 Member
    edited October 2
    sarahfit40 wrote: »
    I just turned 40 in January of 2024, I can't seem to get my energy levels back, always sore and I have gained 20-30lbs from my average body weight of my 20/30's that I can't seem to loose.

    I started tracking last week, a set calorie goal of a little over 1400cal/day. My workout goal is 3x per week strength and pilates 2x per week and 10k steps a day. Hopefully eventually I will feel good enough for my long distance runs but right now it's just not there.

    Weekends are my hardest days I tend to binge on these days, but I will post in here truthfully :smile: and I hope it will help me stop those days.
    @sarahfit40 Nice to meet you Sarah :) I'm curious how you arrived at your goal of 1400 cal/day? When I started I had no idea how many calories I should be consuming, and over time I have found the Body Weight Planner helpful. I obviously don't know your height and weight, but I think that a lot of people actually set their calorie limit too low, especially with a fairly active lifestyle such as yours. Underfeeding yourself will lead to low energy, inability to recover from workouts (like constant soreness), depression, and bingeing. That's literally your body saying "HELP, I'm not getting enough energy to sustain this level of activity." (A lesson I had to learn the hard way... once I started feeding myself better, the soreness, binging, and other symptoms all went away.) I recommend you run your numbers through the calculator and see if you wouldn't do better on a higher calorie budget.
  • takinitalloff
    takinitalloff Posts: 2,680 Member
    edited October 2
    This is a fabulous group. This year I have had a lot of stress. Back in the summer, I thought I should drop UAC because I did not have much energy to focus on myself. After a month, I realized the conversations we have here is amazing! So even if you are struggling, come in and absorb the energy and wisdom.
    I love this so much @Learningmoments <3 Somewhere along the way I have also thought hard about "taking a break," but what kept me going was the realization that I have yet to see someone come back from a break to say that they are glad they took some time away. Seems to me that everyone who has taken some time off (whether from the UAC or any other thread/group I've been in) comes back with weight re-gained, and hard-won good habits crumbling.

    As @SummerSkier likes to say, it's easier to keep a house clean, than to clean it all over again after giving up on it! So, here I am, stubbornly refusing to go anywhere haha

    This thing works because we are doing it... or as @Wiseinwellness put it:
    You will find you get out of this forum exactly what you put into it.
  • Ange1icious
    Ange1icious Posts: 207 Member
    edited October 3
    Hi to all new and returning members.

    Im Debbie and I live in Barnsley, UK. I have been with UAC for 3 months and have had some great progress due to accountability and the support and motivation of other members of the group.

    This month I will be aiming for at least maintenance for the first couple of weeks of the month as I am getting married on the 8th and it will be a week of celebrations to follow. Hopefully I can get back on track for the final 2 weeks of the month :)

    PS.. wishing you a speedy recovery @takinitalloff you are truly inspiring :)
  • lesdarts180
    lesdarts180 Posts: 2,982 Member
    Welcome to all new and returning members!
    It's autumn here in the northern hemisphere - damp and chilly here in the UK.

    I'm Lesley, living in Somerset, SW England. I'm 74, retired, live alone. My daughter lives about 90 minutes drive away with 2 children and my DIL lives in the USA with two more grandchildren.

    My mum, 95 years old, lives in the same town as me but is luckily still pretty independent.

    I have a "boyfriend" (75) who lives in the nearby town, we go away on holidays a lot, and days out - theatre trips etc. - which can be a challenge to my weight control, but is how retirement is supposed to be!

    I lost 22.5 kg back in 2018/19 and have been maintaining at a sensible weight and fitness level since then.
    That's enough about me for now, here's to a great October!