Success Stories



  • Howbouto
    Howbouto Posts: 2,121 Member
    Bump. I'm reading your stories for inspiration this morning.
  • MzCat
    MzCat Posts: 5 Member
    I love Paleo/Primal/Real Food and am glad to be here, reading your successes! It has SAVED MY LIFE, and I will write my success soon.

  • korydc
    korydc Posts: 1 Member
    Freakin' Awesome! That's the only way I can express it! I'm a male, 5'-11" and 2 years ago was 356lbs.. I got down to 300-301, never breached the 300. So about a month ago, I started using my FitBit tracking device and then started using MyFitnessPal to log my calories. I've added friends and I think just shooting for seeing how man consecutive days I can log-iin, and then encourage others, and be accountable to others, I'm now just under 300 and my official weigh in will be Sunday, but I'll be under 300.

    Your story is very inspiring, and I've just started looking and learning about Paleo, so will be working that direction.

    Great story, and thanks for the inspiration.
  • sunnycrisv
    sunnycrisv Posts: 19 Member
    So many great stories! I'm so thankful to have found this group and the paleo/primal lifetyle.

    My story's one just in the beginning stages, but I'm thrilled with it so far. I started my primal journey on April 14, just 3 weeks ago, and I'm never going back to the old ways. My life story with weight loss is much like many of your's. I didn't have the obvious medical conditions to tell me to change but I did have the small, annoying issues - contant hunger, achy joints, fatigue, insomnia then an inability to get up on time, bloating and digestive issues, depression, and crazy mood swings.

    In these 3 short weeks, I've lost 12 pounds, lost the depression, lost the mood swings, lost the constant cravings and feelings of hunger, and I've converted my brother to the lifestyle. Still working on my 10 year old though he's pretty primal except for hi daily PB&J and an occasional bag of chips. The benefits to him so far - his skin cleared up (yes, he was getting pimples at 10!), his attitude has improved (hallelua!), and he sleeps better.

    Yesterday I started an at-home beginner Crossfit routine and though my muscles are sore (yay!), my knees don't hurt. I can't wait to see where I am in a month, 6 months, a year!

    I couldn't ask for anything more! Life is awesome!
  • hnadon
    hnadon Posts: 1
    All of these stories are so inspiring! I have been attempting the paleo lifestyle since the beginning of this year. I have crohn's disease and the disease has been causing so many issues lately- not to mention really expensive medications and soon, perhaps even surgery. I decided to try Paleo because hey, if I can avoid crazy medications and constant pain with only my diet? Why not! I haven't had an issue with my crohn's for months now- a win for me.

    My main question to everyone is.... how do you stick with it? How strict are you? I find I cannot stick to it 100% and I continuously fall off the wagon. Therefore, I haven't had much success with the weight loss aspect. How do you deal with cravings? How do you resist cheese?! What do you do when you have to eat out or there's no time? HELP PLEASE!
  • soozey1
    soozey1 Posts: 102 Member
    Hi there,
    The main thing to do is pre-prepare have snacks lunches and a plan on what you would like to eat.
    I have an auto immune diseases aswell, so no sugar for me too, but if you can there is a lot of paleo muffins and protein bars.
    A typical day for me
    Frittata with spinach, eggs, veges, sweet potato
    Morning tea . Nuts, seeds, cacao nibs, little later some home made soup.
    Lunch. Chicken schnitzel done with coconut flour and cooked in ghee with steamed veges.
    Afternoon snack green smoothie, almond milk, kale, banana, linseed meal, cacao.
    Dinner. Prawn and coconut curry with cauliflower rice
    Dessert. Chia seed pudding with coconut cream.

    I usually walk in the morning for 1/2 hour and read. , night I do strength training at gym pump classes or cardio.
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    All of these stories are so inspiring! I have been attempting the paleo lifestyle since the beginning of this year. I have crohn's disease and the disease has been causing so many issues lately- not to mention really expensive medications and soon, perhaps even surgery. I decided to try Paleo because hey, if I can avoid crazy medications and constant pain with only my diet? Why not! I haven't had an issue with my crohn's for months now- a win for me.

    My main question to everyone is.... how do you stick with it? How strict are you? I find I cannot stick to it 100% and I continuously fall off the wagon. Therefore, I haven't had much success with the weight loss aspect. How do you deal with cravings? How do you resist cheese?! What do you do when you have to eat out or there's no time? HELP PLEASE!

    Start a new thread and ask your question again. Feel free to look at my diary. I don't always resist cheese, but I should (i don't have access to raw, local dairy). I don't eat out except on holidays only a few times. Preparing a healthy meal does not take any more time than making a meal of junk. Commit and DO, no excuses. No one is 100% all the time. I have one hard rule "never eat wheat". Never. If you have a struggle with cravings you are likely consuming too much sugar/starch. Even when they are "natural" sometimes they need to be limited- you'll notice I have a ketogenic lifestyle which addresses many health issues.
  • ladyofbugglake
    ladyofbugglake Posts: 37 Member
    I have a tiny success story (but HUGE to me) after just a few days of doing Primal:

    Normally, after I eat on a SAD meal, my heart skips beats, races, and I get palpitations that take my breath away. It is particularly bad after a highly processed meal. Even though I'm used to it, it is still kind of scary.

    I just started eating Primal and NOT ONE TIME did this happen when I ate Primal last week. My heart beat didn't speed up or change or anything. Like right now: I just got done eating lunch about 15 minutes ago and my heart is pumping slow and steady. So wonderful!

    Over the weekend, however, I ate a cheeseburger and soda. Within minutes, my heart went crazy and my face became bright red like I had a burn. My body threw a major temper tantrum, like it was so mad I subjected it to that junk again. I didn't realize just how much my body hates SAD food.
  • willnorton
    willnorton Posts: 995 Member
    HERE is my amazing MIRACLE.... I started on June 2nd of this year on a PRIMAL/PALEO eating plan...I dont use the word "DIET"

    I have in a little over 3 months lost 65 pounds, I have stopped completely Lisinopril (blood pressure med)..... and the biggest thing of alll....

    I DONT TAKE LANTUS INSULIN AT ALL ANYMORE.... I went to my doctor (Sept 17) and he took me completely off insulin...3 months ago I was taking 49 units a night of insulin.... over that 3 months, I would step down my insulin on a regular basis....

    so when i went to the doctor wednesday, he said I was no longer DIABETIC... ( I will always be diabetic but now i controll my diabetes with diet and exercise)

    NO MORE INSULIN.... since July of 2008 I have been taking insulin shots.... no more now.... love it...

    the 65 pounds loss is also amazing... i wear smaller clothes now and have so much energy... I sleep so much better now..I used to get up every 2 hours to go to the bathroom, not sure if it was all the weight or the diabetes or a combination of both.....NOW I sleep at least 5 to 6 hours and then get up to pee and then sleep till I get up in teh morning.....i love sleeping now....

    I am eating lots of lean meats, lots of lower carb veggies...Kerry Gold grass fed butter, coconut oil...olive oil...i will soon start adding in some low carb fruits...

    my doctor was doing flips, he was more excited than i was..... i have not done good at all for the past 10 years..

    i was originally diagnosed in Jan of 2005...did the pills till 2008 then went on teh shots....

    PRIMAL/PALEO has saved my life...I love it.....
  • 4bigeasy
    4bigeasy Posts: 51 Member
    how wonderful! congratulations.
  • welderftw
    These are so encouraging and inspirational stories. I would like to congratulate everybody in this thread for their success. I am a newbie to the diet and have my share of successes and setbacks with other diets such as WW. I am glad to see that many of the posters were able to get the weight off and keep it off for years, which is the key. Thanks so much for the inspiration and look forward to sharing my success story soon :)
  • angelnorgaard
    angelnorgaard Posts: 25 Member

    I just stared paleo on Oct 29 or 30th I didn't write it down, just kinda jumped into it after reading up on it for months.

    Im not a big person (5'2", Weigh in on Oct 29: 154.9) This AM I weighed in at 149.7 so I am down about 5 lbs :wink:

    I am looking to lose about 30lbs total and am loving paleo, its not like any other diet I have tried.

    Currently I am just focusing on what I put in my mouth, once I plateau I'll integrate weight training in to my daily activity.
  • havingfunnow
    havingfunnow Posts: 18 Member
    edited December 2014
  • havingfunnow
    havingfunnow Posts: 18 Member
    What an awesome success story, willnorton! Congratulations!
  • samharmony
    samharmony Posts: 15 Member
    These success stories are great!!

    Mine isn't done you but this is my success beginnings, I started Paleo for Lent this year. I really thought it would be a struggle and by day 41 I would be binging. What I found is I feel great, I'm on day 42 and have decided to stick with in. Since January I've lost 17 lbs, but 11 of those lbs have been from the 40 day Paleo challenge. For the most part during those 40 days I minimally worked out if at all, so this week I've started adding in the working out part of paleo and am hoping to see continued success. :smile:
  • jrosto
    jrosto Posts: 95 Member
    Hello, my name is John and I have been eating Primally since May 5th, 2014. When I started I weighed 251 lbs with a BMI of 33.2. I was officially obese.

    I also had a disease called Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF). Basically my lungs were reacting to some past damage and had gone into overdrive creating scar tissue. My lungs were turning into raisins. Outside of a lung transplant, there is no real treatment for this disease. There have been a couple drugs approved that do help some people slow the disease and there are more in the clinical trial pipeline that look promising.

    I started with the MDA 21 Day Plan, and due to the IPF, I had to make some modifications to the exercise portion of the plan. I was on supplemental oxygen for any exertion at all. I used up to 8 lpm continuous flow for moderate exercise. Exercise exertion was limited by my blood oxygen saturation. It really is best to keep it above 90%.

    I needed to lose weight. I needed to lose weight so my body didn't waste oxygen feeding fat. I also needed to lose weight so I could be considered for a lung transplant. My lung capacity was less than 50% of normal. My lungs ability to transfer oxygen to my blood was also less than 50% of normal. So basically with each breath I took, I was only getting somewhere around 25% of the oxygen of normal lungs.

    Why did I choose the Primal Lifestyle? A couple of reasons really. I already know that my body does not like sugar. Sugary foods made me cough and short of breath. Carbs have helped make me fat. Makes sense to cut out those two foods.

    Another reason is that I know a man, Bill Vick, who has IPF and ran a 5K in March of 2014. Bill introduced me to the Primal Blueprint via an IPF forum. Bill and I share a doctor and I can verify that his story is real, gave me some hope.

    If you are interested, you can read my [URL=""]21 Day (and beyond) Total Body Transformation journal here.

    By October I had lowered my BMI to 28, the maximum BMI to be considered for a lung transplant at UT Southwestern in Dallas. During the transplant evaluation they found that outside of my lungs, I was very healthy. I passed the evaluation and was placed on the transplant list in November. I continued to lose weight, exercise as I could, and try to keep as healthy as possible.

    On December 31st I was called into the hospital and early January 1st I received a bilateral lung transplant. The procedure went very well and my recovery was amazingly quick. I was released from the hospital after only 9 days. That is exceptionally quick. Most lung transplant stays are at least twice that. I credit following the PB to my quick recovery. My core strength was good for the condition the rest of my body was in. I had worked hard to build a good gut bug colony, and I think they really helped me out there. I had also lost more weight so it was easier for me to get out of bed and do physical therapy quickly.

    I have had some issues. I came home on a feeding tube because of some swallowing issues following the procedure. That was resolved quickly. I also had an acute rejection issue that sent me back to the hospital for a week. I have pretty much recovered from that issue. I am no longer on oxygen and my blood oxygen saturation is normal.

    Prior to the transplant, following the PB really helped reduce the symptoms of the IPF. Cutting out all refined sugars and grains got rid of my IPF cough. The cough can be debilitating for many IPF patients, and mine went away. I also had some skin sores that would not go away until I started following the PB. Within a couple of weeks they were gone. My acne also went away. Add to these successes my weight loss and increased energy levels, it was easy to stay on plan.

    When I started last May I weighed 251 lbs. I wore XXL shirts and size 42 pants. Today I weigh 161 lbs. I wear M/L shirts and very comfortable size 33 pants. I think phase one, weight loss, is completed successfully :)

    Now for phase 2. [/url]
  • snappy36
    snappy36 Posts: 28 Member
    Snappy 36' I'm so happy to finally find you on my MFP. I've been on a modified paleo ,just for me, and has worked miracles for my cravings. I have never been able to have just a taste of anything, and quit eating till it was gone. I can do that now with ease, this plan is a miracle to me.
  • Juniper3411
    Juniper3411 Posts: 167 Member
    These are all so great!

    I originally found out about Paleo/Primal through a neighbor of mine who has RA and a bunch of other health issues. When I was having problems with chronic low grade fever, fatigue and headaches the doc suspected that I might have an autoimmune disease. Nothing has been concluded yet, however I do have IBS, diagnosed when i was 18.

    I started Monday September 14th of this year and already the bloat is completely gone and the fever and fatigue have already been drastically reduced. Also have lost 11 pounds already :) So yeah, real small success story since it hasn't even been a month yet, but I do know that cutting out a lot of these food groups make my body feel so much better!
  • kmanrique321
    kmanrique321 Posts: 271 Member
    I started Paleo on May 12, 2015. Since then I've lost almost 70 lbs (69.6). It was a huge wrench, since I was completely addicted to refined carbs like bread, pasta, cereal, etc., as well as yogurt & cheese, but the change in my health has been tremendous! I have so much more energy, my clothes fit so much better, & the minor digestion problems I thought were age related have gone away! I admit, I've been slipping a little lately, but when I slip, my gut reminds me it's a bad idea! My arthritis has also shown improvement due to the weight loss & RA friendly diet!
  • HodgeKarla00
    HodgeKarla00 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi I've been doing Modified Paleo for 1 year and have lost 54lbs and 27 inches! I do allow myself to have rice! (I couldn't live without it) but I also do Raw till 4pm most days with a Paleo supper. I'm still loosing weight, not finished my Journey yet. I'd like to lose another 26lbs! My goal is to do this by Christmas 2016. I love this lifestyle, once you have done it for a few months, its easy to follow. :smiley: Wishing everyone success with Paleo! XO