Monthly Post for October 2024

Meghan509 Posts: 2,065 Member
It is officially fall, y'all! :)


  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 2,065 Member
    Happy Tuesday!

    Glad you are feeling better @KateNkognito!

    As soon as I arrived at work this morning I have been going, going, going! Now it is 12:00pm ET and almost time for lunch!

    I will keep this short today. Just wanted to pop in and say hello.

    Hope you have a great day. See you soon. :)
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 2,065 Member
    Happy Wednesday!

    Crazy busy day here! Preparing for a big meeting going on in Salt Lake City, UT for work, end of October. Running around trying to get as much done as possible so it gets done before I head out for vacation! After that, last week of October I have a group of seven people coming here to our offices. The fun never ends!

    Lots of people coming in to interview for the position of the woman who retired. Three candidates in person and two via video and three people meeting each one - means lots and lots of meetings to set up sigh...

    Made a nice pasta fagioli soup last night that I threw ground chicken in to make it more filling and it came out nice!! One of BF's favorites. :)

    Hope you are having a good October so far. See you soon!
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,607 Member
    Holy cow! We are officially in October! I don't know where the time goes!
    I went to the chiropractor yesterday to try out the new wellness room. It is amazing! Light and sound therapy with aromatherapy. I went home and took a nap!
    @Meghan509 I hope it slows down for you!
    Traffic has been suspiciously good this week. Not sure what is going on. 🤨
    Have a great rest of the week!
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,607 Member
    Yesterday I was on fire and today I am just kind of burnt. I guess it all evens out, right? Going to a cross country meet today. It is a really good course and the runners always do well.
    On the weight loss front; I was up a bit at the beginning of the week, but I am back down. I think I got dehydrated and I ate some junk over the weekend. Also was fighting off whatever bug is going around. Much better today!
    @Meghan509 I hope everything is chill at work and traffic was smooth today!
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 2,065 Member
    Good morning!

    I forgot to check in yesterday, sorry about that!

    I weighed in today and am down .2 so between last week and this week it means one pound. Slooooowwww but better than gaining and feeling crappy.

    Hope you had a good cross country meet, @KateNkognito! That chiropractor's office sounds awesome! Wish I had a doctor around here with that. So cool! :)

    Been feeling pretty achy in the knees lately. This has just recently cropped up again. Before the culprit was eating poorly and not exercising. Now I am eating better and exercising and my knees had been feeling better. Not sure why they are being annoying again, but will keep my eye on it. If needed I could pop back in to my rheumatologist and she could prescribe something. In another month she wants me to check the inflammation marker in my blood. I will do that with my new GP when I see him in early November. It was raised when I had blood work in August and she wants to see if it goes down with eating better. Luckily my inflammation was not at my highest level.

    Work has been busy lately. Tuesday and Wednesday were nuts. Thursday was busy but not as crazy. Got a lot of stuff done. Today I am working remotely and getting a few things done.

    One more week of work and we are out of here and off to the Caribbean! Can't wait.

    Hope you have a nice weekend. We are heading to BF's parents house for a visit on Saturday afternoon while his brother and family are in town. Otherwise, low key and packing for our trip. Also need to officially change the closet over from summer to winter.

    See you soon!
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,607 Member
    Started feeling gross this afternoon. Came home, made some broth, and I am about to fall asleep. The last month has been really long. I think my immune system has decided to go on vacation without me.
    @Meghan509 I hope you have a great weekend! Jealous of your upcoming vacation! It sounds lovely.
    Off to sleep and recover.